‘It’s such a fantastic school and my child thrives each and every day.’ 

(parent survey, 2023)


St James’ CE Primary is a happy and healthy place to achieve and believe.

‘Leaders value and believe in each and every member of this community and the nurturing support they provide for individual parents, pupils and staff is transformational.’ (SIAMS inspection, 2022).


Check out our video (on the left) or come and visit us.


We’re a well-loved little school in the heart of Wetherby. Ofsted (2019) judge us to be a good school: ‘The quality of teaching is good across all year groups, including the early years. Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve. Pupils work hard, concentrate well and enjoy learning. There are good relationships between staff and pupils.’


The link between attendance and attainment is clear: just 40% of persistently absent children achieve expected standards in Key Stage 2, compared with 84% of pupils who were regular attenders.

But attendance is important for more than just attainment: regular school attendance can help positive peer relationships and this in turn helps mental health and wellbeing.

It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they’re unwell. Check out NHS guidance: Is my child too ill for school?

If you’d like a paper copy of any information contained on our website, or any information referred to, please ask (there is no charge for this).

Latest News

Posted on 28 June 2024 by Mr Roundtree

Thanks to everyone who came along to our talent show on Tuesday and our Sports Day on Wednesday – we … Continue reading “Our weekly message (Friday 28 June 2024)”

Posted on 21 June 2024 by Mr Roundtree

First off this week… Don’t forget out Sports Day on Wednesday: Nursery and Reception – 9.15am-11.00am Key Stage 1 and … Continue reading “Our weekly message (Friday 21 June 2024)”

Posted on 17 June 2024 by Miss Beatson

We had our annual Summer Fair on Friday and what a great success it was! Thank you to the  PTA … Continue reading “Summer Fair”

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