RE: Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?

Thursday 31 March 2022

We have been learning about Holy Week and the events that led up to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Good Friday.

Why is it called Good Friday when a bad thing happened? James

As much as the focus may be on eating chocolate and enjoying the Bank Holiday, for many, Easter is actually all about remembering the crucifixion of Jesus. The crucifixion of Jesus happened on a Friday and is now commemorated on Good Friday.

But where did the day get its name?

But why is it called ‘good’ when it was the day someone died? Evie

What is the origin of Good Friday?

According to the Bible, on the evening before Good Friday (Maundy Thursday), Jesus told his disciples to expect his death during what’s known as the Last Supper.

Summit cross on mountain at sunset

Christians believe that the day of Christ’s crucifixion was good in its way, because it was the start of his resurrection (which happened on Easter Sunday) and also the day he died for our sins.

Easter is very important in the ‘Big Story’ of the Bible. Jesus showed that he was willing to forgive all people, even for putting him on the cross.
• Christians believe Jesus builds a bridge between God and humans.
• Christians believe Jesus rose from the dead, giving people hope of a new life.

At the beginning of each new RE topic, we always consider a question.

         THE BIG QUESTION Big Question : Alexa Skills

Is forgiveness easy?

It depends on what has happened.

I think we should forgive others.

It isn’t easy because some people do bad things.

I have forgiven a person before and it was easy to do.

Today, we had an Easter themed RE morning. The children enjoyed completing their sewing and making hot cross buns – which smelt delicious!


Hot Cross Buns Recipe & Video - *Video Recipe*





We would like to say a huge Well Done to the children who have worked very hard this term.

Enjoy the Easter break but go easy on the chocolate!  131 Happy Easter Easter Eggs With Smiling Emoji Face Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock