With bright sunny days, what a great week to kick off the Summer term! We hope you all had a lovely break.
Our whole school attendance is at 93.8% – that’s a drop from 04 March when we last reported.
- Reception: 94.0% – that’s a rise since 04 March, so thank you!
- Year 1: 95.2%
- Year 2: 95.6%
- Year 3: 90.4%
- Year 4: 92.6%- that’s also a rise since 04 March, so well done!
- Year 5: 95.2%
- Year 6: 94.7%
It’s really clear from our assessments that children who attend school regularly are the most successful. Please make sure your child is coming to school as much as possible and getting to school on time.
Please remember that we’re not allowed to authorise term-time absence unless it’s in exceptional circumstances, and if you do need to request term-time absence it should be done in advance using a form you can collect at the office.
Updated NHS Covid symptoms lists
The NHS COVID-19 symptoms in adults and symptoms in children have been updated. Are you aware of all 12 possible symptoms?
The official advice is that adults and children who have symptoms of a respiratory infection, including Covid, should follow the UKHSA guidance. Children and young people who are unwell and have a high temperature should stay at home and avoid contact with other people, where they can. They can go back to school, college or childcare and resume normal activities when they no longer have a high temperature, and they are well enough to attend.
Have a happy and healthy weekend.