We really enjoyed being visited by Dave from D-side this week.
He taught us all about the harmful effects smoking and alcohol can have on our bodies.
We learnt about how attitudes have changed towards smoking over the years. The media has moved away from trying to persuade people to buy cigarettes, to now warning them about the dangers of this choice. We found out that smoking damages the lungs and breathing, making it difficult for people to play their favourite sports. We were amazed to find out that 4000 chemicals go into one small cigarette!
We then thought about how alcohol can affect the brain, causing parts of our body to lose their regular function. As messages to the brain become slower, this makes people much more at risk.
The children then thought about what we can do and say in situations where our peers put pressure on us to try substances we know are bad for our bodies. They came up with some fantastic and very sensible suggestions, well done Years 3 and 4!