Living and Learning: I know that rights come with responsibilities.

Wednesday 27 September 2023
Every Monday afternoon, the children have a Living and Learning lesson with Mrs Bald.
What is Living and Learning and why is it important?
Personal, Social, Health and Economic education (PSHE) is a vital part of school life and ultimately our children’s future health and wellbeing. Our Living and Learning provision helps pupils to develop the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes they need to live confident, healthy, independent lives now and in the future.  It is embedded within wider learning we offer to ensure that pupils experience positive relationships with adults and with each other, and that those who are most vulnerable are identified and supported. Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of our school and community.

Our statement this week: I know that rights come with responsibilities.
As a group, the children discussed that alongside every right comes responsibility. At school for example, children have the right to play and relax, and the responsibility to play alongside others safely and respectfully.
Next, as individuals, the class thought about what they have responsibility for in and out of school.
I have a responsibility to ……
pick up litter – Olly/Woody
look after my friends – Poppy/Esme
look after my dog – Athena
look after my dad – Kupa
look after my sister – Daisy
put rubbish in the bin – Alexa
to look after our family – Arthur
to look after animals – Oscar
to walk the dog – Harry/Freddy
help our friends when they fall over – Alfie
to listen – Vincent
Help at home
Discuss the meaning of responsibility.
Ask your child to name five things they are responsible for. They could draw a picture and bring it into school to go on our Living and Learning display.
Here are some examples.
PSHE Responsibilities | Teaching Resources