Thank you all for coming to school in your wonderful World Book Day costumes on Monday. We had a great time exploring different popular stories throughout the week and celebrating the importance and enjoyment of reading.
We were a little surprised by the snow on Wednesday! Foundation love exploring the snow, so we took the opportunity to go outside in small groups to do a bit of mark-making with our bodies and sticks.
When the sun came out in the following days, we saw some fabulous child-led learning, as the children collectively decided to work together to make their own stage using the large construction blocks. There were some amazing performers and performances!
The children have enjoyed their first week observing the chick eggs in the classroom. We’ve had lots of discussion and are working together to take care of them. We gently turn them over each day as we count them and are marking off the days until the very egg-citing hatching!
Foundation have all been working on their special cards for Mothering Sunday. F2 have been writing about why their mummies are so fantastic!
If you were able to attend the assembly, we hope you enjoyed seeing our ‘people who care for us’ artwork and hearing about all the lovely things the children wanted to share with you all.
We wish you a very Happy Mother’s Day.