We used several of the 8 Rs straight away during our Living and Learning session as we both Remembered and Reflected on the discussions we have had about the 8 Rs.
In small groups we took one of the 8 Rs and then recalled the ways in which we use it to help us learn both in and out of school. It was fantastic to hear comments such as:
“I keep on reflecting about the neatness of my handwriting…you don’t just reflect once”. DJ
“I show I’m ready to learn by being an ‘active listener'”. Jessica
People began to challenge the opinions of others in a positive way. Someone made the comment you should ‘put your hand up a lot if you know it’. A classmate responded that even if you’re not sure of the answer take a safe risk and try to answer anyway. What’s the worst that can happen? We get something wrong and learn from the experience!
Can you remember the 8 Rs? Talk about them frequently at home and challenge yourself to remember all 8.