You made it to the end of the week- well done.
Yesterday, I enjoyed doing some science outside with George and Harry in the sun. We tested hand wash, shampoo and washing up liquid to see which one made the tallest ‘bubble tower’! They decided washing up liquid was the most effective.

Answers to yesterday’s maths.
Y5 answers
Y6 answers
Today’s learning……….
Maths: fractions
Can you found examples of ‘real-life’ fractions in your home? Here are some ideas to help you. Take some pictures and email any you find.
Y5 maths
Y6 maths
Writing: a challenge from Mr Roundtree……..
Mr Roundtree needs your help. He’s been writing lots of website news articles recently, but has started to suffer writers’ block – that the name for when authors run out of ideas.
The articles are for parents and carers to read, and they offer top tips and other guidance to support parents and carers with their child’s home learning. Your task is write an article on his behalf – are you up for this writing challenge?
Please email me your writing and we can publish some of the articles on our school website.
I had lots of fun doing a science experiment this week, so I thought I’d give you an idea for one. I’ve also been listening to a lot of music to make me feel happy, so I thought a science experiment that involves making music could be fun!
Which glass will make the highest tone and the lowest tone? Why does this happen? Can you play any well-known tunes?
Please send me some pictures of you doing your experiment and making music.