Rainbow science, Matisse and Christmas
This week, we’ve had lots of fun being scientists. In Literacy, we read Potion Commotion by Peter Bently. After reading the story, we had a go at making a rainbow with Skittles. First, the children helped by placing the Skittles in a circle on the white plate. Before pouring the warm water onto the plate, we talked about making predictions and what that word means.
“I think it will make a rainbow.”
“I think the Skittles will turn white.”
“I think the water will turn purple.”
When the water was poured, the children observed carefully what was happening.
“Wow! It’s a rainbow.”
“The Skittles are turning white.”
“They are disappearing.”
After the experiment, the children wrote a sentence about what they saw.
On Tuesday, we had a go at another rainbow experiment. This time, we used felt tips, a piece of kitchen roll, and some water. We made predictions and then observed to see if we were right.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…
Who says it’s too early to put up the Christmas tree?
Writing Christmas wish lists.
Getting the home corner ready for Christmas.
Making cvc words using phoneme baubles.
Wrapping presents in Santa’s workshop.
The children have made their calendars. We used Matisse’s cut-outs as inspirations for our calendars. They will be bringing them home at the end of this half-term. Click here to see a sneak peek.
In maths, we finished learning all about the number 5. The children are fantastic at recalling number bonds to 5.
Making 5 using the balance scales.
The children put the Numicon pieces 5 in one side and had to work out which pieces could go in the other side to make it balance.
Using Christmas hats to help us with part-whole models.
How many children are wearing a hat?
How many children are not wearing a hat?
Drawing pictures that represent 5 inside a handprint.
Subitising arrangments of dots up to 5 and matching them with the correct numeral.
Using beanbags to help us with part-whole models.
- Next week, your child will start bringing home a library book. The children will choose a new book every week during library time. Please make sure this book is returned every Thursday.
- Due to us starting to use our new phonics scheme, we will be collecting all reading books on 13 December. The children will take home a library book to enjoy over the Christmas holidays.
Home-Link Challenge
Finally, thanks to all the parents that have brought in a star costume for the Christmas production. We look forward to posting the performance for you to enjoy watching at home with your child.
Have a lovely weekend!
This week’s bible story
Keep Going! Nehemiah 1: 1-7
Perseverance means keeping on trying and not giving up even when it is difficult.
If you’ve got some blocks, have a go at building a tower of twelve blocks. Was it easy? Now blindfold yourself and try again. Was it easier to do it when you were blindfolded or did it take more perseverance? Although the game was only a bit of fun, in life, it can sometimes be hard to keep going when things seem difficult or we feel discouraged. Our story today comes from the Old Testament part of the Bible. The Jewish people had not been listening to God, and they had been living in exile, away from their own homes. As the story starts, this situation is about to change. Read it carefully and see if you can work out why the people needed to have lots of perseverance and what helped them to keep going.
– In the story, what three things needed rebuilding?
– What kind of things discouraged the people from getting the building work done?
– What helped them to keep going?
None of us have to rebuild the walls around our towns and cities this week, but there might be some things that we are finding difficult or occasions when we feel like we want to give up.
Have a moment of silence as we think about the things that we are finding difficult or that we are worried about.
Dear God,
Thank you that you always listen when we pray to you.
Thank you that you are always there.
Please help us to keep going when we find things hard.
Please help us to encourage others.
Nursery rhyme week
This week, we celebrated Nursery Rhyme Week. In Literacy, we read Each Peach, Pear Plum by Allan Ahlberg and Janet Ahlberg. When reading the story, we played ‘I Spy’. The children were encouraged to describe where the characters are using prepositional language, for example, Cinderella is hiding behind the cupboard.
After reading the book, they had to find a nursery rhyme character hiding in the classroom. The children had a go at writing the character’s name or a sentence describing where the character is hiding.
Of course, the chilli challenges were all linked to nursery rhymes…
Building a wall for Humpty Dumpty.
Playing ‘Busy Bus’ with our friends in the maths area.
Baking a cake as fast as we can in the playdough area.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once we caught a fish alive!
Helping Old Mcdonald on his farm.
The children noticed the dolls were sick, sick, sick. So, they phoned for the doctor to come quick, quick, quick!
Drawing part-whole models using 5 Little Speckled Frogs.
How many frogs are sat on the logs?
How many are swimming in the pond?
– Please return your child’s sound book on Monday 22 November.
– Christmas production clothing needs to be in school by Friday 26 November. Please make sure it’s in a labelled carrier bag.
Home-Link Challenge
Fun, fun, fun!
The Reception and Nursery children have had a fantastic day celebrating Nursery Rhyme Week and Children in Need.
This week, I got the pleasure of teaching PE, and what a fabulous lesson we had. The children were so excited when they saw the big apparatus!
Before the lesson started, we had a discussion about keeping safe when on the apparatus. The children had to remember 3 key safety tips:
- When landing, always bend your knees.
- Do not climb past the blue bibs.
- Only jump-off where there’s a mat.
To finish the lesson and to help us with our upper body strength, we had some fun swinging on the ropes.
We like to move and groove!
Reception love to dance! They always ask, “Can we do the Superheroes and Monster Moves videos?”
Check out our amazing dance moves!
Monster Moves
Superheroes Unite
You could click on the links and join in the fun at home.
Odd Socks Day!
Today, we kicked off Anti-Bullying week by coming to school wearing odd socks. This morning, we had a long discussion about bullying and what is it.
I asked the children, “What is Bullying?”
We had some fantastic answers…
“When you hurt someone.”
“When you are unkind.”
“When you hit or kick someone.”
We then talked about kindness and what that is.
Many children said…
“Being helpful.”
“Sharing your toys.”
“Letting friends join in.”
For the rest of the week, we’ll be reflecting on how we can be kind and helpful to our friends.
Friday reading
The year 5 and 6 children came to read with the Reception children last Friday afternoon. It was a huge success and all the children were really engaged and listening to their year 5 or 6 reading partner. It was lovely to see some of the Reception children showing off their reading skills!
This week’s bible story
Persevering in life: Hebrews 12:1-2
Click the link and read the story all about Patrician St John.
Think about what you want to do this year, what you want to achieve. I’m not talking about impossible things, but maybe learning a new skill, or doing better at something, reaching the next level. What if it isn’t so easy, what if it doesn’t seem to be working out straight away – will you give up? Are you willing to fail before you succeed? If you believe in God, what difference will that make?
Just a moment of silence while we think about these things.
Bible Bits:
Listen to what the Bible says about persevering:
“Be determined and confident! Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
“Let us run with determination the race that lies before us. Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus….He did not give up…” (Hebrews 12:1-2)
Thank you, Father, that you have given me the ability to succeed, not in everything, but in many things. Help me to play my part by working hard and not giving up. And thank you that you will give me extra help if I ask for it and trust in you. May what I learn not just help me but others too.
Remembrance, Chilli Challenges and more
This week, the Chilli Challenges have been a big hit! Many children had a go at some of the challenges and many completed all of the challenges – a big well done to those children!
Here are some of the Chilli Challenges in action:
Using our cutting skills to make a paper plate Poppy.
Making the correct amount of playdough poppies. We enjoyed subitising and talking about how we arranged the poppies onto the playdough mats.
“Two poppies here and one over here… three poppies altogether”
“Four poppies and one more equals five poppies.”
“A group of two and another group of two… four poppies.”
“One and another one makes two.”
Using cubes and rulers to measure our feet. They particularly enjoyed comparing the size of each other’s feet.
Using a drawing app on the iPad to draw pictures of the poppies growing in Flanders Fields.
We’re almost at the end of phase 2. Next week, the children will be taught the final 3 phonemes: l, ll, and ss. This week, we’ve noticed lots of children using their phonics skills when doing independent learning activities.
Using our segmenting skills when writing a sentence about Remembrance Day.
Using our blending skills to read captions.
Reading cvc words on a word hunt.
On Wednesday, Mrs Palmer taught four animal gymnastic positions: cat, seal, frog, and butterfly. To end the lesson, the children moved across the mats like animals. Mrs Palmer told me about how fabulous they were at stretching their arms and pointing their toes.
- Please return your child’s yellow sound book on Monday 22 November so we can stick in the phase 3 sounds.
- It’s Anti-Bullying week next week. To kick off the week, we are taking part in Odd Socks Day. Children can come to school on Monday wearing odd socks!
- It’s also Nursery Rhyme week. All week we’ll be learning about different nursery rhymes. To finish the week, we ask children to come to school dressed as their favorite nursery rhyme character. (This is also a non-uniform day for Children in Need – they’ve clashed!)
- Please make sure your child’s Christmas production clothes are in a named carrier bag.
Home-Link Challenge
Thank you to all the parents that came to the Reception drop-in session. It was lovely to see lots of proud children sharing their amazing learning with you.