07 May 2020: F2 Home Learning
Use the videos to practise saying the sounds.
Words to Read:
Words to Write:
1. pure
2. cure
3. sure (Remember this one is tricky! It sounds like ‘shure’- be careful!
4. manure
Did you remember the trigraph ‘ure’?
Phonics Activity: Read the sentence.
Story of the week: What the ladybird heard by Julia Donaldson
Design a wanted poster for the baddies – Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh.
Here’s a template – Wanted Poster
Focus number 15!
1. Numbers are all around us. How many different places can you see the number 15 around your home?
Draw some things that have a number 15 on them.
2. Tell an adult in your home 5 things you know about the number 15.
For example, I know that 15 is one ten and five ones or 3 lots of 5 equals 15.
3. Practise writing the number 15.
4. Find 15 things in your house. Count them carefully to check you have 14.
Maths lesson at home: Week 3- 15
Good Morning!
There are a few extra resources to go along with today’s video:
- Numberblocks 15 video. Please watch the video whenever you like, either before or after the lesson video and ask the questions from the lesson slide.
2. Warm up sheet If you have access to a printer, it may be easier to print today’s one more / one less activity to complete. You can find the twinkl sheet by clicking the link below. Otherwise, pausing the video and writing out each of the numbers will work just fine too.
3. ‘Layering’ numicon We have been talking about ‘layering numicon’ as one method of working out the parts of the whole number. If you have microsoft office / powerpoint, you could use this powerpoint slide to drag the pieces and layer them over today’s focus number / number-shape.
click here to download the slide
Finally…. please click here to watch today’s maths lesson video.
What’s growing?
Mr Atkins has been very busy planting some vegetables in our school allotment. Can you guess what he has planted?
There are peas, carrots, radishes, lettuces, beetroot, spring onions and potatoes! Thank you Mr Atkins for watering them and keeping them going until we are all back at school.
06 May 2020: F2 Home Learning
Play Flashcards on Teach Monster
Parents: Click the link for Teach Monster > Click ‘Launch the Digital Flashcards > Press Play > Press each of the circle to select all phase 2 and 3 sounds> Press arrow down to select more sounds > Click the tick
Words to read:
Parents: you could write them in your child’s home learning book if your child cannot read them on your device.
Words to write:
Parents: Read the words aloud.
1. hair
2. fair
3. pair
4. chair
Did you remember the trigraph ‘air’?
Phonics Activity: Write the sentence.
Parents: Read the sentence aloud.
She has fair hair.
Top Tip!
Before your child puts pen to paper encourage your child to say the sentence and count the words in the sentence – this is a good chance to talk about where the finger spaces would go. Once they have done this, they are ready to write! Encourage your child to then check their writing.
Can you extend the sentence?
E.g. She has fair hair and brown eyes.
Parents: How did your child find the writing activity?
Remember, it is okay for things to be spelt phonetically. It is important your child grows into an independent learner. Encouraging your child to write the words as they sound rather than always spelling correctly we encourage the children to use their own skills – rather than copy from an adult.
Story of the week: What the ladybird heard by Julia Donaldson
1. Listen to the story again. Have some fun making the animal noises.
In the story the baddies make a map of the farmyard so they can work out how to steal the cow.
2. Make your own map and label all the places and animals on your map.
Please see today’s Maths video (posted at 10.00 am)
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.
05 May 2020: F2 Home Learning
See how many phase 2 or phase 3 phonemes you can write before the 2 minute timer finishes.
Words to Read:
Remember to blend each syllable and then put them together.
Words to Write:
1. near
2. tear
3. fear
4. beard
Did you remember the trigraph ‘ear’?
Phonics Activity: Write the sentence.
I can hear an owl hoot at night.
(Adult to read aloud)
Story of the week: What the ladybird heard by Julia Donaldson
1. Listen to the story again.
2. Can you make the animal noises?
3. Draw 3 of the animals with speech bubbles. What sound do they make?
4. Write the sound in the speech bubble.
Maths – shape
1. Cut out different sized 2D shapes from paper.
2. Can you describe their properties? (number of sides and corners)
A circle has one curved side and no corners.
A square is a regular shape.
It has 4 sides and 4 corners.
All the sides are the same length.
A triangle has 3 sides and 3 corners.
04 May 2020: Phonics Lesson
Please use the following links to access today’s phonics video:
Part 1 – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ZoIayIw1i2dEk1PRYngCm6iparCYI160
Part 2 – https://drive.google.com/open?id=10Tl3LI58mcooGJ2Sc9xWRBFpoOctiuLJ
Parents: Please pause the videos at anytime if your child needs more time on things.
04 May 2020: F2 Home Learning
Hello F2!
Hope you are all keeping safe and healthy at home.
We are missing seeing all your happy, smiling faces.
Please see today’s phonics video (posted at 10.00 am)
Story of the week: What the ladybird heard by Julia Donaldson
1. Listen to the story. Can you spot the rhyming words?
2. Draw and label the animals from the story.
Draw or paint some ladybirds. Give each ladybird 10 or 5 spots.
How many spots on one side, how many on the other?
Talk about the calculation on both sides of the ladybird.
Can you record your number sentences?
There are 4 spots on one side and 6 spots on the other side. There are 10 spots altogether.
There are 8 spots on one side and 2 spots on the other side. There are 10 spots altogether.
Each ladybird must have the same amount of spots on each side.
How many different doubles can you make?
Double 6 equals 12 or 6+6=12
Double 2 equals 4 or 2+2=4
Extra Activities
Don’t forget to keep adding to your teddy diary!
Make ladybird biscuits – yum yum!
W/C 04 May 2020: F1 Home Learning
This week we will be thinking about the story Supertato by Sue Henndra.
Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.
How many different ways do we eat potato?
Talk about this with your child eg mashed potato, chips, jacket potato, crisps.
Make your own Supertato or super vegetable – Draw on the eyes with a marker and add a paper cape with sellotape. Send us a picture via the email we would love to see your creations.
Have a try at vegetable printing or drawing your favourite vegetable.
What colour is it? What shape is it?
Sorting carrots –Which are long, which are short? Can you put them in order from shortest to longest? Use the words long, longest, short and shortest with your child. How many carrots have you got? Count carefully pointing to each carrot as you go.
Evil Pea – If you have frozen peas in your freezer have a look at them in their frozen state. Feel them, what do they feel like? Watch them defrost. How long does it take? Does it defrost more quickly in different places around your house? Use the words “frozen” and “melting” with your child.
Make a sign – tell evil pea to stop being unkind. Ask your child what they want it to say and write this for them. They can add pictures of evil pea and maybe a STOP sign.
Let us know how you get on, by replying to the email address stjameseyfs@spherefederation.org
We would love to hear about what you have been doing and are happy to answer any of your questions too.
Have fun!
Home Learning Heroes! – Week 4
Take a look at what our home learning heroes have been up to this week:
A big thank you to the children who sent in photos of their completed focus number challenges, taken from the number 14 lesson video this week…
You are all superstars!
Have a fantastic, sunny weekend!
It’s Friday!
It’s Friday again and another week of home learning is completed. Well done! I hope that you’re all remaining happy and healthy at home.
We hope you are enjoying the new home learning videos. You are all doing so well! We love reading the emails and seeing what you’ve been up to.
Teddy Diary Continued
Miss Marsden is trying to do a lot more cooking during ‘lockdown’. She has bought two new cooking books. On Tuesday, she made a pasta dish. She definitely added too many chilli flakes – it was too spicy! On Wednesday, we had chicken fajitas – they were delicious! Here I am helping Miss Marsden with the cooking! Cooking is a great maths activity. Why not help your adult cook tea at home.
We made some wobbly strawberry jelly!
This week, Miss Marsden has been doing lots of exercise. She goes running every other day and does hula hooping sessions. They hula hooping sessions are great fun!
Tonight, we are having a movie night. Look at all of my popcorn!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!