2 April 2020: Home Learning
Words to Read- Polysyllabic words: Words to Write: plum, swim, spoon, float |
Phonics Activity: Phoneme spotter story- draw a circle around every use of the phoneme ‘ure’ (see page 21 of your home learning pack) How many times did you spot it?
Did your child enjoy reading the phoneme or tricky word spotter story today? If so, there are plenty more on Twinkl. Just search ‘Story spotters Phase 3’.
Twinkl are offering parents and carers free access to thousands of resources, so you can select your own activities based on your child’s interests too.
“Setting this up is really easy to do – go to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS”
Literacy Activity
Story Treasure Hunt Ask your grown-up to write 4-6 clues about a story you know well and hide the words around the house. For example, if they were leaving clues about Jack and the Beanstalk they might write ‘beanstalk’, ‘giant’, ‘cow’ and ‘Magic Beans’. Try and read the clues by yourself. Can you make a story map re-telling the story from the clues you have discovered? |
Was your child able to draw a story map? Please email photos or comments to:
Here is an example of what your child’s story map may look like.
Maths Activity
Missing Numbers Fill in the missing numbers to 20 below: |
Did your child find the missing numbers?
In Foundation 2, we focus on numbers to twenty throughout the year to get a depth of understanding of what the numbers really mean.
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.
Foundation’s Rainbows
Inspired by Leo’s kind gifting of rainbow paintings in his neighbourhood, Foundation have been sending in their rainbow creations-a sign of hope and positivity.
We hope Foundation’s rainbows bring happiness and smiles to your day!
01 April 2020: F2 Home Learning
Words to Read: Tricky words
(All current tricky words can be found in your word passports)
What about a tricky word hunt?
Write them on pieces of paper and get an adult to hide them around the house for you to find – no peeking!
Words to Write: bank, cost, sight, near
Phonics Activity: Write the caption (Adult to read aloud);
It is fun to camp in a tent.
Children may use the phoneme frame on page 18 in your pack.
Top Tip!
Before your child puts pen to paper encourage your child to say the sentence and count the words in the sentence – this is a good chance to talk about where the finger spaces would go. Once they have done this, they are ready to write! Encourage your child to then check their writing.
Literacy Activity
Book Review
Write a book review about your favourite story (use the sheet on page 19 in your pack)
Add a sentence at the bottom, about why other people should read your favourite book too!
Did your child write a book review? Please email photos or comments.
Maths Activity
Use a colouring pencil or felt tip to continue the repeating pattern.
You could make your own patterns using objects at home. We had a go too – can your child tell you how to continue the pattern we have made?
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.
31 March 2020: Home learning
Quick-write sounds:
Ask your grown up to call out the sounds. Write them down on a piece of paper; ai, or, oa, ow, igh, ure, air, ear, ur
Words to Write: sink, tilt, damp, kept
Phonics Activity: Fill in the missing consonant blends:
How did your child find writing the phonemes?
We focus on pronouncing the phonemes with a ‘pure’ sound. For example, ‘ssss not suh’ and ‘ch not chuh’.
Here are some videos on phoneme pronunciation.
Phase 2
Phase 3
Literacy Activity
Tricky word detective!
Use your reading book to find all the tricky words that you can. Write them in a list. Which word did you find the most?
Maths Activity
We know that teen numbers are made of one ten and ones. E.g. 12 is 1 ten and 2 ones.
On each card, circle the correct number that is being shown on the Numicon.
How did your child find the teens numbers activity?
Number blocks are great short videos for helping understand numbers.
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.
Kindness in the community; Rainbows
Yesterday, we received an email about some wonderful kindness in the community that really makes us think about our Christian Values of Love and Friendship.
You may have seen lots of rainbows recently in people’s windows. Some people have made them to support the NHS and some have made them as a sign of hope and positivity during this unusual and uncertain time.
The email we received reads:
” —- made a rainbow for our house…He painted one to post to Nanny and Grandad and also made some for people who live in our street who are elderly or don’t have children. He painted 7 in total and was really pleased when the recipients stuck them in their windows; “Wow Mummy, look, that’s the rainbow I made!”
Can you see which friend has been spreading happiness in his community this weekend?
Let’s see if we can flood our Class News page with positivity rainbows! If you have made a rainbow or would like to make one to stick in your window, please send us pictures of them by 3pm on Wednesday so we can upload them to the page. Send them to:
W/C 30 March 2020: F1 Home Learning
Day 1
Phonics- Voice Sounds
Use your voice to create some sound effects. Can you make a sound like a ticking clock or a doorbell? Listen to sounds you can hear around your home – can you make a sound just like them using your mouth?
Activity- Number Hunt
Go on a number hunt around your house. What numbers can you see? You could look at your door number, on food packets, on clocks, in magazines or books. You could use a phone or tablet to take photos of the numbers to find. Make sure you ask your adult first!
Day 2
Phonics- Enlivening stories
Sing nursery rhymes with you child. Use role-play, props and repeated sounds to enliven it, for example acting out:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall (bump, crash, bang!)
All the King’s horses and all the King’s men (gallop, gallop, gallop)
Couldn’t put Humpty together again (boo, hoo, boo, hoo, boo, hoo).
Activity- Spring into Spring!
During Spring, lots of animals have their babies. Find out the names of these baby animals: pig, sheep and duck. You could use the internet with an adult to help you find out. Can you find any interesting facts about these animals?
Day 3
Phonics- Rhyming soup
Make a ‘Silly Soup’ with your child. Use a bowl and spoon as props to act out the song. You can use rhyming objects or pictures. If you do not have these, just pretend to put things in your bowl. Allow your child to choose an object to put in the soup. Sing the first part of the song to the tune of ‘Pop Goes the Weasel’:
I’m making lots of silly soup
I’m making soup that’s silly
I’m going to cook it in the fridge
To make it nice and chilly
In goes… a fox… a box… some socks.
Activity- Farm Cutting Sheet
With adult supervision, cut around the shapes to practise your cutting skills. Make sure you use your scissors in a safe way. You could practise your cutting skills by just simply making snips in other pieces of paper.
Day 4
Phonics- Initial Sound Hunt
Go on a letter sound hunt! Look around your house and find things beginning with the same letter sound. Can you find 3 things beginning with ‘t’? What other letters can you choose?
Activity- Name Writing
Can you recognise your name?
Practise writing your name. You could use a pencil, pen, paintbrush or even your finger! Support your child by demonstrating. You can write it small or big. If you can write your name, you could practise your second name or other words which are important to you. For example: mummy, daddy or sibling’s names.
Day 5
Phonics- Environment Sounds
Make a collection of your own noise makers. Think about lots of different things that make a sound and gather them together in a box or a bag. Use one of your objects to make a sound for an adult to guess and identify. You could include things like crisp packets, keys, coins in a pot, a rattle or a squeaky toy. Take turns at who guesses the sound.
Activity- Star Biscuits
Use the instruction sheet to make some star biscuits. If you do not have a star cutter you could make a different shape. Encourage your child to help measure the ingredients. Can they recognise any numbers? Don’t forget! Make sure you wash your hands.
Enjoy family time this weekend! Don’t forget to send pictures of any adventures and activities you have enjoyed together.
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.
30 March 2020: Home learning
Words to read:
Words to Write: hurt, land, trust, chair
Phonics Activity: Twinkl- Draw a line to match the polysyllabic word with the picture (see page 15 in your pack)
Was your child able to blend the four daily words today?
Remember, your child could use their ‘phoneme fingers’ to help them when reading words.
Literacy Activity – Get Cooking!
Help to prepare some food. You could bake a cake or help prepare dinner!
Afterwards, write a set of instructions which explains how you made the food. Don’t forget to write your instructions in a numbered list!
If you need any ideas take a look at BBC Good Food.
Did your child help you cook or bake today?
Did they write any instructions?
Please email us any photos and comments – it would be great to see them cooking/baking!
Maths Activity
Twinkl- Subitising:
If you have access to the internet, watch the ‘Jack Hartmann, Subitize Rock’ video on youtube. Guess quickly the quantity you can see! Did you get it right? If you are not online, ask an adult to draw dots on a piece of paper and say how many you can see!
Please send us any photos or learning!
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.
A message from your teachers…
Home Learning Heroes!…
Look at the fantastic learning at home this week, from three members of Foundation Class…. You are our Home Learning Heroes! We are so proud of you. Thank you to the parents who have been sending in lovely messages, photographs and learning observations.
If you would like to make it onto the ‘Home Learning Heroes’ wall next week, please keep sending in your pictures, questions and comments:
27 March 2020: Home Learning
Get Crafty!
Use the paper plate in your pack to make a Spring time animal or picture; perhaps you could make a chick or add some cotton balls to make a sheep? Use your imagination to get crafty! If you do not have bits to add and stick, you could draw an Easter picture onto your plate. |
Did your child make a model with recycled items? It would be great to see a photo of it! Please email us – including any comments from your child: stjameseyfs@spherefederation.org
Literacy Activity
Use the laminated letter formation sheet handed out at parent’s evening and your whiteboard pen to practise writing each letter of the alphabet. |
Letters that are often difficult are s,b,d,e and a. Encourage your child to practise these.
Maths Activity
Numicon Addition: Fill in the answers on the sheet (write the number)- See page 13 of Home Learning pack. |
Can your child count on to find the answer?
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.