Class News

Home learning heroes

Posted on Friday 12 February 2021 by Miss Harker

Thank you for all the emails, photos and learning that you have shared during our Zoom sessions. Everyone has done their best in these difficult circumstances and that is all I can ask for. Enjoy a well-earned half term break.

End of unit quizzes

Posted on Thursday 11 February 2021 by Mrs Latham

Have a go at our quizzes to see what you can remember from the Science and Geography learning this half term.

Wonderful writing!

Posted on Wednesday 10 February 2021 by Mr Roundtree

From Mr Gathercole, who leads the Y1,2 home learning writing sessions…

Hello writers,

I’ve been absolutely blown away by the amazing writing that’s been sent in to us recently. Teachers always enjoy reading your work so keep sending those emails.

Whether it be writing about fairytales or poetry about aliens, you’ve produced great writing. We’re so proud of everyone for all of their hard work. You should be very proud, too!

First up, we see some brilliant re-telling of a classic fairy tale. Can you pick out words from each that you really like and are going to use in your writing?

Our first piece comes from Moortown. What great editing and improvements to what was already a great piece of writing! Now it’s even better.

This next entry comes from a writer at St James’ CE. Lots of great adjectives have been used. This wolf sounds a bit mischievous to me.

Back to Moortown for another great tale. When you read this, how do you know it is probably a fairy tale?


Next, we’ve some poetry based on the poem, Aliens Stole My Underpants by Brian Moses. It turns out that the aliens stole more than just underpants! Here’s what a couple of Scholes writers had to say on the matter.


Olivia wrote this great letter after our prime minister got in touch with us. Here’s a link to that message in case you missed it.


It sounds like this super learner at St James’ CE does a lot to keep positive during lockdown. It sounds like you’re doing a lot to have a healthy body and mind.

This writer at Scholes is spending lots time outside. There is so much detail that we can easily picture what you do to stay happy and healthy.


We may not be at school but these learners have all remembered to take pride in their presentation. To everyone at Scholes, Moortown and St James’ CE, keep being amazing.

It’s challenge time!

Posted on Wednesday 10 February 2021 by Mr Roundtree

It’s been 5 weeks of home learning and with just one left until half term!

How are you finding it?

We have got a challenge for you!

When we go back to school, we will be doing ‘Wake Up, Shake Up’ again so we’d like to challenge you to learn this dance that has gone viral around the world (you’re watching the Irish Garda but lots of other people have participated around the world!). Here is a video tutorial to help you – the teachers at school will be learning it too!

Two truths and a lie…

Posted on Wednesday 10 February 2021 by Mr Roundtree

We’ve been having great fun during our daily afternoon zooms playing different games and quizzes.

One of the games we play is ‘two truths and a lie’. In this game, one person will say three statements. Two are true statements and one is a lie.

Here are Mrs Welsby’s statements.

And, here are Mrs Rowley’s statements.

Can you figure out which are the lies? We’d love for you to join in with our game. Email your two truths and a lie to and we can add it to our daily afternoon zoom!


Here are the answers to Mrs Welsby’s and Mrs Rowley’s statements.

How are you doing?

Posted on Saturday 06 February 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Its been 5 weeks of home learning and with just one left until half term!

How are you finding it?

Are you managing to get out and do some exercise? Have you read any good books? Jack has done both of these recently!

Mrs Welsby and I have got a challenge for you!

When we go back to school, we will be doing ‘Wake Up, Shake Up’ again so we’d like to challenge you to learn this dance that has gone viral around the world (you’re watching the Irish Garda but lots of other people have participated around the world!). Here is a video tutorial to help you – Mrs Welsby and I will  be learning it too!

Week Commencing 08.02.21: F2 Home Learning

Posted on Friday 05 February 2021 by Mrs Wood







Book of the week- Watch the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes or read the book if you have it at home.
Questions to discuss-
1. What three ingredients do you need to make pancakes
2. Mr Wolf made a shopping list. Have you ever made a list? What did you make a list for?
3. Why do you think the neighbours didn’t help Mr Wolf?
4. How did you feel when no-one would help Mr Wolf?
5. What did you think about the ending of the book?
Phonics- ee
Click here to watch today’s phonics video.
Activity 1: Take turns with an adult to play ‘Roll and Read’ (ee focus) click here to either print the word mat, or view it on screen. You will need a die or to draw 1-6 dots on 6 pieces of paper and draw at random from a bag.
1. Roll the dice.
2. Match to the correct row.
3. Choose a word on the row and read it aloud.
Activity 2: Think of two different sentences for each word: queen, bee, teeth and sleep.
Maths- Number 8.
Click here to watch lesson 1.
Activity: Click here for today’s activities.
Zoom session
Don’t forget to bring some playdough to our Dough Disco at 11am.
Tuesday Phonics- igh This is a trigraph. Three letters that make one sound. All three letters go in one box on a phoneme frame.
Click here to watch today’s phonics video.
Activity 1:  Be an ‘igh’ detective! Can you find any words in your storybooks with the ‘igh’ trigraph?
Activity 2:  Click here to play Buried Treasure. It’s on Phonicsplay-Buried Treasure – Phase3 -Set 1-7 – +igh.
Maths- Number 8.
Click here to watch lesson 2.
Activity: Click here for today’s activities.
Wednesday Phonics- oa
Click here to watch today’s phonics video.
Click here to read the rest of the story, Toads in the Road. You can sign up on the website free and access the reading books from here.
Activity 1: Write a sentence using one of the ‘oa’ words.
You might use: croak, roast, toast or toad.
Steps to writing a successful sentence…
1.Think of a sentence.
2. Say the sentence out loud.
3. Count the words in your sentence.
4. Use your phoneme fingers to segment every word apart from the tricky words.
5. Check your sentence makes sense.
6. Have you remembered a capital letter at the start, finger spaces throughout and a full stop at the end?
Maths- Number 8.
Click here to watch lesson 3.
Activity: Click here for today’s activities.
Thursday Phonics- Tricky word-you
Click here to watch today’s phonics video.
Activity 1: Be a Tricky Word Detective.
Can you find any tricky words in the books you have at home?
Activity 2: Have a go at reading the Phase 2 ‘A Bug’ comic or the Phase 3 ‘Let’s Go’ comic. You can find lots more of these on Phonics Play
Parents: Please click the links below.
Click here to read the ‘Let’s Go’ comic.
Click here to read the ‘A Bug’ comic.
Activity 3: Play the Pick a Picture game on Phonics Play.
Parents: Login details are…
Username: Sphere
Password: Spher3
Search Phonics Play > Resources > Phase 3 > Pick a Picture > Start > Phase 2 (sets 1-5) or Phase 3 (sets 6&7)
Word Passport
Click here for this week’s word list.
Remember to use your phoneme fingers when blending!
Maths- Play number stacking pancakes.
For this activity you will need a spatula (or something similar) and a plate.
Make some pancakes: Draw around a circle template on a piece of paper or card. Cut the circles out and write the digits 0-10 on the pancakes.
Mix up the pancakes and spread them out on the carpet. Your child can scoop up the correct pancake with the spatula and put it on the plate. There are a few things that you can do with this game.
1. Order the pancakes from 0-10 in ascending order. Stacking them one at a time on the plate/in a pile.
2. Order the pancakes in descending order from 10-0.
3. Ask your child different numbers at random to select and put on the plate.
4. Play ‘run and splat’ the number when it is said.
5. Time yourself. How long does it take you to stack your pancakes in order? Can you beat your time? Can you beat your adult?
6. Put the pancakes in a random pile, face down. Decide on a fun action e.g. star jumps, jumping on the spot, running to the kitchen, turning around, hopping etc. Take it in turns to take the top pancake, whatever number you get that’s how many of the chosen action you must do.**Challenge** This activity can be extended by using numbers 11-20. You could also have a go at adding two numbers (1-10) together.
Friday Understanding the World with Professor Myers; Making a volcano
If you would like to join in this week’s video then you will need: washing up liquid, food colouring, bicarbonate of soda and some vinegar.
Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers.
Click here to watch some children carrying out the investigation, as Professor Myers mentioned. It also might inspire you to make a more elaborate volcano, if you have the time and resources.
-Can you carry out the experiment in the video like Professor Myers?
-Can you draw and label a picture to show what happened?
Story time- Below are two story videos for you to watch. I hope you enjoy them.
My Pet Star read by Miss Marsden
Click here to watch the story.
1. Have a go at making your own pet star. You could use this template or, make your own!
2. Follow these instructions and bake some Cosmic Star Cookies.
3. Click here to see how you to make your very own star sun catcher and help brighten up your windows.
4. Don’t forget to go outside on a clear night and look at the stars in the sky. See if you can spot Pet Star. If you do, give him a wave!
Six Little Chicks read by Mrs Rippon
Click here to watch today’s story.
After you have listened to the story, have a go at Miss Marsden’s quiz to check your understanding.

Friday 12th February 2021 is the celebration of Chinese New Year!
1. Have a look online or in a book to see if you can find China on a world map!
2. Click here to watch the ‘Let’s Celebrate’ episode of the Chinese and Luna New Year celebration.
3. You might like to have a go at writing numbers using Chinese (Mandarin) characters:

Story Link activities to select throughout the week:

1. Be a friend to Mr Wolf and make a shopping list for him. You could make a list of ingredients for him to make his pancakes. Or you might make a list for him to make something else delicious. (Pizza, fruit salad etc.)
2. Draw and label two characters from the book.

Understanding the World
Click here to watch a video about wolves.
1. What do you notice about the wolves?
2. How many babies does a mother wolf usually have?
3. What do wolves eat?
4. What helps wolves to keep warm?
5. How many teeth do wolves have?

Expressive Arts and Design
1. Make a stack of pancakes out of playdough. Can you serve them at you own café with different toppings? How much will each pancake cost? Can people buy drinks at your café too?
Click here for the no cook play dough recipe.
2. Make a wolf mask or picture!
3. Using construction toys, can you build Mr Wolf’s Village and the houses for all of the different characters?
4. Maybe an adult in your house will help you to make your own delicious pancakes. What topping might you choose?
Physical Development
Get Moving Outside!
Why not take your numbered pancakes, from the maths activity, outside. Hide them in the garden then find them. Take a number and match it with objects e.g. 3 leaves. Do laps of your garden to match a number.

Joe Wicks is hosting his live PE sessions, 3 times a week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 9am) You can subscribe to his channel here for alerts. A great way to keep fit at home!

Don’t forget to send pictures of your home learning to
I hope you all have a happy and healthy half-term!

F1 Home Learning: Week 6

Posted on Friday 05 February 2021 by Mrs Wood

This week, we’re going to find out what happens when Mr Wolf decides to cook some delicious pancakes. Listen to the story ‘Mr Wolf’s Pancakes’ and look at the illustrations in the video carefully as you watch. You might spot some familiar characters!

·        Can you spot any other story characters that you recognise? Which story are they from? Have you read it?·        Why does Mr Wolf need some help at the beginning of the story?
·        Were Mr Wolf’s friends helpful and kind? Why do you think they didn’t want to help?
·        What happened when Mr Wolf started to cook his pancakes?
·         Can you remember what happened at the end of the story? Do you think Mr Wolf should have shared his pancakes?
Being able to copy a rhythm is part of our Phase One phonics learning; we often play simple ‘copy me’ type games as we’re waiting to wash our hands. Today, you’ll need two sticks or wooden utensils, or anything else that is similar! Listen to Mrs Gosper and then have a go at tapping the rhythms too.
Phonics – Rhythm pattern sticks
·        Mr Wolf said he wasn’t very good at writing. Can you help him write out a shopping list for going to the shops? What does he need to make his pancakes?
·        If Mr Wolf wanted to have a pancake party and invite some friends to his house, what would he need to send them? That’s right, an invitation. Perhaps you could plan a Pancake Day party for next week and make some invitations to send to people in your house.
·        Have a go at drawing or painting your favourite type of pancake. What toppings would you put on it?
·        Open up your own ‘Pancake parlour’ and take orders. You’ll need to write down and tick off what your customers would like on their pancakes.
·        Have you remembered it’s Valentine’s Day on Sunday 14 February? Why not make a card for someone in your family or see if you can post one to someone special that you might not be able to see at the moment?
This week, we’re going to practise our counting skills. In the story, Mr Wolf made lots of pancakes and we thought it’d be fun to make our own playdough pancakes. If you don’t have any dough, you could follow this simple recipe and have a go at making your own.  Whilst making pancakes and playing, you could introduce ‘counting’ in different ways.·        How many pancakes have you made?  Count each pancake, touching them as you say each number. Sometimes it helps to line objects up to ensure that you count each one only once and try to remember to stop at the last pancake. How many were there? Count again to make sure.
·        Have you got more pancakes than me? How do you know?
·        Who has the fewest pancakes? Children often understand the word ‘more’ or ‘most’ but struggle to understand the word ‘fewer’ or ‘fewest’.
·        The Little Pigs are going to Mr Wolf’s house for a pancake party, how many pancakes do we need to make? Think about your child’s ability and keep the numbers below 5 or 10 as appropriate.
Extension ideas
·        Introduce some real coins into your game. Children don’t need to be able to tell you what the denominations are in Nursery, they may just give you a handful of coins or some may count out 3 coins (of different values) and say “Here’s £3”. It’s all a great way to introduce and familiarise them with money.  You could look at the different coins and try to sort them. How could you sort them? Big/little? Circle/not circles? Copper/silver?
·        Do you remember playing ‘What time is it Mr Wolf’ at school? Children love to play this at Nursery still and it’s a good way of practising counting out the correct number of steps.
·        We couldn’t read Mr Wolf’s pancakes and then not suggest that you make some pancakes! It’s a great, simple recipe for children to join in with and whisking is great for building upper arm strength too.
·        What’s your favourite topping? Do you always have the same one? Use this as a time to try something new and talk about different flavours. Do you have sugar and lemon or golden syrup?  Is it bitter/sweet/sour?
·        With supervision, ask children to help you cut some soft fruit to put on their pancakes such as bananas or strawberries. Talk to them about using knives safely.
·        If you don’t mind a bit (or lot!) of mess, allow your child to enjoy ‘play baking’ pancakes with some flour, water and mixing bowls.
·        Join in a role play game and make your own ‘Pancake Parlour’, using some of the mark making and maths activities at the same time.
If you have a play kitchen, you could cut out some cardboard pancake shapes or you might want to use playdough instead. Take turns to order, cook and pay for your pancakes.  If you don’t have a play kitchen, have a go at making one. It doesn’t have to be fancy or take a long time; at Nursery, we sometimes make ovens/hobs using a cardboard box with some circles drawn on top. Children always love to use ‘real’ objects so grab a frying pan and spatula and let them pretend!
·        There are lots of songs about cooking pancakes! Here’s a Pancake rap from CBeebies.
Understanding the World
·        Part of the Early Years Foundation Stage is to begin to recognise some of our family traditions and celebrations and to begin to recognise how we are similar and different to others. In Nursery, teaching children in detail about Shrove Tuesday is too complicated, but we do talk to them about how Christian’s might celebrate this day and that it’s sometimes referred to as ‘Pancake Day’.   We discuss that some families will celebrate by making pancakes and that others might not. We talk about it being a time where Christians begin to prepare for another special day, known as Easter.
·        If you have a laptop or a device that supports the game, let your child practise some simple computer skills by playing this game. You need to help Curious George make some pancakes and add his toppings. How many eggs will you need and how many strawberries does George put on?
·        Talk to your child about the ingredients in pancakes and ask them to think about where they come from. One of the most common answers is usually “the supermarket”! Try to find out more and talk about the origins of milk and eggs by watching these videos. One is all about milk and the other is an episode of ‘Do You Know’ where Maddie finds out about eggs and bread.
How does milk get to the farm shop?
Do you know? Eggs and bread
Physical Development
Funky Fingers
In Nursery, we always get lemons to squeeze when joining in with pancake day celebrations. If you have a lemon squeezer and can add an extra lemon or two to your basket, we’re sure that you’ll enjoy squeezing lemons and talking about what’s inside the lemon. This is also a great activity for strengthening little fingers!
Another good activity for helping to build strength in children’s upper arms,  is ‘whisking’. You can do this whilst making pancakes but you could also let your child play with some soap and water and enjoy whisking it to see what happens. If you don’t want lots of mess around the sink, try it at bath time instead.
Also, remember that playing with playdough is a great way to develop finger and arm strength. So, using a rolling pin to flatten playdough to make pancakes is another good activity to do. Tip: If your child is struggling to put enough pressure onto the rolling pin to flatten the dough, try asking them to stand up and do it on a surface/table at their height. 
The weather is very unpredictable at the moment, so taking part in a pancake race may or may not be possible! If you have space inside/outside and a frying pan/tennis racket, make a play pancake or use a bean bag to see if you can move around an obstacle course without dropping it!Click here for another Cosmic Yoga session. This one is all about something you might enjoy eating on top of your pancakes – bananas!
Independence skills
During lunchtime at Nursery, children are encouraged to be as independent as possible. This might involve knowing how to feed themselves when they’re given a meal or snack, learning how to put a straw into a carton or being able to open a sandwich box. Children that have a hot meal at Nursery are also encouraged to be able to use a knife, fork and spoon to feed themselves. Whilst many family meal times may involve finger foods, being able to use a knife and fork is an important skill to learn for when your child starts in Reception.This week, depending on your child’s abilities, have a go at encouraging them to do the ‘next step’ themselves. This might mean taking the top off a yogurt pot by themselves or for other children; it could be learning to use a knife to cut something soft, like a fish finger, into smaller pieces.

If you wanted to practise using a knife and fork outside of meal times, have a go at chopping up your playdough pancakes!

Key Worker activity and videos
This week, we’re going to help Mr Wolf with his counting. He has lots of friends that would like to eat his pancakes but he needs some help to count how many he needs. To join in with the second part of the Key Worker session, you’ll need to sit at a table and have some playdough. (If you don’t have any playdough, cut out some paper pancakes and use those instead.)
Key Worker session part I – Mr Wolf’s Pancakes
Key Worker session part II – Mr Wolf’s Pancakes with playdough
Key Worker song –Pancake song
Friday Story time- Below are two story videos for you to watch. I hope you enjoy them.
My Pet Star read by Miss Marsden
Click here to watch the story.
1. Have a go at making your own pet star. You could use this template or, make your own!
2. Follow these instructions and bake some Cosmic Star Cookies.
3. Click here to see how you to make your very own star sun catcher and help brighten up your windows.
4. Don’t forget to go outside on a clear night and look at the stars in the sky. See if you can spot Pet Star. If you do, give him a wave!
Six Little Chicks read by Mrs Rippon
Click here to watch today’s story.
After you have listened to the story, have a go at Miss Marsden’s quiz to check your understanding.
Zoom session
This week, don’t forget to bring some playdough for our Dough Disco on Wednesday at 11am.

Don’t forget to send pictures of your home learning to
I hope you all have a happy and healthy half-term!



Home learning superstars

Posted on Friday 05 February 2021 by Miss Harker

Thank you for the emails showing me what amazing home learning you are all doing. Well done and keep going as much as you can!

Try to email me (address below) or bring learning to show at our daily Zoom meetings at 2pm. Email me if you need the invite re-sending.


Posted on Wednesday 03 February 2021 by Miss Beatson

This week, I’ve been having a look at Times Tables Rock Stars to see who has been practising their times tables at home. Well done to those who have been going on regularly (even if it’s for a few minutes) to practise and recall multiplication facts.

At the moment, I can see that Year 6 children have been going on more than the Year 5 children. Let’s see if the Year 5s can change this by the end of the week! If you’ve forgotten your password please ask your parents to email me and I will send you it.

Click here to practise right now!