Class News


Posted on Friday 08 October 2021 by Mrs Palmer

In Science we have been identifying materials. We have been investigating which materials would be the most suitable to make a tent. The tent needs to be strong and waterproof. We tested fabric, plastic, tin-foil and tissue and recorded the results.

We found out that plastic is the most suitable material as it is strong and waterproof.

Living and Learning: mental health – understanding our emotions

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mrs Palmer

This week, we have been learning how to recognise and describe different feelings in ourselves and others. The children were able to name a range of emotions/feelings and talk about times they had felt them themselves or recognise a feeling in a friend.

“When I was in Reception and I was going to come into Year 1, I felt nervous,” said Alba.

“I was amazed when my mummy set up a surprise for me,” said Emily.

“At lunch time I noticed my friend was feeling sad so I gave them a hug and I played with them,” said Kiara.

Afterwards we acted out some of the emotions. We thought about where in our body we might experience the feeling. What might happen to our face when we experience the feeling. What might happen to our body when we experience the feeling.

When we are anxious we might bite our nails.

When we feel nervous we might feel funny in our tummy.

When we feel bored we might put our head in our hands.

When we are feeling happy we might have a big smile on our face.

If we feel angry we might cross our arms and scowl.

We all practised experiencing a range of emotions.

Nouns means names

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mrs Palmer

We have been learning a song to help us remember what a noun is (sung to the tune of the Heinz Meanz Beanz advert).

Every person, place or thing
Needs a name and so we sing
Nouns means names

Help at home by talking about nouns and how they are all around us! Don’t forget proper nouns (Monday, Christmas), abstract nouns (happiness, excitement) and pronouns, which replace a noun in a sentence (I, we, she).



We’ve had a very busy week!

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mrs Boulton

This week has been a very busy one at Nursery! We have been reading ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen, we’ve been mixing some beautiful autumnal colours and we’ve also been investigating the properties of ice whilst making some wonderful marks.

Next week, we will continue talking about the weather and looking at hot and cold places around the world. If you would like to share any family photos of holidays which we can talk about, please email them to us at:

Please remember to bring named wellies into Nursery as we expect to be puddle jumping soon.

Here’s just a snapshot of our very busy week!



Living and Learning: I can talk about my feelings

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mr Roundtree

This week we have been talking about the different emotions and feelings that we have.

Y34 made their own graffiti walls about all the different emotions that they feel.

We have also talked about how saying positive and nice things to others helps both them and us to feel happier, so we’re trying really hard to help us all to be happy!

Reading books

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mrs Palmer

We are encouraging the children to be independent and choose their own reading book. This takes a little longer so we have started to change some books on a Monday and Tuesday. If your child has read their book and would like it to be changed before Wednesday then please put their reading book in their bag. If your child would like to keep their book until Wednesday that is also ok.

Geography: Location Location Location

Posted on Thursday 07 October 2021 by Mrs Freeman

On Monday, a group of children went on a short walk around our local area. They observed, and photographed, human and physical features and discussed the different types of land-use in Wetherby. During the outing, the children were able to spot some Ordnance Survey map symbols.

What is my local area like?

Next week, the whole class will study the findings from the walk.  Using geographical skills and fieldwork, the children will map out the walk and describe the features seen.

human feature
busy main road
playground – human feature built on physical feature
land mark human feature community link
signs with images minor roads more green space

When you are out and about with your children, test their geographical knowledge.

Is this a human or physical feature?

What is the land used for?

What do you think this sign/symbol means?

Do you think there are any issues in this area? eg; parking, traffic, population, housing, green spaces

If you could change one thing about your location, what would it be?

Where are we?

Well done to the group of children that went for the walk. They represented the school superbly!

Harvest 2021

Posted on Wednesday 06 October 2021 by Mrs Palmer

Our Harvest festival was a great time to give thanks and to celebrate altogether – especially after the last year’s events..!


Class novel – The Enchanted Wood

Posted on Wednesday 06 October 2021 by Mrs Palmer

We have started our class novel, The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton, and all the children are enthralled already. It is a classic, which you may have read yourselves or have a copy of at home. Read along at home, if you like, or you could ask your child which characters we have met so far and what they like about the story.


Harvest Festival

Posted on Monday 04 October 2021 by Mrs Freeman

On Thursday, the children made their way to church to celebrate the Harvest Festival.
What is harvest and why do we celebrate it?
Image result for harvest festival

Harvest Festival is a celebration of the food grown on the land. Harvest Festival reminds Christians of all the good things God gives them. This makes them want to share with others who are not so fortunate. In schools and in churches, people bring food from home to a Harvest Festival Service.