Science – Does the temperature of water affect the time it takes for ice to melt in it?
In our chemistry unit of learning, we are learning about states of matter.
We have created gestures to help us remember our key vocabulary of solid, liquid and gas. Now that we can confidently identify and describe these states of matter, we are considering how materials can change states.
Today we planned an experiment to answer the question:
Does the temperature of the water affect the time it takes for ice to melt in it?
We had to consider the variables in the experiment including which ones would change and which ones we would keep the same to answer our enquiry. We also had to practise some key skills including measuring accurately, reading a thermometer and measuring time using a stopwatch.
We recorded our results and came to the conclusion that “The colder the water the more time it takes for ice to melt.”
Maths – column addition
In maths we have been practising adding two 4 digit numbers when an exchange is required. We started by understanding the structure of the maths by using base 10 and then place value counters to represent the maths but we are now all working in the abstract using just digits.
Across school, we all set our column addition out in the same way with the exchange underneath the sum. We also cross out the exchange when we have added it (see example below).
We use stem sentences to help us think about the procedure we are undertaking.
The instructions we have written (and follow) as a class are below. We have them on our working wall to refer to if we get stuck.
Help at home: Challenge your child to teach you how we add two 4 digit numbers using the instructions above.
We are really enjoying our science lessons in Year 5 and 6. This term we are studying electricity. Today we tested whether the number of bulbs effected the brightness. The children worked well independently and in groups whilst always maintaining that they worked safely.
Help at home – Ask your child about their findings. Did adding more bulbs effects the brightness. How did they keep themselves safe? How did they maintain a fair test? What did they enjoy about today’s lesson?
Hockey at Wetherby High School
Our Year 5 children attended at hockey event last Thursday at Wetherby High School.
They took part in an array of activities and were able to demonstrate their fantastic skills and understanding from recent PE lessons. It was mentioned on multiple occasions how well behaved our children were and how talented they are too. Mrs Senior and I were so proud of the children and it is clear that we have some future hockey stars in our class!
World Nursery Rhyme Week
This week has been World Nursery Rhyme week. We have had a great week celebrating our favourite Nursery Rhymes and have focused on a range of different nursery rhymes and we have been singing them (even more!) at carpet times.
Help at home: Sing your favourite Nursery Rhyme and send a video of you singing it for us to share in class.
Odd Socks
I know how to STOP bullying is our school living and learning statement this week. On Tuesday, we wore odd socks to signify our differences and share the message that we are all different in some way. We discussed how important it is to celebrate our differences and respect everyone.
We read the story Odd Dog Out by Rob Biddulph and talked about how great it is to all be different.
“I am different because I have one white sock and one black sock!”
“I am different because I have a big sister and no brothers.”
“I am different because I have blue eyes.”
Stay and Learn; Maths 1
On Wednesday, we had a wonderful afternoon exploring maths with our adults.
Thank you to all of the parents and carers that were able to join us in the classroom to watch a short lesson, take part in some activities and listen to a teacher presentation.
This week, we focused on the new GPCs (Grapheme-phoneme correspondence) v, w, x, y.
We’ve also learnt the tricky words; and, has, his, her
Tricky words are words that should be read by sight. We start by identifying which part of the word is ‘tricky’.
Please continue to revisit this week’s sounds, by using the learn at home sheets. Thank you.
Poetry Picnic
Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers. This week’s poem is called A Basket of Apples.
I’ve got a basket of apples, picked from a tree.
Apples rosy red for you, and shiny green for me.
Some of them are big, and some of them are small.
Some of them are oval, and some shaped like a ball.
Some of them are sour, and some of them are sweet.
Lots of lovely apples for you and I to eat.
Have a happy and healthy weekend and please don’t forget to email any pictures from home to thank you as always for your support.
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman and Mr. Smith.
Art – Architecture
This half-term we are focusing on architecture in our Art learning.
Although we will be looking at a variety of structures, the two architects we will use as inspiration for our work are Sir Christopher Wren (who designed St Paul’s Cathedral) and Zaha Hadid (who designed the Heydar Aliyev Centre). We will create a collage using a variety of techniques. Watch this space to see our creations!
We’re all different!
This week we celebrated ‘odd socks day’ for anti-bullying week. We all wore different socks to represent the differences in each other and how we’re all unique.
We also read a story called ‘Odd dog out‘ by Rob Biddulph. All she wants to do is fit in, so she goes on a very long journey to find a place where she will be just like everyone else. After months of walking, she finally discovers the place she’s been looking for. But, she soon realises that being who you are is the best way to be!
We also joined in with World Nursery rhyme week. We sang along to familiar nursery rhymes and added these into our provision. We made 5 current buns on the playdough table, a farm for Old MacDonald and we also enjoyed some library time, reading some of our favourite stories.
Help at home: Being who you are is the best way to be! just like Odd dog out. What makes you different? What makes you, YOU?
I love the colour green and I often like to wear this colour! That’s what makes me, ME! – Miss Ward
Have a lovely weekend everyone
The Nursery Team
Gymnastics in Year One
This week in PE, Year One started their gymnastics unit! The children have been exploring how their bodies can move in low positions, thinking about balance, coordination, and creativity. Some brave gymnasts have even challenged themselves to try forward rolls.
To be creative, the children thought about how animals move and worked on imitating these movements. They practiced slithering like snakes, hopping like frogs, and crawling like bears. Everyone worked hard to move with control, especially when traveling in straight lines. What a fantastic start to gymnastics!
Help at Home Tips:
- Encourage your child to practice moving in different low positions at home—can they crawl under a table or slither across the carpet?
- Play a game of “Animal Moves” and guess which animal they’re imitating!
Anti-bullying Week
At St James Primary, we define bullying as:
‘Where you hurt someone, physically or emotionally,
Several Times On Purpose.
If we do experience bullying, we all should:
During Anti-bullying week ,we discussed the importance of being an upstander and standing up and supporting others. We looked at various scenarios and talked about the best ways to deal with often difficult situations.
We also celebrated our differences on Odd-sock Day.
Help at home – What is an upstander? How can you help someone who is being bullied? Where can you go if you feel you are being bullied?
Art: Architecture
Our new art topic this half term is focussed on architecture. Architecture is the art or practise of designing and constructing buildings.
For our first two lessons, we’ve looked at some examples of buildings in different parts of the world. We’ve focused on two main architects – Christopher Wren and Zaha Hadid.
Using their buildings and designs as inspiration, the children were tasked to create a collage. We tried thinking about the following elements of art during the task:
- composition
- space
- scale
- colour
The outcomes were absolutely fantastic! Here’s some of our learning: