Class News


Posted on Thursday 21 October 2021 by Mr Roundtree

This term, Year 3/4 have started to learn Latin. Sounds hard, doesn’t it? But we’ve been having great fun! We have been using our new-found knowledge of Latin words to create our own inventions. Using the translation sheet, can you work out what these new creatures can do?

New inventions translation sheet.

Ralph’s Aquacanine, Emilija’s Magniporci, Eliza’s Aquacent and Aubree’s Magicani.SKM_C554e21100514040

Kamile’s  Primoporci, Dexter’s Magicani, Edward’s Aquacanine and Summer’s Porcimagi. SKM_C554e21100514041

Olivia’s Magniped, Caleb’s Aquacane, Jack’s Subaqua and Casper’s Magniped. SKM_C554e21100514042

We hope you enjoy reading these as much as we did making them!

RE: creation stories

Posted on Tuesday 19 October 2021 by Mr Roundtree

In RE this half term, we have been learning about creation stories from different religions, looking at their similarities and differences and if they are relevant today. The class has been discussing the importance of rest.

Muslims have a day of prayer on a Friday.

Jews have a day of rest – Shabbat – every Saturday.

Christians have a rest day every Sunday.

Sikhs often have their day of worship on Sundays in the UK.

Here are some of our class’s thoughts about what they’d do on a rest day. Click on each link to see their work.

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We love reading!

Posted on Monday 18 October 2021 by Mrs Freeman

The children have had a delivery of some brand new reading books. These books have been carefully chosen and are for the children who are free reading. We have put some of the books on display and the children can select a new book whenever they require one.

For those children who are not yet free reading, we are encouraging them to read more. We are listening to individual children read as much as we can. If your child requires a new book they need to bring it back into school and place it in the basket.

If you have any queries surrounding your child’s reading, please speak with us.

Finger gym Friday!

Posted on Monday 18 October 2021 by Mrs Wood

Finger gym activities are designed to work out the smaller muscles and fine motor skills in children’s hands and fingers.  Every Friday the children will explore a range of fun activities to help get their fingers ready for writing.

This week’s bible story

Posted on Monday 18 October 2021 by Mr Roundtree

The Good Samaritan: Luke 10: 25-37

Today, we’re thinking about how we treat people and reminding ourselves that we should never bully or intentionally hurt other people. First, think of some kind things that you could do today. Second, think of some things that you should not do today because they would upset other people.
Hopefully, many more of the kind things than the unkind things will happen today. Next, read the Bible story about someone who got hurt and think carefully to see who did and who did not help him.

In the story, someone had been badly hurt, or bullied, but only one of the three people who came by helped him. I wonder what we could learn from that story about how we treat other people, especially those who are feeling hurt or upset.
Think about these two suggestions for how you could help.
The first is that, if you see someone who is hurt or upset, don’t just ignore them – either go and help them yourself or fetch an adult who can help.
The second is to be prepared to help anyone, not just someone you like.

Dear God,
There are times when we need help from others and times when others need help from us.
Help us always to be ready to help each other, even people we don’t like, just as Jesus taught us.

Parent-partnership Zoom session – maths

Posted on Friday 15 October 2021 by Mrs Wood

Join us for our zoom session on Tuesday 09 November at 6 pm.
This zoom session will provide you with lots of information about how we teach maths in Reception. You will find out how you can support your child at home with their maths learning.

The session will start at 6 pm and last around 20-25 minutes, plus there will be a question and answer session at the end of around 5-10 minutes.

The link to this zoom session will be emailed to all parents and carers. If you do not receive a link, please contact the school office.

Posted on Friday 15 October 2021 by Mrs Wood

To get us in the mood for autumn, we’ve been reading Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert. We looked closely at the illustrations, drew a picture of our favourite part and created a word tree full of adjectives to describe what autumn leaves look and feel like.

Next week, we will use our word tree to help us make missing posters for Leaf Man.

We also went on a leaf hunt to see if we could find Leaf Man on our field.
The creative chilli challenge was to turn a bare tree into an autumn tree.
Next week, we will continue learning about the autumn changes.

Number 3!
In early years, we like to be really practical to help us with our learning. This week, we’ve played lots of fun and active games to help us learn all about the number 3.

We did some racing games and handed out medals to our friends to help us learn about ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd & 3rd)

We played the Three Billy Goats game.
The children used the cubes to build 3 towers to represent the 3 goats.
1 cube – littlest Billy goat
2 cubes – middle-sized Billy goat
3 cubes – biggest Billy goat
They then rolled a 1-3 die and moved the corresponding tower over the bridge. 
Played a track game.
We used hoops and beanbags to help us understand the parts that make 3. We threw 3 beanbags into a hoop and talked about how many landed inside and how many landed outside. The children were encouraged to record their learning in anyway they liked. Many of them chose to draw a picture of their hoop and where their beanbags landed.
Next week, we will recap numbers 1, 2 and 3 to finalise our learning.

Writing process
In phonics, we’ve started to write captions, e.g. a pin on a map or pat a pig.
To help us with the process, we follow six simple steps.
1. Think about what we want to write.

2. Say the caption aloud.
3. Count the words.

4. Segment each word on our phoneme fingers.
5. Write the words.
6. Check our writing makes sense.

When the children are confident at writing caption, they will begin to write sentences using capital letters and full stops.

Here are some more highlights from this week…

I look forward to chatting to you about how well your child has settled at school at the parent-teacher meetings on Tuesday and Thursday next week.

 Home-Link Challenge
Their bag will be in their bookbag!
Thank you to all the parents who to do the home-link challenges. It is always lovely to receive emails of their amazing home learning moments!

English: Poetry

Posted on Friday 15 October 2021 by Mrs Palmer

This week in English, we have been looking at poetry. We are still enjoying our class novel The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton so we looked at a poem called Enchanted Lands. We found some rhyming words and had a go at learning the poem off by heart. Together we thought of some actions to help us to remember the poem.


Can your child remember the rhyming words? Can they recite the poem to you with the actions?

This week at Nursery…

Posted on Thursday 14 October 2021 by Mrs Boulton

This week, the children have been doing lots of learning based upon ‘Room on the Broom’ which is our focus book for two weeks. We have used props and puppets to retell the story and have made our own wands and hats. We have mixed potions and created our own ‘Magic Mud’ using cornflour, water and food colouring. The children were excited to see how this mixture can exist as a liquid and a solid at the same time – I think we have some budding scientists in Nursery! We look forward to another exciting week ahead where we will be continuing our ‘Room on the Broom’ learning activities.

Here are a selection of photos showing what we’ve all been up to…








Posted on Tuesday 12 October 2021 by Mrs Wood

Last week, our living and learning statement was I can talk about my feelings. During circle time, we talked about a range of feelings and when they might change. We also had fun making lots of faces!
Can you guess how we are feeling?