Class News

Home learning:

Posted on Monday 12 July 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Hello Year 3 and 4. Well done to all of you that managed to log into the live zoom lessons and to all of you that have been working hard at home. Every time you are on live lessons with me, I will add a dojo – some people have earned 3 today!

We looked at number stories linked to the  4x table. Here are two that Ellie sent in:

There were 7 cages and 4 cats went into each cage. How many cats were there altogether? 7 x 4 = 28. There were 28 cats altogether.

There were 7 pans. There were 4 pancakes in each pan. How many pancakes were there altogether? 7 x 4 = 28. There were 28 pancakes altogether.

In reading fluency, we looked at this week’s key vocabulary and had a go at using the words in our own sentences. I thought we’d share them, just like we usually do in school.

Jack: I recovered after a sharp turn.

Ellie: I recovered from stepping on something sharp.

Siana: I skidded very sharply and fell over, but soon I recovered.

Don’t forget to join us in the morning and to share your hard work with us!

Junior Warrior

Posted on Saturday 10 July 2021 by Miss Beatson

Year 6 had a great time at Bramham Park completing the Junior Warrior challenge. It was an afternoon of fun, resilience, physical endurance and lots and lots of mud!!

Well done everyone!


Space, doctors and hot air balloons

Posted on Friday 09 July 2021 by Mrs Wood

Our focus story this week was The Great Balloon Hullabaloo by Peter Bently.
On the carpet, we looked at the solar system and found out lots of new facts. The children have loved learning about space and were eager to find out more information by asking questions. We used Google to help us find out some of the answers.
On Tuesday, we did a space quiz to see if we had remembered all the key facts. The children smashed it and scored 6 out of 6!  
The F2 children used their imaginations to draw and write about what they if they went on an adventure to space.

At the beginning of the week, the creative challenge was to make a hot air balloon. All of the children were fabulous at following instructions and successfully made their very own hot air balloons.
This week, we’ve been at the doctors’ surgery. It’s been super busy all week… at one point the waiting room was full!
Sticking to the space theme, the challenge at the playdough table was to make odd and even aliens.
“My alien is even because it has 4 arms.”
“My alien is odd and even.”
“My alien is odd because it has one leg.”
“My alien is odd because it has 3 legs.”
Home-Link Challenge

  • Your child can come to school in their PE kit all week.
  • Sports day 10.30-11.30 – only 1 parent to attend
  • Please make sure your child brings a sun hat and water bottle to school every day!
  • 16.07.21 – outdoor transition activity for the F2 children.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
If you’re watching the final, I hope you enjoy the game!
Is it too early to say…it’s coming home?

Conquering fears at Castle Howard

Posted on Wednesday 07 July 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Today, Year 3 and 4 visited Castle Howard for our end-of-year trip. It was amazing to see the children in a different environment. Different personalities shone through from each of the children. We saw quieter children showing confident and brave personalities. So many children (and staff) took on new challenges, children (and staff) were trying new activities and the whole class showed such friendship and love as they cheered each other on. The children showed great care towards each other and towards other children (often younger) who were enjoying the different areas of Castle Howard.


Here is a video with snippets of our day. See if you can spot the member of staff conquering their fear to cross the wobbly bridge – helped over by a pupil, cheered on by the class!

Maths : add, subtract, multiply, divide

Posted on Wednesday 07 July 2021 by Miss Harker

This term, we have been working on the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division).

Year 1 children have been doing lots of practical maths, showing calculations in different ways (multiple representations) and writing fact families (calculations that can be grouped together).

Year 2 have looked at multiplication and division in the same way.

DT: using a range of tools

Posted on Wednesday 07 July 2021 by Miss Beatson

Thank you to Mr Atkins who helped our class practise using different tools in preparation for making our vehicles for Eggy! We had a  discussion on how to use the tools safely and carefully.

Yeadon Tarn

Posted on Wednesday 07 July 2021 by Miss Beatson

Yesterday, we had a great time at Yeadon Tarn. In groups, we went onto a bell boat and paddled out into the middle of the lake to play some games. At the end, some of us jumped into the water- it was freeeeezing but so much fun!!

Times Tables Rockstar Champions

Posted on Sunday 04 July 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Well done to this week’s Time Tables Rockstar Champions. This week 17% more of you were active than last week with a total of 78% active in the week.

This week our top ten were rocked by Maylee, Siana and Phoebe with Maylee and Siana scoring over 500 correct answers in the week!

Living and Learning: I can say something good about myself

Posted on Friday 02 July 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Our Living and Learning statement last week was about saying something positive about ourselves. This is something that many of us find hard to do. So Y3/4 have been working really hard at recognising our strengths and we have realised that there are LOTS of good things that we can say about ourselves.

Why not have a chat at home about all the things your child is good at? It’s great for our mental health!


Posted on Friday 02 July 2021 by Mrs Wood

On Thursday morning, we had a hedgehog visit our outdoor area. The children were amazed! We named the hedgehog Harry and watched a  video all about hedgehogs. All-day the children kept looking under the bush until they found… A FAMILY OF HEDGEHOGS!