Class News

Living and learning: Body Image

Posted on Wednesday 16 June 2021 by Mr Roundtree

This week we have been discussing how that, although we are all unique, we have similar interests and lives.

We thought about things that we are good at, what we can change about ourselves and things about ourselves that we can’t change. We had some really good discussions! Here are a few pictures of our work.

We also discussed consent, and all the children gave their consent before these pictures were taken!

Hand to Mouth visit

Posted on Wednesday 16 June 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Last week, we were lucky to welcome Hand to Mouth back into school. Hand to Mouth is a Christian charity that come into schools to work with children to explore Christianity and their own spiritual journey.


Throughout the day, Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 visited a journey where they could explore ‘Christianity as a living faith’. The children visited the journey in pairs and explored different stations throughout.

Throught the day, each class had a visit to learning about different aspects of Christianity as a living world faith.

In foundation, they learnt all about African worship. In the session, they made our very own Kufi Hats and danced around the classroom to some African music.

In year 1,2, they learnt all about different churches and got to make their own church.

In year 3,4, they learnt what worship was and how different this can look around the world.

In year 5,6, they learnt all about justice and what this entailed.

Living and Learning : Body image

Posted on Monday 14 June 2021 by Miss Harker

We’ve been talking about all of the exciting things our bodies allow us to do. We enjoyed listening to this story.

I play football with my body.

My body lets me hold hands.

Skin can heal.

Our bodies let us know what they need to stay well and feel good but they don’t use words to talk to us. They use feelings. They send us messages about what they need through the way we feel.

My tummy grumbles when I am hungry.

When I feel tired, I go to sleep.

It hurts when I feel sad.



Posted on Sunday 13 June 2021 by Miss Harker

This half term, our Science learning is ‘Animals including humans‘.

In the coming weeks, we will be learning the following vocabulary:









body parts

Watch these informative, funny videos from BBC Bitesize with your child and see how they get on with the quizzes, too.







We have already begun learning about how to classify animals. We sorted all of the animals in groups, looking for features such as fur, beaks, gills, webbed feet and more.

Sunny first week back

Posted on Friday 11 June 2021 by Mrs Wood

What a great start to the final term!
We’ve jumped straight into our new topic which is based on journeys and transport. From booking holidays in the travel agent to being mermaids in the sand, the children have had a fantastic week.

Our focus story is The Hundred Decker Bus by Mike Smith. On Monday and Tuesday, the F2 children drew a map of the buses journey. We also looked at different pictures of old buses and compared them with pictures of new buses. The children were fascinated!
“That bus is old because it looks dusty.”
“This bus is older because it is darker than that one.”
“This bus is old because the windows are small.”

The children absolutely love this book! Therefore, we will be continuing this book next week and designing our own decks for our class bus. You could ask your child if they can remember what happens in the story.
On Thursday, we had a visitor from Hand to Mouth visit us. We learnt all about African worship. In the session, we made our very own Kufi Hats and dance around the classroom to some African music.

This week, our focus number was 17. We’ve also been thinking about doubling. The children know that when we double something it gets twice as big.

The F2 children have started Phase 4 of the ‘Letters and Sounds’ phonics programme. In this phase children will use the phonemes learnt in Phase 2 and Phase 3 to read and spell words with four or more phonemes.
CVCC words: tent, damp, chimp, toast
For example, in the word ‘damp’, d = consonant, a = vowel,  m = consonant,  p = consonant
CCVC words: swim, plum, sport, spoon
For example, in the word ‘plum’, p = consonant, l = consonant, u = vowel, m = consonant
They will also learn more new tricky words. This week, we learnt: said and so.

Here are some more highlights from this week…

We even made our own jacuzzi!

Don’t forget to come along to our outdoor learning journey drop-ins next week. If you can’t remember your session, please ask one of the Foundation team. We look forward to sharing and celebrating all of the children’s wonderful learning.

This weekend is going to be a hot one. Please remember to drink plenty of water, sit in the shade and wear sun cream. Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on Monday.

11 June 2021

Posted on Friday 11 June 2021 by Mrs Latham

Year 1

This week’s spellings for Year 1 are words with the /f/, /l/, /z/, /s/ and /k/ sounds at the end. They are usually spelt with a double consonant at the end of words : ff, ll, zz, ss and ck.

  • off
  • huff
  • well
  • hill
  • buzz
  • whizz
  • miss
  • boss
  • back
  • duck

Year 2

This week’s spellings are more common exception words for Year 2. These are words that don’t follow the usual spelling rules.

  • plant
  • poor
  • pretty
  • prove
  • should
  • steak
  • sugar
  • sure
  • told
  • water

Reading and writing

Posted on Friday 11 June 2021 by Miss Harker

This week, we have been learning about Aesop’s Fables. Our reading fluency text has been The Tortoise and the Hare.

We talked about the message in the story and looked at some key vocabulary. Next week, the children will read and retell the story, draw a story map to help them remember the sequence of events and do some independent writing.

Help at home by asking your child if they can tell you the story of The Tortoise and the Hare.

Design and Technology

Posted on Friday 11 June 2021 by Miss Harker

This half term, we are starting our next topic which is all about Design and Technology.

During this topic, we will be exploring and evaluating a range of existing products, designing functional and appealing products based on given design criteria and then making the product by selecting from a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks (eg cutting, shaping, joining and finishing).

Throughout the topic, we will look at key questions. What is a structure? Which design is the best? How can we make it stronger? Is it fit for purpose?

Here is a list of some of the vocabulary that will be taught in the coming weeks.

Design and Technology

Posted on Thursday 10 June 2021 by Miss Beatson

Our new topic this half term is all about Design and Technology.

After a desperate plea from our friend Eggy, we’ve been tasked with designing a fully functioning car (one that won’t crash with him in it this time! It was no yolk).
We will complete the following design process:
– evaluate
– devise design criteria
– design product
– make
– test
Of course, we will be constantly evaluating our designs to see if there are any problems we need to fix. Challenge your child to tell you which computing word this reminds them of!
Below is a list of vocabulary the children will be learning over the next few weeks. Help at home by making sure your child knows these words and definitions inside out.
Could you play some games to help your child memorise the definitions? Maybe they could teach you first or maybe play a game of Pictionary!

Staying safe in the sun

Posted on Thursday 10 June 2021 by Mrs Wood

As the weather is getting warmer, we’d like to remind you about keeping your child safe in the sun.

NHS guidance makes it clear that most people do not apply enough sunscreen. If sunscreen is applied too thinly, the amount of protection is reduced. It should be applied to all exposed skin, including the face, neck and ears. The SPF should be at least 30.

It’s really important that children come to school wearing sunscreen and that this is applied just before leaving home.

If you choose an ‘all day sunscreen’, it’s important that it is used according to the manufacturer’s instructions. For sunscreen that needs to be reapplied, children can bring a named bottle into school which they will be able to reapply at lunchtime. Please teach your child how to do this independently. Staff in school will help/guide if needed but as you can imagine a vast amount of teaching and learning time could be lost if staff are applying cream to a full class.

If your child has a sibling(s) in school, they will each need an individual bottle of suncream. Due to the current situation, we cannot be going into other bubbles.

A named hat and water bottle are essential. Please ensure that your child brings both to school every day. We will replenish water bottles throughout the day.