Class News


Posted on Thursday 07 March 2024 by Jamie Kilner

What a busy week we have had in the Year 3/4 classroom.

We were lucky to have a visit from PCSO Louise who came in to talk to us about how to keep safe and to remind us about the importance of making right choices.

In writing this week, we have been writing a recount about Tarragon, the dragon slayer. What fantastic work the children have produced. We have thoroughly enjoyed using challenging vocabulary and strived to make our work stand out.  Mr Kilner has been so impressed!

In PE, we have loved learning and performing yoga poses and sequences. We have learnt common poses like Warrior 1, Warrior 2 and Airplane. Calming breathing techniques and meditation have helped us to find a feeling of calm and we have left feeling ‘reborn’, ‘relaxed’ and ‘refreshed’.

Help at home – Ask your children about some of the vocabulary they have used this week in their writing. What word did they use to describe Tarragon/the dragon/Black Bull. Can they remember any other yoga poses? Are they able to teach family at home about how to perform them? Can they think of any ways PCSO Louise told us to stay safe?


Posted on Saturday 02 March 2024 by Mrs Freeman

Year 1 have been enjoying learning some yoga with our expert ‘Mrs Bye’. The children have used breathing exercises and relaxation techniques to create a relaxed and calm environment. Perfecting a pose and improving their balance and flexibility has enabled each child (and adult) to really enjoy the moment.


The Hundred Decker Rocket

Posted on Saturday 02 March 2024 by Emma Kendrew

This week we have been really busy with our focus book The Hundred Decker Rocket by Mike Smith.

We have talked about what we would each have on our own deck on the rocket.

” I would have a bouncy castle because they are fun!”

“I would have an ice cream tree!”

Our word of the week was expedition the children have really enjoyed using this during their learning.

“An expedition is a journey.”

“When we go to the Museum we are going on a expedition.”

Help at home: tell your grown up about an expedition you have been on together, what did you see? Where was the destination?


This week in our phonics we have reviewed the digraphs er, air

Help at home: Please support your child with the ‘learn at home’ sheet sent home today. Please also keep accessing the ebooks.

Poetry Picnic

This week our poem was Popcorn

Popcorn, Popcorn, sizzling in the pan.

Shake it up, shake it up,

Bam, Bam, Bam.

Popcorn, Popcorn, now it’s getting hot.

Shake it up, shake it up,

Pop, Pop, Pop.

The Classroom Challenges this week have been

  • to make an alien
  • to draw an alien with a pen and then use the pipette and water to melt it away
  • to make a flying saucer
  • to write a list of the rubbish we found left on the table
  • to order the images from 1-8 on the washing line
  • to draw a map outside and ask a friend to follow it

Also this week we have had our first Forest School session, this was so much muddy fun and thoroughly enjoyed by everyone!







Please can we remind everyone to send their child to school in their PE kits on Friday with waterproofs and wellies in a labelled plastic bag.

Next week our focus book is The Hundred Decker Bus by Mike Smith.


School Trip

We’re very excited about our school trip to the National Railway Museum next Wednesday!

Please can you send your child with a

  • Rucksack
  • Packed lunch (no nuts or fizzy drinks)
  • Water bottle
  • Suitable coat

Book bags can stay at home, thank you.

Reminders and Notices

Waste Innovation- Please don’t forget to send in any donations for us to be creative.  We really appreciate anything!!

Please can we also ask for any donations of children’s underwear, socks and old school uniform, we work hard and play hard in reception so things can get a little bit messy!!

Stay and Learn Sessions

World Book Day 07.03.24-8.50am-9.20am

Please don’t forget to email any pictures from home thank you!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Mrs. Feldman




Viking Boy (Class Novel)

Posted on Friday 01 March 2024 by Mr Freeman

This week, years 5 and 6 read  the thrilling finale of our well-loved class novel, Viking Boy.

This book has had us gripped from start to finish! We followed the life of Gunnar and his journey of resilience, growth and fulfilling his oath to his father. The children have thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel as a class – we couldn’t believe the ending!

As we reviewed our novel, we reflected on the choices made and events that Gunnar went through during his adventure.

Here were some of the final comments from the children:

  • Not everything goes to plan – it’s important to keep going in difficult situations.
  • Gunnar persevered whilst he was made a slave and ended up keeping the promise to his father.
  • You have to show resilience at times in your life. Sometimes, you might feel like you’re super unlucky, but in time your luck can change if you don’t give up.

Help at home: Ask your child about the class novel and whether they enjoyed being read to. Use this knowledge to read with your child using different books that they enjoy. Take it in turns to listen to your child read, and to read to your child. This way, you can take some of the difficulties/stresses of learning away from the child by allowing them to totally relax and enjoy the story.

Spellings term 2.2

Posted on Friday 01 March 2024 by Mr Freeman

Times Tables

Posted on Friday 01 March 2024 by Mr Nash

This week in Year 2, we’ve started learning our times tables. We’ve been focusing on 10s, 5s and 2s. The children have enjoyed using manipulatives to show me what they know.

When times are hard… use base ten!

Help at home by practising counting forwards and backwards in 10s, 5s and 2s. Login details for Times Tables Rock Stars accompany this week’s homework – use this in regular short bursts to consolidate times tables knowledge.

Living and Learning: Being similar and being different

Posted on Thursday 29 February 2024 by Mrs Freeman

During our Living and Learning lesson, we thought about how we are all similar and how we are all different.

To help us to understand differences we enjoyed the story of Elmer the Elephant.

Though he might Elmer: 30th Anniversary Edition: 1 (Elmer Picture Books):  McKee, David: 9781842707319: Bookstemporarily want to be just like all the other grey elephants, Elmer realises that being his own colourful self is far more enjoyable – and everyone loves him, just the way he is.
It’s OK to be different.
I like being me.
There is no one else like me. I am special!
What is the moral of Elmer the Elephant?
Elmer the Elephant teaches us that everyone is unique and has something that sets them apart from everyone else, and that there’s no point in trying to hide or disguise this. We should embrace our differences and always be true to who we are.
Teacher's Pet » Elmer Poster - It's OK to be different
The children recreated their own version of Elmer and each one is DIFFERENT!
Help at home by chatting to your child about uniqueness. We are creating our own large Elmer in the classroom and your child can add details about themselves to a template of an elephant.
Printable Elmer The Elephant Template - Printable Templates Free
This can be images of hobbies, a self portrait or whatever they feel makes them who they are.
Please return the finished elephants to school so they can be added to the large template.

Non-fiction Navigators

Posted on Wednesday 28 February 2024 by Mr Nash

We are very lucky at St James’ to have an expansive collection of books to enjoy. Every term, we receive several boxes of brilliant books from Leeds School Library Service. They are all carefully selected to support our curriculum.

In Year 2, we took the time to explore some of the non-fiction books that link to our current science unit – Living Things and Their Habitats.

In our reading skills sessions, we learnt how non-fiction books are structured in different ways. We learnt how to use the contents and index pages to navigate non-fiction books efficiently.

The children enjoyed using their new skills to learn more about the natural world. I was stunned by some of the facts the children shared with me. The oldest tree in the world is nearly 5,000 years old!

Help at home by exploring non-fiction books with your child. Can you use the contents and index pages to navigate to the information you’re looking for?

Design and Technology: Fresh Fruit Salad

Posted on Wednesday 28 February 2024 by Mrs Freeman

Yesterday, we all made a delicious, healthy fruit salad.

There were lots of skills on show during the preparation such as;

  • peeling by hand
  • draining through a colander
  • segmenting
  • claw grip (using a fork to secure the fruit)
  • bridge hold
  • measuring liquids
  • mixing

Why not make this again at home and encourage your child to use the correct cookery skills.


(serves 6)

1 banana

1 apple

1 orange/satsuma


seedless grapes

1 kiwi fruit

2 x 15ml spoons orange juice

Weekly Poem

Posted on Saturday 24 February 2024 by Mrs Freeman

Each week, the children listen to and enjoy a poem. We rehearse the verses daily and read it together. The class participate in short discussions about the text and any particular favourite words or phrases.

By recognising the patterns of rhythm and sound, used in poetry, helps to read using prosody. (reading aloud with fluency and expression)

In class, an adult will model good prosodic reading by reading aloud and adding emphasis to particular words and phrases which can really bring a text to life.

Once children have listened to the the adult example, they then practice reading aloud to one another, responding to the modeled cues. It has been fantastic to hear to the children repeating parts of the poem using  prosody effectively.

Here is the poem for the upcoming week .

Help at home by listening to the poem. Model reading it using some prosody and your child can echo read with you.


Written by Eleanor Farjeon

Narrated by Mrs Freeman


Cats sleep, anywhere,
Any table, any chair
Top of piano, window-ledge,
In the middle, on the edge,
Open drawer, empty shoe,
Anybody’s lap will do,
Fitted in a cardboard box,
In the cupboard, with your frocks-
Anywhere! They don’t care!
Cats sleep anywhere.

Why Do Cats Sleep So Much? 6 Vet-Approved Reasons - Catster