Class News

Times Tables Rock Stars: tournament time

Posted on Monday 01 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Calling all Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS),


It’s great to see that so many of you have been rocking those times tables as part of your home learning.

ALL classes are putting on great performances so now we’re raising the stakes.

Each week, you will be competing in a tournament with the other KS2 classes. The scores of you and your classmates will be added together to decide who will achieve the honour of being… ROCKSTARS OF THE WEEK!


In fact, we set up a warm-up tournament last week and the results are in…

Congratulations to Year 6 who achieved a WHOPPING 286 results.


Who will reach top spot in the charts next week?

Rules for the gig are simple:

  1. Log on to TTRS.
  2. Play on any game mode. We recommend Garage and Soundcheck.
  3. Check the class news page on Mondays to see if your class is the weekly winner. If you practise at the weekend, your scores will still be counted.

All the best, TTRS!


F1 Home Learning: Week 8

Posted on Friday 26 February 2021 by Mrs Wood

This week is one of our favourite times in Nursery as we get to read so many of our favourite stories! Don’t worry though, we’ll continue with our World Book Day celebrations in Nursery next week when we all return. There’ll be lots of fun activities to look forward to, all linked to some of the most popular stories in Nursery. There are often lots of live story telling sessions during the week, so have a look at the World Book Day website for more details and ideas.

Look out for a video tour of the Foundation classroom on the Class News Page next week. Next week, I’ll be busy preparing the Foundation classroom for everyone to return and I’ll post the video as soon as I can.  We hope that you enjoy watching the virtual tour to familiarise yourself with the classroom again, before we welcome you back next week.  We can’t wait!

In Nursery, we usually choose lots of stories to read, however for our home learning this week, we’ve probably chosen one of the MOST popular children’s books of all time… The Gruffalo.  If you don’t have a copy of the story at home, click on the link to watch and listen to the story.

Don’t forget to join the World Book Day Zoom session on Wednesday! For this week’s session, you can come dressed up as your favourite character. 

·        Before you read the book, talk about what the children can remember if they’ve heard the story before. Who does the mouse meet? Where does the story take place? Can you remember what happens when the mouse meets the Gruffalo?
·        If you have a copy of the book, look at the illustrations on each page and talk about what is happening in the story. Some children may be able to re-tell the story in their own words if they are familiar with it.
·        As you read the story together, pause at some parts and see if your child can finish the sentence, especially when there’s a word that rhymes with the previous one. E.g. Where are you meeting him? Here by this lake and his favourite food is scrambled _____? 
Aspect 4 of our Phase One phonics learning is all about ‘Rhythm and Rhyme’. This week, you’ll need a drum or a pan and spoon to join in with Mrs Gosper as she plays some rhythm patterns on her drum. Use your listening ears to listen carefully to Mrs Gosper and then wait for your turn to copy her patterns.
Rhythm patterns with drums video
When you’ve finished, have a go at tapping some of your own patterns and take turns to copy each other. Remember to LISTEN first, and then LISTEN again, and then have a try to copy it yourself.
·        What’s your favourite book? Draw a picture and talk about your favourite story. We’d love to hear about it – send us an email of your picture and write down a few of the comments that your child made.
·        Can you remember how Mouse describes the Gruffalo? What does he have on his nose? What about his back? In our group times in Nursery, we always enjoy drawing on an outline of a Gruffalo and then using different colours and lines to add in his features. Have a go at home – you might need to help your child by drawing a rough Gruffalo outline first but without any details. Here’s one to copy or print at home.  Can you add the following things to your Gruffalo outline?

orange eyes black tongue terrible tusks terrible teeth What else does the Gruffalo need?
poisonous wart purple prickles horns terrible claws

·        For those of you with a printer, here’s a Gruffalo colouring sheet available to download.

Playing ‘track games’ is a great way for children to practise lots of different maths skills such as recognising dice patterns and counting with one to one correspondence (as they move spaces).
This week, have a go at creating your own game together. Your child will need help with the general outline of the track, but they can then add in their own drawings for the houses and trees etc.
1)  Draw some circle stepping stones across the paper to create a ‘track’ through the woods.
2) Next, draw on the animal homes that the mouse found including an underground house, a log pile and a tree top house. You could add a river and some of your own ideas too.
3) Make or find 2 counters and borrow a dice from another game.
4) Roll the dice and move your counter forward the correct number of spaces.
5) The first mouse to make it through the forest to the end of the path wins!
Extension ideas
·        Make up some of your own rules. Perhaps you could draw some purple prickles in a few spaces and if you land on a prickle, you have to go back one space. You could also draw a nut in some other spaces and if you land on a nut, move forward a space.
·        If you don’t fancy making your own game, find a board game that involves a similar concept, such as snakes and ladders. They’re a really great way for children to practise counting skills whilst having fun.
·        Make some puppets or find some props to help you re-tell your favourite story. We’d love to see a video of your show!
·        Can you make a cave/den home for the Gruffalo? He might enjoy having a tea party in his cave…
·        We’ve explored printing with lots of items during lockdown such as cans, boxes and forks. This week, if you have some plastic animal/dinosaur toys, have a go at printing with them and talk about the prints that they make. Once you’ve finished dipping their feet in water, make sure you help to wash it off before the paint dries.
·        If your child loves to role play in their kitchen, play ‘cafes’ and order some special items from the menu including roasted fox, scrambled snake, owl ice-cream and Gruffalo crumble.
·        In Nursery, we sometimes enjoy trying ‘scrambled snake’ egg on toast. Ask your child to help you break the eggs and mix in some milk to make a ‘scrambled snake egg’ snack.  Make sure they help you to spread butter on the toast too.
·        Are you ready for a snack and some quiet time on the sofa? We love this animated version of the Gruffalo on the BBC iPlayer.
·        You’ll be singing this song about the Gruffalo all week once you hear it! Listen at home and join in.
·        Julia Donaldson’s website has lots of Gruffalo themed games to join in, as well activities for her other books too.
Understanding the World
·        Mouse met a few different creatures in the woods. Talk about other animals that you might find in the woods near your home. Where do they live?  If you enjoy spotting things whilst out and about in your local area, have a look at this ‘Twig Spotter’ activity from the Woodland Trust’s website. How many can you find?
·        Can you spot any animal tracks? Look carefully to see if you can see any footprints in the mud. Here’s a few ideas of footprints to look out for on this ‘Animal footprint hunt’ – it might be very tricky to find some of them!
Physical Development
Funky Fingers
To get your fingers moving this week, you’re going to need a pile of very small items such as 1p/5p coins, buttons, beads, Cheerios… Draw some wavy lines, zig-zags and spiral patterns on pieces of paper and then ask your child to pick up the small objects and place them along the lines. This is a good way to develop their pincer grip and control.
We’re going to have a go at balancing, jumping and crawling in this activity. Clear a space on the floor and ask your child to gather some cushions and pillows from around the house. Place them on the floor like stepping stones and ask your child to step from one to the other. This is good way for them to practise balancing, especially as the cushions will be soft and move under their feet a little. Repeat the activity, adapting the challenge by putting the cushions further away or not in a straight line.  If you have space and your floor isn’t too slippy, ask them to have a go at jumping from one to the other. Make sure you supervise your child and hold on to any cushions that may move as they jump!

Finally, create a space for your child to crawl under. You could use a blanket/sheet over two chairs, or line some dining chairs up. Ask your child to slither like a snake on their tummies under the blanket or between the chair legs. Crawling is a very important aspect of early years play, helping to provide sensory feedback and developing many different things including the vestibular system (balance).

Independence skills
As we begin to prepare to return to Nursery, we’d like you to focus on ‘toileting’ again with your child.
– Do they go to the toilet without reminders? Try and encourage them to recognise the signs that they need to go!
– When they get to the toilet, are they able to undress themselves? Practise pulling trousers/leggings/tights up and down and remember your child needs to wear clothes that allow children to do this independently.
– When they’ve finished, do they attempt to clean themselves and have a go at wiping?
– Practise handwashing skills again – this is going to be very important on our return to Nursery.
As always, we are there to help children if they need assistance, so please remind them to speak to their teachers if they need help next week.
Key Worker activity and videos
This week, we thought you’d like to be detectives! Listen carefully to each of your teacher’s clues about their favourite stories. Can you guess which book they love to read? Have a go at making some clues for one of your favourite stories and send us an email to see if we can guess!
Key Worker video – World Book Day
We’re so happy that we’re all going to be together again soon. It made us want to sing a song!
Key worker song – If you’re happy and you know it
Story time
I don’t want to wash my hands! Read by Miss Marsden
Click here to watch today’s story.
Soap Experiment – watch and see how soap can stop germs!
You will need:
– a plate
– ground pepper
– washing up liquid
– water
1. Pour the water onto the plate.
2. Sprinkle the ground pepper onto the water.
3. Rub some soap onto your hand.
4. Put your hand in the water and see what happens.  

Week Commencing 01.03.21: F2 Home Learning

Posted on Friday 26 February 2021 by Mrs Wood







Book of the week- Click here to watch the story Jasper’s Beanstalk or read the book if you have it at home.
Questions to discuss-
1. What do you think will be at the top of the beanstalk?
2. What different tools did Jasper use?
3. What plant have you got growing in your garden?
4. Do plants change during different seasons?
5. Do you know any other stories about beanstalks?
Phonics- ur
Click here to watch today’s phonics video.
Parents: For the final activity on the video, there are two possible sentences
‘See the cat lick his black fur.’ or ‘See the black cat lick his fur.’
Activity 1:  Look at the picture. What can you see?
Write a word or sentence about the picture. (Sentence – He hurt his leg. Word – hurt.)
Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.
Below are the steps we use to help us with our writing.
1. Say the sentence aloud.
2. Count the words.
3. Segment each word apart from the tricky words.
4. Read your sentence to check it makes sense!
Activity 2: Play on Phonicsplay.  Click this link. Choose phase 3, + ur
Handwriting Practise- l, t, i 
Click here to watch today’s video.
Click here to view the rhymes we use in school.
Maths- Building with 3D shapes
Click here to watch session 1.
Click here for today’s activity.
Tuesday Phonics- ow
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to hear the jolly phonics song for ow (at 10:38 in the video)
Activity 1: Write words containing the ow sound (examples – cow, brown, now, owl and howl)
Place them on the floor or around the room. Say a word for your child to find.
Activity 2: Click here for a Read and Roll – ow
Handwriting Practise- u, y, j 
Click here to watch today’s video.
Click here to view the rhymes we use in school.
Maths- Matching 3D Shapes
Click here to watch session 2.
Click here for today’s activity.
Wednesday Phonics- oi
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to hear the jolly phonics song for oi (at 10:52 in the video)
Activity 1: Write the words; coin, foil, oil, boing Parents: read aloud for your child to write.
***challenge*** write your own sentence, using one of the words you have written.
Activity 2: Click here to have a go at this oi word search. Either search on screen, or print it off (we recommend using page 1)
Handwriting Practise- e, f, z
Click here to watch today’s video.
Click here to view the rhymes we use in school.
Maths- Print with 3D Shapes
Click here to watch session 3.
Click here for today’s activity.
Thursday Phonics- Tricky word – her
Click here to watch today’s phonics video.
Activity 1: Tricky Word Lucky Dip
1. Write each tricky word on a piece of paper.
2. Fold the pieces of paper up so you can’t see the words.
3. Dip your hand in and read the tricky word. Can you say the letter names?
4. Repeat until you have used all of the tricky words.
Activity 2: Practise spelling the tricky words in flour or salt.
Click here to watch Miss Marsden.
Activity 3:  Play a game of phase 3 tricky word snakes and ladders. Click here to download and play.
If you do not have a printer, write down on a piece of paper each number you land on and follow on screen with your finger. You will need dice to play. Parents: If your child lands on a word we have not yet covered in class, you can support them by reading the word.
Handwriting Practise- v, w, x
Click here to watch today’s video.
Click here to view the rhymes we use in school.
Word Passport
Click here for this week’s word list.
Remember to use your phoneme fingers when blending!
Maths- Capacity
Click here to be taken to today’s video.
Today’s video is all about Capacity (the amount something can hold) and the language we use to describe capacity.
Activity: Take pictures of the different measurements, when exploring the capacity of a container. It could be the stages of running a bath, filling a bucket or drinking a drink for example. Which words did you use to describe each measurement?
Friday Understanding the World with Professor Myers; British Science Week 2021- Structures
Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers.
-Can you make a structure strong enough to support a toy?
-Have a go at one of the experiments in the activity pack.
-Send photos to show what you did.
Activity Pack 1
Activity Pack 2
Activity Pack 3
Activity Pack 4
Story time-
I don’t want to wash my hands! Read by Miss Marsden
Click here to watch today’s story.
Soap Experiment – watch and see how soap can stop germs!
You will need:
– a plate
– ground pepper
– washing up liquid
– water
1. Pour the water onto the plate.
2. Sprinkle the ground pepper onto the water.
3. Rub some soap onto your hand.
4. Put your hand in the water and see what happens.  

Don’t forget to join the World Book Day Zoom session on Wednesday! For this week’s session, you can come dressed up as your favourite character. 

Story Link activities to select throughout the week
Keep a diary for the week just like Jasper. This could be about anything. What did you eat for breakfast? What did you see out in the garden? What toys have you played with? You could use this diary format click here, or create your own!

Understanding the World
Take a walk outside or in your garden. What can you find growing? You could take a pen and paper to draw what you find.

1. How tall are the people or toys in your house?
Use boxes, bottles, tins or anything else around your house to measure them. Talk about size difference – who is the tallest? How tall are they?

2. Write numerals on pots or paper. Count the correct number of beans to match the numerals.
Expressive Arts and Design
1. Paint, draw or build your beanstalk. How tall can you make it? How many leaves did you add?
2. Draw a picture to show what you think might be at the top of Jasper’s Beanstalk.
3. Use beans, pulses or any dried food you may have at home to create a mosaic style picture.
 Physical Development
1. Sort beans, pulses or other small dry foods you have at home.
2. Collects some leaves and cut using scissors or other tools. You can also create you own leaves. Cut out of paper or card and fold to make the veins.

F2 Parents

Posted on Friday 26 February 2021 by Mrs Wood

Yesterday’s tricky word video link was the wrong link.
This has now been changed.
Click here to view the video.
I apologise for any inconvenience.

Happy half term!

Posted on Saturday 13 February 2021 by Miss Beatson

Well done for getting through the half term- we think you’ve all been amazing! It has been great to see lots of you on Zoom every day sharing your favourite learning or discussing a challenging question or even just chatting about what you’ve baked that day.  You’ve all been resilient, resourceful and taken responsibility for your learning at home. You should be very proud of yourselves! Here are some highlights of the half term both in school and at home……..

F1 Home Learning: Week 7

Posted on Friday 12 February 2021 by Mrs Wood

These activities are for the week commencing Monday 22 February, which is when we return to Nursery/Remote Learning, following the half term break. We hope that you have a good break over half term and find a new place to visit on one of your local walks!

We hope that you enjoyed a rest over the half term holidays.  A few weeks ago, we read ‘Dear Zoo’ and had to match some animals to the noises that they make in a listening game. This week, we’re going to think about some more sounds, but not just animal noises. In our story this week, poor Mr Bear just can’t get to sleep because there are so many noises keeping him awake! You may have a copy of this classic children’s book at home, but don’t worry if not, you can enjoy listening to it using this link. ‘Peace at Last’

·        What happened at the beginning of the story? Why couldn’t Mr Bear get to sleep next to Mrs Bear? Do you snore like Mrs Bear? Have a try!
·        What was Baby Bear pretending to be? See if you can make the same noise.
·        When Mr Bear went downstairs, what noise could he hear in the living room?
·        Can you remember which room Mr Bear was in when he heard ‘DRIP DRIP’ and ‘HMMMMMMMMMM’?
·        Outside, Mr Bear heard 3 different animal noises. Can you name them? They made these noises…TOO-WHIT-TOO-WHOO, SNUFFLE SNUFFLE and MIAAAAOW!
·        Talk about what happened at the end of the story. Did Mr Bear get to sleep? Did the ending make you laugh? Why?
This week, Mrs Gosper is going to teach you about a selection of percussion instruments. Listen carefully to the sounds that they make and then see if you can work out which instrument it is.
Metal and Wood instruments video
There’s a phonics activity included in our Key Worker video this week. It’s linked to our story of the week and is all about listening for sounds around your home.  You could join in too; use a tablet/phone to record some sounds around the house and then play them back. Can you guess which sound it is?
·        We all love to snuggle up under our favourite blanket or duvet at bedtime – we saw some really cosy blankets on our Zoom scavenger hunts. Grab a piece of paper and have a go at designing a new blanket. What colours, patterns, shapes or pictures would you use?
·        Mr Bear hears lots of animals outside in the garden at night. Can you draw a hedgehog with lots of prickles on its back? Join in with Squiglet and watch how she draws grass using zig-zags.
This week in maths, we’re going to think about some important mathematical language involving words associated with time. During everyday conversations, try to use words like ‘today’, ‘tomorrow’ and ‘yesterday’ and help your child to understand what they mean and use them in conversation.
It’s also important to begin to understand about our daily routines. ‘Peace at Last’ takes place at night time, just as Mr Bear is trying to get to sleep. It’s good to establish a good bedtime routine, but everybody might do things slightly differently! Talk to your child about their evening routine. What do they do first? What happens next? What things do you do together before they go to sleep?  Here’s Mr Tumble’s bedtime routine; is it similar to yours?
Have a look at these pictures  and choose ones that are appropriate for your family. Try to put them in the order that you do them. You might need to add in some different ones, such as taking off your glasses.
Extension ideas
–  Can you sequence your morning routine? What do you do first? What next? When do you have breakfast and brush your teeth?
– Don’t forget to keep practising your counting skills! You could count the number of spikes on your playdough hedgehog or roll a dice and draw that many spikes onto a hedgehog outline.
·        Paint/draw/collage a night time picture. What colours will you use for the sky? Would you see a sunshine at night? What animals might you include that are awake at night?
·        A few weeks ago, we experimented with printing using different objects to see what shape print they made. This week, try printing using a fork. What pattern does it make? Use the fork to add some spikes onto a hedgehog outline.
·        Use playdough to make a hedgehog. What could you use to make spikes? In Nursery, we sometimes use wooden craft sticks, pipe cleaners or dry penne pasta/spaghetti. There are lots of ideas if you do a Google search!   If you have some children’s plastic scissors, you could try rolling a ball and then snipping the top to make spikes.
·        We love being all snuggly in our favourite pyjamas and reading a book before bedtime. Why not start your bedtime routine a little bit earlier one night; enjoy a bubbly bath and then make some hot chocolate or warm milk to drink whilst reading your bedtime story. What happens when you add the chocolate powder to the milk?
·        In this episode of ‘Melody’, Melody can’t get to sleep so her mum tries a few things to help her feel sleepy. She listens to some music about the moon at night time. What does the music make you think of?
Understanding the World
Talk about animals that are awake at night and sleep during the day. These animals are called ‘nocturnal’ animals; follow the links below to watch some short clips all about animals that come out at night.
Nocturnal animals
Andy’s Secret Hideout – Hedgehogs
Andy’s Secret Hideout – Owls
Need a longer break? We love watching Aunty Mable and her adventures with Pippin, regardless of how old they are! Grab your fruit snack and learn about hedgehogs with Pippin.
Physical Development
Funky Fingers
We’re going to revisit our cutting skills this week and practise using scissors again. Make sure a grown up is around to supervise.  Fold a piece of paper in half and cut out a semi-circle shape (or use a paper plate folded in half if you have one). Cut the corner off to make a nose (as in picture) and draw on a face. Next, ask your child to make snips along the edge to create spikes.
We’ve had some very cold weather over the last few weeks, but it’s still really important that we get outside to enjoy running around. Whatever the weather, try to wrap up warm and enjoy some fresh air and exercise. If it’s not too icy, have you got a bike, trike or scooter that you could have a ride on? Make sure you wear your helmet. Here are a few ideas, there’s a different one for each day.
Independence skills
We’ve been talking about some of the things that we do as part of our daily routines. What do we do twice a day that is really important? That’s right! We brush our teeth. Whilst we don’t expect children to do this by themselves just yet, they still need adults to ensure it is done well, children could begin to have a go at brushing their teeth before and after their adult has helped.  Watch this video and then encourage your child to look in the mirror as they brush their teeth. Teaching children about basic personal hygiene is a really important; it’s included in the ‘health and self-care’ part of the Early Years Foundation Stage.
Key Worker activity and videos
For this week’s Key Worker activity, you’ll need to have listened to this week’s story, ‘Peace at Last’. Mrs Gosper is going to play some sounds from the story and you need to use your listening ears to work out what you heard.
Key Worker video – Peace at last
After you’ve watched the video, you could play a game of ‘I can hear with my little ear’.  Take it in turns to imitate something and guess what makes that sound. You could imitate the sound of things from around your house like a clock or telephone, or of recognisable animals like a cat, dog or owl.
During group time, we often sing songs linked to our learning. This one is all about the things we might do at bedtime.  Key Worker song – The way we wash our hands
Don’t Call Me Sweet read by Mrs Rippon
Click here to watch this story.
Questions to discuss:
1. What didn’t Monster want to be called?
2. What did Monster chase?
3. Why did Monster say ‘EKK!’ ?
4. Can you draw your own Monster?
The World Made A Rainbow read by Miss Marsden
Click here to watch this story.
Now have a go at making your rainbow.
Click here to watch Miss Marsden make a rainbow with Skittles.
You will need:
– Skittles
– hot water
– a plate (preferably white)

Don’t forget to join this Wednesday’s Zoom session at 11am!
Please keep sending pictures of your home learning to 


Week Commencing 22.02.21: F2 Home Learning

Posted on Friday 12 February 2021 by Mrs Wood

These activities are for the week commencing Monday 22 February, which is when we return to school/home learning, following the half term break. We hope that you have a good break over half term and find a new place to visit on one of your local walks!







Book of the week- Click here to watch the story What the Ladybird Heard by Julia Donaldson, or read the book if you have it at home.
To discuss-
·        Look at the adjectives that are used to describe each animal. How many other adjectives can you think of to describe them? Remember, adjectives are words we use to describe. For example, in ‘hairy hog’, hairy is the adjective.
·        Which pairs of rhyming words could you hear?
·        Which characters were the heroes in this story? Who were the villains?
Phonics- oo
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to hear the jolly phonics song for oo.
Activity 1:  Sorting oo-
Oo is super tricky. Not only do we have to identify the sound but we also have to decide whether the short or long version fits the word. Have a go at sorting these pictures onto the ‘short sound’ or ‘long sound’ grids. Click here for the card sorting activity. Parents: If unsure of the words the picture cards represent, click here for the answers.
If you do not have a printer at home, you could draw a simple table like this:

Short oo Long oo





and draw in pictures of objects that have the long/short oo in the correct column of the table.

Activity 2: In our phonics lessons, we like to play a game called Please Mr. Crocodile. Have a go at this at home using our new phase 3 sounds qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo
Here are the rules:
1.Write out the sounds on pieces of paper (or print them/ use flashcards if you have them) Lay them out on the floor.
2. Use a piece of blue material to represent ‘The River’
3. Child asks “Please Mr. Crocodile, can I cross your river?” Adult (crocodile) replies “Only if you give me the sound…” and asks the child to select the correct sound. Will they find the correct sounds and be allowed to cross the river?!
Don’t forget to send in pictures of you playing at home!

Handwriting Practise- c, o, a, d
Click here to watch today’s video.
Click here to view the rhymes we use in school.

Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 3.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 1- Comparing Height
Activity: Click here for today’s activity.
If you do not have building blocks or cubes, you can use other objects of the same shape and size. Perhaps you could use tins from the food cupboard, for example.
Tuesday Phonics- ar
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to hear the jolly phonics song for ar.
Activity 1:  Caption writing- Describe the object in the picture.
Write a word or sentence about the picture. (Sentence – The rock is hard and smooth. Words – hard, smooth.)
Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a full stop.
Below are the steps we use to help us with our writing.
1. Say the sentence aloud.
2. Count the words.
3. Segment each word apart from the tricky words.
4. Read your sentence to check it makes sense!
Activity 2: Challenge yourself with the phonics bloom flashcard time trial- how many can -you get correct in one minute? You will need an adult to click the tick or the cross. Click here
Please select phase 3 and deselect set 11 (the children have not covered some of these sounds yet) There is an option to play again using incorrect or missing sounds- great for recapping those sounds to work on!Handwriting Practise- g, q, s
Click here to watch today’s video.
Click here to view the rhymes we use in school.
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 3. Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 2- Comparing Length
Activity: Click here for today’s activity.
If you do not have playdough, you could measure string, toys or any other household objects.
Wednesday Phonics- or
Click here to watch today’s phonics video. Click here to hear the jolly phonics song for (ee)or.
Activity 1: Complete the video activity- writing a sentence/ silly sentence using the pictures.
Activity 2: Read and match the captions to the correct picture. You can print these or read them on screen. Click here
Maths- White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 3.
Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 4- Measuring Height
Activity: Click here for the activity. You will notice that this is a bit of a long term activity, involving planting a seed. If you are able to do this, please do, otherwise keep practising measuring the height of household items, using smaller items you have (remember, the measuring unit objects need to be the same shape and size)Handwriting Practise- r, n, m, h
Click here to watch today’s video.
Click here to view the rhymes we use in school.

Don’t forget to join today’s Zoom session! See you at 11am!

Thursday Phonics- Tricky word – they
Click here to watch today’s phonics video.
Activity 1: Tricky word colouring sheets!- Click here
Click here for more colouring sheets.
Activity 2: Tricky word spotter story- click here
Click here to find a link to a website blog post, that has some fantastic tricky word activity ideas. Pick your favourite ideas and have a go! We particularly like the look of ‘Tricky word hang-man’ and sticking tricky words to pots and pans that you can hit when you hear the word! Musical words!

Handwriting Practise- b, p, k
Click here to watch today’s video.
Click here to view the rhymes we use in school.

Word Passport
Click here for this week’s word list.
Remember to use your phoneme fingers when blending!

Maths-  White Rose Maths: Growing 6, 7, 8!- Week 3. Click here to be taken to the correct web page. Choose Session 5- Measuring Time
Activity: Click here for today’s activity.
Friday Understanding the World with Professor Myers; The importance of snot!
Click here to watch this week’s video with Professor Myers.
-Can you make your own snot experiment at home using the ingredients? Send us a photo!
-Make a snot superhero poster to tell everyone how snot helps to protect us from getting poorly.
Story time –
Don’t Call Me Sweet read by Mrs Rippon
Click here to watch this story.
Questions to discuss:
1. What didn’t Monster want to be called?
2. What adjectives (describing words) were used to describe Monster?
3. What did Monster chase?
4. Why did Monster say ‘EKK!’ ?
5. Can you draw your own Monster?
The World Made A Rainbow read by Miss Marsden
Click here to watch this story.
Now have a go at making your rainbow.
Click here to watch Miss Marsden make a rainbow with Skittles.
You will need:
– Skittles
– hot water
– a plate (preferably white)

Story Link activities to select throughout the week

1. What the Ladybird Heard features a map of the farm. Can you create your own map of a farm and use your phonic skills to add words naming the different features and animals?
2. The Ladybird was very brave and smart to come up with a plan and use her voice to warn the other animals. Can you design a certificate of bravery to award to ladybird?
A writing reminder…
How did your child find the writing activity? Remember, it’s okay for things to be spelt phonetically. It is important that your child grows into an independent learner. Encouraging your child to write the words as they sound rather than always spelling them correctly. We encourage the children to use their own skills, rather than copying an adult.


Understanding the World
Spring Time; Animals and their babies-
Happy Days! Winter is over and it is now the season of SPRING. Do you know what happens in the season of Spring? Have a chat with your grown up…
In Spring, many baby animals are born. Do you know the name of baby animals? Let’s have a think about the animals in our story What the Ladybird Heard.
Cow, pig, horse, duck, dog, cat
1. First, you could have a go at this ‘What can you see’ video. Click here Which baby animals can you name?
2. Be super researchers- if you don’t know them already, find the names of the remaining baby animals from our story; pig, horse, dog, cat. We speak lots in class about where we can find information, so be sure to tell us where you found your animal facts!

 Expressive Arts and Design
1. This week’s story takes place on a farm. What animal noises would you hear on a farm? Listen to this song by this week’s author Julia Donaldson click here See if you can sing along. You might even want to add your own animal movements and dance along too!
2.We’d love to see farmyard animal or ladybird pictures and crafts- use any resources you have! Don’t forget to send us a photo. Here are some ideas:
Physical Development
1. One of our favourite activities! This week, have a go at ‘On the Farm’ Cosmic Yoga.
Yoga Time! | On The Farm | Cosmic Kids – YouTube
2. Draw some lines of different patterns on pieces of paper and follow the lines using small objects such as cereal hoops, paperclips or buttons.

I hope you all have a great week!
Please keep sending photos of your home learning.

Home learning heroes

Posted on Friday 12 February 2021 by Miss Harker

Thank you for all the emails, photos and learning that you have shared during our Zoom sessions. Everyone has done their best in these difficult circumstances and that is all I can ask for. Enjoy a well-earned half term break.

End of unit quizzes

Posted on Thursday 11 February 2021 by Mrs Latham

Have a go at our quizzes to see what you can remember from the Science and Geography learning this half term.

Wonderful writing!

Posted on Wednesday 10 February 2021 by Mr Roundtree

From Mr Gathercole, who leads the Y1,2 home learning writing sessions…

Hello writers,

I’ve been absolutely blown away by the amazing writing that’s been sent in to us recently. Teachers always enjoy reading your work so keep sending those emails.

Whether it be writing about fairytales or poetry about aliens, you’ve produced great writing. We’re so proud of everyone for all of their hard work. You should be very proud, too!

First up, we see some brilliant re-telling of a classic fairy tale. Can you pick out words from each that you really like and are going to use in your writing?

Our first piece comes from Moortown. What great editing and improvements to what was already a great piece of writing! Now it’s even better.

This next entry comes from a writer at St James’ CE. Lots of great adjectives have been used. This wolf sounds a bit mischievous to me.

Back to Moortown for another great tale. When you read this, how do you know it is probably a fairy tale?


Next, we’ve some poetry based on the poem, Aliens Stole My Underpants by Brian Moses. It turns out that the aliens stole more than just underpants! Here’s what a couple of Scholes writers had to say on the matter.


Olivia wrote this great letter after our prime minister got in touch with us. Here’s a link to that message in case you missed it.


It sounds like this super learner at St James’ CE does a lot to keep positive during lockdown. It sounds like you’re doing a lot to have a healthy body and mind.

This writer at Scholes is spending lots time outside. There is so much detail that we can easily picture what you do to stay happy and healthy.


We may not be at school but these learners have all remembered to take pride in their presentation. To everyone at Scholes, Moortown and St James’ CE, keep being amazing.