Class News

Junior Leadership Team

Posted on Thursday 01 April 2021 by Miss Beatson

This week, our Living and Learning has been about democracy- this included voting for our new Junior Leadership Team (previously named School Council). Well done to all the children who delivered speeches to their classes. Congratulations to all the children who were elected:

Year 1: Lily and Willow

Year 2: Ralph and Kamile

Year 3: Caleb and Jack

Year 4: Ellie and Sianna

Year 5: Evie and Scarlet

Year 6: Cohen and Bella


Spring has sprung!

Posted on Thursday 01 April 2021 by Mrs Wood

I can’t believe it’s the 1st of April already!
This week, we’ve made the most of the glorious weather.
Below are just a few snapshots of what we’ve been up to this week.

Click here to watch us exploring in our outdoor area. I hope this video makes you smile as much as it did me.

On Monday, we read a book called The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. After reading the book we talked about what a seed needs to help it grow. We each planted our own tiny seed which was sunflower seed. After we planted our seeds, the F2 children did some instruction writing. The children are very good at caring for the seeds and are eager to water them everyday. We really hope they grow into beautiful sunflowers.
Don’t worry! Mrs Rippon has kindly volunteered to look after the seeds over half-term. I wonder what they will look like when we get back to school.

We have some frogspawn! The children were so excited on Monday morning when they saw the tank. We had lots of wonderful discussions and made lots of great observations. We will put the frogspawn back in our school pond over half term and hopefully when we get back to school we will have tadpoles or even froglets!

The excitement continues after half-term…
We are getting chick eggs and caterpillars! Our classroom is going to be very busy. We have been preparing the classroom for the new arrivals.

Summer 1
After half-term, our first focus story will be The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We will be looking at life-cycles and exploring the life of different minibeasts.
The F2 children will continue to learn the phase 3 sounds in phonics and we will be moving onto number 10 in maths.

Finally a little message from Miss Marsden…
You have all had a wonderful half-term. I am so proud of how well you have all settled back into school life. It has been lovely to have you all back together and I can’t wait to see where the summer term takes us. I hope you all have a fantastic half-term and a lovely Easter.
Happy Easter Foundation!



Easter Service

Posted on Thursday 01 April 2021 by Mr Roundtree

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who joined to support our Easter service today. It was lovely to see so many of you on zoom.

For those who were unable to join, here is a recording of our service.

Well done to all those children who took part and for all the wonderful singing that was heard around school.

The learning continues in Foundation…

Posted on Friday 26 March 2021 by Mrs Wood

This week F2 have been learning all about the number 9. We watched the Numberblock 9 video and noticed that Numberblock 9 is a square – it has “3 rows of 3.” We made our own versions of Numberblock 9 using cubes. We then made different shapes using our 9 cubes.

To also help with our number 9 learning. Some children counted 9 movements. They used chalk to mark how far they travelled and compared the distances they travelled doing the different movements. We tried 9 giant steps, 9 tiny steps, 9 jumps and 9 hops.
R – “I went the furthest!”
E – “I only got to here doing the tiny steps.”
G – “I went further!”
I – “The tiny steps made us go the shortest.”

Next, week we will finalise our learning on number 9. After half-term, we will move onto learning all about number 10.

F1 Group Time
This week, the children practised oral blending by playing Toy Talk. The  children listened carefully to the puppet segmenting the sounds in simple cvc (consonant, vowel, consonant) words and they had to try blend the word together. Oral blending is a key skill which will help them get ready for phase 2 phonics in F2. We will continue to practise oral blending in group times.
On Thursday, the children practised their counting skills. They were given different Numicon pieces and had to count that many Easter eggs. We observed some wonderful counting – well done F1!

When I walked into the hall on Wednesday, I thought I saw lots of dinosaurs! The children used their imaginations and went back in time. The school hall had a prehistoric atmosphere. They talked about different dinosaurs – we had some dinosaur experts! After, the children experimented with different movements and how they might have moved.
Click here to watch our dinosaur movements.
Home-Link Challenges

Living and learning – rights and responsibilities

Posted on Thursday 25 March 2021 by Miss Harker

In this week’s living and learning lessons we have been talking about rights and the responsibilities that come with them.

Encouraging children to be responsible and increase their independence is important.

We matched some rights with the responsibilities that go with them.

Children have the right to play, and they have the responsibility to play safely and sensibly with their friends.

Children have the right to food, and the responsibility to make their own healthy choices.

Children have the right to a clean environment, and the responsibility to do what they can to look after their environment.

Exciting English

Posted on Thursday 25 March 2021 by Miss Harker

This half term,  we’ve worked incredibly hard in our Reading and Writing lessons, having lots of fun along the way.

Our class novel has been Zog and the Flying Doctors by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, the sequel to Zog.

Films of both books are currently available on BBC iPlayer. Click on the above links.

We’ve thoroughly enjoyed reading both stories, making lots of predictions and inferences.

Through our weekly RIC lessons, we’ve improved at fact retrievalinference and understood authors’ choices.

Each week, there has also been a new fluency text where we’ve practised the act of reading. This week we’ve been reading an exciting text about great white sharks. Texts about plants and Leonora Cohen have helped us with our Science and History learning too.

In our Writing lessons, everyone has been trying their very best with their handwriting and spelling. We’ve also had a strong focus on must dos such as capital letters and full stops.

Our writing about Zog and his friends has not only been fun to write, but fun to read as well. We’ve been editing mistakes and making improvements along the way, giving us all a great sense of pride in our learning.

We may not get everything perfect right away but we’re all reflective and resilient learners. Being reflective and resilient are two of our 8 Rs for learning.

How many can your child remember?


Posted on Thursday 25 March 2021 by Mrs Wood

This half-term our Christian value is forgiveness. Last Friday, the children did an activity called ‘Fizzy Forgiveness’. The children dropped their tablet in the water and watched it fizz. When doing this, the children thought about a time where they might have had to forgive someone or somebody might have needed to forgive them.


Living and Learning – Speak out Stay safe from the NSPCC

Posted on Tuesday 23 March 2021 by Miss Harker

The NSPCC would usually come into school to talk to us about how to stay safe. This year, we watched a virtual assembly instead.

Sometimes things make us happy and sometimes they can make us sad, worried or unhappy. It’s important to understand our feelings and not keep worries to ourselves and that’s what we would like children to know.

Extending our vocabulary

Posted on Monday 22 March 2021 by Mr Roundtree

We have had great fun making up actions to help us remember and apply the week’s vocabulary. Here are a few pictures of us acting out various words. Ask your child to show you their actions as they are so much better than photos!









A sunny week in Foundation

Posted on Friday 19 March 2021 by Mrs Wood

What a glorious week we’ve had in Foundation. The sunny weather has allowed us to be outside every day and the children have loved it! We’ve been using our imaginations to make up role-play situations in the pirate tuff tray. A group of children helped Miss Marsden plant some bulbs and vegetable seeds. On Tuesday, the children loved getting wet. They used different containers, tubes and pipes to make the water travel down the pipes and into other containers. They were pouring squeezing, filling and splashing all morning. The children were that engaged, we nearly ended being late for lunch – oops!

In PE, the children continued to develop their throwing and catching skills. However, this time they used balloons! Look how excited and eager they were to catch the balloons. Next term, we will continue to learn key skills and start playing small team games.

At the end of the week, it’s our maths focus days. This week, we consolidated our learning on numbers 6, 7 and 8. The children chose a number and drew a picture to represent that number using two groups.
For example, “There are 4 red flowers and 3 yellow flowers. There are 7 flowers altogether.”

The children outside made a number track using hoops and chalk. They rolled two dice, counted the total number of spots, and jumped that many spaces on the number track. It was great to see the children praising their peers when they won.

F1 Group Times
On Monday and Tuesday, the F1 children focused on alliteration in phase one phonics sessions. The children listened carefully to Mrs Rippon saying initial sounds. For example, “Can you find something that begins with sssss?” On Wednesday, the F1 children discussed the different seasons and what changes we might see. After the discussion, they sorted some picture cards into each of the seasons.

Here are some more highlights from this week…
In the construction area, the children explored how to make the remote control cars work and drew roads for them to drive on.

Phonics Learning

Home-Link Challenges

I hope the sun keeps shining and you all have a lovely weekend!
See you on Monday for another fun-filled week.