Super homework from Year 3,4
This week, our homework task was to create a picture to teach us about forgiveness based upon our book “The Boy, the mole, the fox, and the Horse” by Charlie Mackesy.
We had some fantastic creative homework in that will help us remember our Christian value of forgiveness. Here are a few:
History topic – real life heroes
We are learning all about significant people (real life heroes) in our topic lessons this half term. Below is the key vocabulary that we will be focusing on.
equality – being treated fairly and having the same chances in life
rights – the basic things people need to live (eg food, housing) and reach their potential (eg education, safety)
apartheid – a system that keeps people apart, usually because of their different skin colour
racism – treating people differently because of the colour of their skin, their religious beliefs or their culture
suffragette – a woman who campaigned for the right of women to vote
protest – people coming together to show others that they are against an idea or an event
impact – a strong and powerful effect on something or someone
belief – a strongly held opinion that something is right
Sarah Allen from Abbey House Museum talked to us about Leonora Cohen today. Leonora Cohen was a suffragette. She was involved in the fight for women to have the right to vote. The children asked some super questions and shared their thoughts.
Women should have been allowed to vote too.
Why was she sent to prison three times?
Why did she not give up?
We have also learnt about Apartheid and how Nelson Mandela changed things.
Living and Learning: I know how to seek help.
In connection to this week’s Living and Learning statement, we have taken part in an NSPCC assembly and discussing who we can talk to if/when we are worried or anxious. This is especially important in the COVID year that we are living through. For more information, ask your child and I’m sure they’ll share all about it!
Let’s rock for Red Nose Day!
Hello to all of you Times Tables Rock Stars,
This Friday is Red Nose Day and the people at TTRS have come up with a great challenge to raise some extra money for Comic Relief.
Prices for a new nose start at 50,000 coins so we’d best get saving.
We’ve got until Friday – Red Nose Day. Let’s do our bit to help the nation reach that £5,000 target.
TTRS Tournament winners (wb 08 March)
Our first week back at school has seen a very close race for the title!
All week, the lead has changed hands but, in the end, there can only be one winner!
The TTRS tournament winner this week is… (DRUM ROLL)…
It’s Year 5! That’s the second win in a row! Year 3,4 were a very close second.
Will Year 5 get a third win in a row? Will Year 3,4 go one further to take the victory? Or perhaps, Year 6 will come in and steal the show?
All the best, TTRS.
First week back!
What a great first week back it’s been! Everybody has enjoyed being back with their friends and all have been engaged in learning. It was fab to get outdoors and practise our tennis skills:
We’ve been choosing new books from the library with a bit of a difference! Lots of children decided to choose books which were wrapped up with just the first line of the book on show.
In Living and Learning, we read some quotes from the book ‘The boy, the mole, the fox’ by Charlie Mackesy. We reflected on our time during lockdown #3 and focused on the quote from the book, ‘After the storm….’ to look forward to things to come. Here are some of our hopes in a drawing similar to the drawings in the book:
Maths – place value and counting
For the next few weeks we will be focusing on place value and counting. Knowing your way around a 100 square is an important part of this area of maths. The Top Marks website has some great games and this interactive 100 square is perfect for counting in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s, odd, even and one more/less.
Our first week back
Foundation are back and what a fantastic first week we’ve had! The classroom is back to being a busy learning environment – just how we like it. I am so proud of all the children. On Monday, they all came straight into school eager to explore the classroom and see their friends. I was so impressed that they all remembered the morning routines and our regular handwashing.
This week, we’ve spent a long time settling in, remembering our school rules and finding out feet again. The children have loved exploring all the areas of the classroom. We’ve seen some amazing learning this week!
In Literacy, we’ve been reading The Worrysaurus by Rachel Bright. The book is about an anxious dinosaur who overthinks and ends up having lots of worries. He uses his happy tin to help his worries fly away. Talk to your child about the story and see if they can remember what happened in the story. The anxious dinosaur used a happy tin to help his worries disappear. Therefore, after reading the story, we discussed what things we would put in a happy tin.
We will be continuing to look at The Worrysaurus book next week.
Spring is almost here!
On the creative table, the children did some observational paintings of daffodils. Some of the F2 children wrote a sentence about daffodils.
As always in Foundation, we try and plan according to the children’s interests. This week, lots of children have been playing schools – they were even sitting on my chair and shouting, “3, 2, 1 stop!” So, on Thursday, the children were so excited when they saw that they had their very own ‘mini’ St James’ Primary School.
The children love PE Wednesdays! This week, the children practised their throwing and catching skills.
F2 Parents
Your child will have brought home a new reading book. Please make sure you read with your child on a regular basis. Daily reading supports writing skills, creativity and communication skills.
Home-Link Challenge
Finally, I would like to thank all of our Foundation parents for your support through Lockdown and for doing the home learning with your child.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you all next week.
Period product scheme
- have forgotten their products
- cannot afford products
- have started or come on their period unexpectedly
Science – all about plants
We are learning all about plants in our science lessons this half term. Below is the key vocabulary that we will be focusing on.