Class News

Final week

Posted on Saturday 19 December 2020 by Miss Beatson

We’ve had a very busy, festive week in school: pantomime (virtual), Christmas lunch, parties, Christingle and crafts. Well done to everybody for working so hard this term- have a wonderful Christmas!


Christmas Party

Posted on Friday 18 December 2020 by Mrs Wood

Merry Christmas and a happy new year from all of the Foundation Team!


Posted on Thursday 17 December 2020 by Mrs Wood

Preparing for our Christingle service.
The children were very sensible when holding their Christingles – we were very proud of them all.

Talk to your child about the Christingle service and see if they can remember the meaning.

Pantomime time

Posted on Wednesday 16 December 2020 by Mr Roundtree

What a busy day we have had!

“Oh, no, you haven’t!”

“Oh, yes, we have!”

This morning, in between other school work, we have been decorating our clay jar decorations, and in the afternoon we watched the pantomime about Rapunzel.

Class 3/4 want to say a BIG thank you to the PTA for enabling us to watch the panto this afternoon. Here are some of the things that we said about the show:

Daisy: Thank you so much for letting us watch the pantomime. My favourite character was the dragon and Rapunzel.

Olivia: I enjoyed it because it was super funny.

Jack: It was extremely exciting. I loved the dragon!

Ellie: I enjoyed the bit of the video when the dragon said, “My name is Geoff.”

Mia: I think it is funny when the woman drank the baby potion.

Eliza: The best bit was when the prince and Rapunzel got married.

Louie: I enjoyed it when they all sang.

Leah: Thank you for buying this amazing play – it was brilliant!

Edward: Thanks for the play and thanks for everything. It was super funny.

Christmas Jumper Competition

Posted on Wednesday 16 December 2020 by Mrs Wood

Well done to all the children who designed a Christmas jumper for last week’s home-link challenge. You all made it very difficult to choose a winner!
The runners up…

The winner is…

Merry Christmas from Year 5 and 6

Posted on Tuesday 15 December 2020 by Miss Beatson

Here are a couple of songs we’ve sang for you to get you into the festive spirit- enjoy!

Here comes Santa Claus

Feliz Navidad

Christmas Dinner

Posted on Tuesday 15 December 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Today we have had a busy day. In the morning we had a zoom visit from Santa. It was lovely to chat with him and ask questions. Thank you, Santa! Then we enjoyed Christmas Lunch together, pulling crackers and sharing jokes.

Happy Christmas!

Posted on Tuesday 15 December 2020 by Mr Roundtree

We were not able to do our usual Christmas performance this year… but we hope you like this instead!

Christmas Lunch

Posted on Tuesday 15 December 2020 by Mrs Wood

Virtual Santa Visit

Posted on Tuesday 15 December 2020 by Mrs Wood