Class News

29 April 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 28 April 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


  1. Sing the tricky word songs.

Phase 2

Phase 3


2. Write the following tricky words

Parents: Please read the words to your child. They can then write them their home learning book.

4. Read your ‘love of reading’ book. Spot the tricky words in your book before reading the story.


Book of the week: The tiger who came to tea

  1. Use your story map to retell the story to somebody at home. Create your own actions and use ones you have learnt in class.


Please see today’s Maths video (posted at 10.00 am)


Writing challenge

Posted on Tuesday 28 April 2020 by Miss Beatson

Thank you to Sofia, who emailed me her writing challenge that Mr Roundtree set last week. The challenge was to write an article  for parents and carers to read, and  offer top tips and other guidance to support parents and carers with their child’s home learning.


A writing reminder…

Posted on Tuesday 28 April 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Remember, it is okay for things to be spelt phonetically. It is important your child grows into an independent learner. Encouraging your child to write the words as they sound rather than always spelling correctly is important. It encourages the children to use their own skills – rather than copy from an adult.

It is important you do not let your child simply copy your writing. They need to use their phonics skills to write. Here is an example of a child’s writing in Foundation 2.

28 April 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 27 April 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


  1. Practise your letter formation in your home learning book. You can use the letter formation ditty’s in your pack to help you.
  2. Write the following digraphs.

Parents: Please read the digraphs to your child so that they do not copy them. They can then write them their home learning book. For help with pronunciation, please see the video previously uploaded by Mrs Allen-Kelly.

3. Write a sentence to match the picture e.g. ‘fish and chips on a dish’ or ‘I had and chips for dinner’.


Challenge: Can you use an adventurous word in your sentence? e.g. ‘fish and chips are delicious’



Book of the week: The tiger who came to tea

  1. Listen to the story of the week.

  1. Draw a story map of the story.

Parents: Here is an example of a story map. 

Maths- Subtraction

  1. Count backwards from 20 using the song.

Oh no! The song seems to have forgotten the number 0! We talk lots about the number 0 being nothing but still being a number. Try to add the number 0 when singing the song.

  1. Solve number problems.

Parents: if needed, your child could use objects at home to help when counting.

  • There are 6 ducks in the water. 4 got out of the water. How many are left in the water?

There are 6 ducks in the water. Some ducks got out of the water. Now there are only half left in the water. How many ducks got out of the water? How many are left?

  • I had 8 chicken nuggets. I ate 3. How many do I have left?

I had 8 chicken nuggets. I ate some and have 5 left. How many did I eat?

  • There are 6 people in our house. 3 people left and went to the shop. How many people are in the house now?

There are 5 people in the house. How many shoes will be by the door? Try to count in 2’s to find the answer when counting the pairs of shoes.

27 April 2020: Phonics Lesson

Posted on Monday 27 April 2020 by Mrs Wood

Please use the following link to access today’s phonics video:

Week Commencing 27 April 2020: F1 Home Learning ‘Simon Sock’

Posted on Sunday 26 April 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

This week we will be thinking about the story Simon Sock by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet .

We were lucky enough to all get this free book via the Book Trust this year. If you got a copy share it with your child, if you didn’t here is a link to the story. Talk about the story. How many socks for different occasions do you have? Why is it alright to be friends with someone who doesn’t look like you?


Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.

Sorting activity – get some socks and then sort them into pairs. What patterns can you see? Which socks are big and which are small? Can you sort your socks into pairs? Can you make a pattern with your socks black, white, black, white?

Mark making activity – draw a sock shape or cut one out for your child. Let them design their own pattern on it. Use lots of different colours to create a stripy pattern or a spotty pattern

Creative activity – use an old or odd sock to make a puppet. Draw eye shapes and stick them on with glue or sellotape. Add any other decorations that you have around your house.

Working on our muscles for writing – make a small washing line with wool, string or thread. Tie it between 2 chairs, at a height that your child can reach. Using some household pegs ask your child to peg their socks onto the line.

Math’s activities with socks – make a pile of socks. Can you ask your child to give you 4 socks from the pile? Choose any number below 5 see how they get on then extend to 10. Split a pile of socks (maximum of 10) into 2 piles. Ask your child to count how many socks there are altogether eg 3 in one pile and 4 in another. Change the amount each time.

Self – care – teach your child how to put their socks and shoes on independently. This is a skill that they will need when they arrive in Foundation 2 in September. Taking the time now will really help your child when dressing on their own after PE in September.

 Let us know how you get on by replying to the email address

We would love to hear about what you have been doing. Also we are happy to answer any of your questions too.

Have fun!

27 April 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 26 April 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


Please see today’s phonics video (posted at 10.00 am)


Book of the week: The tiger who came to tea

  1. Listen to the story of the week.

  1. Draw who is in the story (characters), what happens in the story (events) and where the story is (setting).

Maths- Addition

  1. Sing the number bonds song below.

(in the tune to twinkle, twinkle little star)

5 and 4 add up to 10

6 and 4 make 10 again

7 and 3 will also do

Look carefully, so will 8 and 2

9 and 1

0 and 10 completes the way of making 10.

  1. Solve the number problems below.

Parents: if needed, your child could use objects at home to help when counting.

  • Georgina has 6 grapes. Ben has 4 grapes. How many grapes do they have altogether?
  • Jake has 3 blueberries. Sue has 7 blueberries. How many grapes do they have altogether?
  • Kevin has 5 raisins. Joe has the same amount. How many do they have altogether?
  • Jennifer has 8 strawberries. George has 2 strawberries. How many do they have altogether?

 Challenge: Practise your number bonds to 10 and you won’t need objects to find the answers.

Hello from Miss Harker

Posted on Sunday 26 April 2020 by Miss Harker

It’s Sunday again and another week of being in ‘lockdown’ completed. Well done! I hope that you’re all remaining happy and healthy at home.

The home learning will look a little bit different next week. Keep an eye out for videos. I hope that they help you with your jobs.

Ralph has emailed me some of his learning that he has been doing at home:

You’ve knocked my socks off Ralph! You can send questions, messages and photographs to:


Home Learning Heroes! – Week 3

Posted on Saturday 25 April 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Take a look at the super home-learning this week!

Leo made a special card for Captain Tom for his  100th  birthday!  He  posted  it to him.  He  has  also  been  very  busy  with  his  home-learning  challenges.

W has been learning about capacity. She also sent in a lovely picture from her in-school learning at our federation school, Scholes.

L had a lovely Easter half term. She has been very busy exercising lots , baking and finding Easter eggs! She also sent in pictures of her home-learning challenge workbook from this week.

Teddy Diary – Well Done!

Posted on Friday 24 April 2020 by Mrs Wood

We have loved seeing what you’ve been getting up to with your teddy bears this week.  We are looking forward to seeing what you get up to next week!

Here I am with Miss Marsden ready for our quiz night. We are wearing a blue wig and a rainbow headband to support the NHS.

Keep up your amazing work Foundation!

Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!