Class News

Living and Learning: I can talk about my feelings

Posted on Wednesday 07 October 2020 by Mr Roundtree

This week, our Living and Learning statement is  “I can talk about my feelings.”

We discussed our feelings and who we could talk to about them. We also talked about how we can identify other peoples emotions. For example; their body language and their facial expression.  Then we played an emotions game.

“We played an emotions game. There are different emotions – each colour means a different emotion.”

It was really fun playing the emotions game. I enjoyed making the emotions.”

“I enjoyed play the game because I liked drawing the emotions.”


Word Passport

Posted on Wednesday 07 October 2020 by Mrs Wood


The F2 children will be bringing home their word passports and first words. By Friday, they will have done the first set of sounds: s, a, t, p.
Some of the words will include ‘i’ and ‘n’ – please don’t worry about reading these words until next week when we have done them in phonics.


Words, words, words

Posted on Wednesday 07 October 2020 by Miss Harker

I have been spending lots of time teaching reading: story time, reading together (reading fluency), daily phonics lessons, vocabulary lessons, RIC (comprehension), individual reading, discussing books we have read, giving star ratings and lots more!

Being able to read and write the year 1 and year 2 common exception words is important to develop fluency. These words do not follow the usual spelling rules and so are sometimes tricky to read or write. They need to be learnt as whole words and just remembered.

We try to make learning them fun – singing the phase 3 tricky words song and phase 4 tricky words song for example! (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)

Living and Learning: Mental health (I can talk about my feelings)

Posted on Wednesday 07 October 2020 by Miss Harker

We have begun a topic on mental health in our Living and Learning lessons. This week, we have talked about our feelings. They change all the time and don’t last forever.

Can you guess the emotions that the children were showing?

Squiggle While You Wiggle

Posted on Tuesday 06 October 2020 by Mrs Wood

Last Friday we started Squiggle While You Wiggle. It is a kinaesthetic approach to stimulate early writing. Children use movement with music to develop their motor skills in preparation for writing. Through Squiggle While You Wiggle, children begin using scarves or ribbons to rehearse a range of shapes, which lead to children making those shapes on paper.
Check out us in action!


Parent Partnership Reading Presentation

Posted on Monday 05 October 2020 by Mrs Wood

Please click here to watch the presentation.

Your child will be bringing home their word passport and sound book on Friday. Please keep these at home! We will put new words and sounds in their book bags every Friday for you to stick in at home.

Reading books will be sent home Thursday 22 October. These will be changed weekly.

If you have any questions after watching the presentation, please email or chat to me on the gate.


Celebration certificates

Posted on Friday 02 October 2020 by Miss Harker

We’ve had another great week. The children have learned about micro-habitats (very small, specialised habitats) so there will be some visitors in the topic area on Monday…

As we can’t have our usual celebration assembly on a Friday at the moment, I will be posting the certificate winners on here each week.

For great learning…

Leo – for great learning in phonics, showing good concentration. Well done!

For sport and physical activity…

Summer – for showing enthusiasm in PE this week.

For living and learning…

Christian – for listening to, sharing with and including others.

Fantastic Foundation!

Posted on Friday 02 October 2020 by Mrs Wood

I can’t believe it’s Friday again – this week has flown by! We’ve had another  busy week. The children are really starting to come out of their shells.

A big well done to Harper, Kiara, Ronan, Isla and Emily for completing all of the rainbow challenges this week!

What have we been up to in Foundation this week? 

We have continued our phase one learning in phonics. The children are great at hearing and saying initial sounds in words.  On Thursday, we had some fun making different voice sounds. Take a look here!
Next week, we will be starting phase two. The children will learn the first four sounds: s, a, t, p. They will be bringing home a sound book to support their phonics learning at home.

In literacy, we’ve been rocking in our school shoes! The children have loved reading Pete the Cat. We used actions to help us remember and retell the story. They also created their own versions of the story. Next week, our focus story will be Leaf Man.

In maths, we’ve started learning about number one. The children have explored what one is. We’ve been on number one hunts, made one wonderful world and monsters that represent one. Next week, we’ll be continuing to look at number one.

On Wednesday, it was our first PE session! In foundation, we like to call PE movement play. We encourage physical activity in a child-led manner which will support their health, learning and wellbeing. The children had lots of fun travelling and moving in different ways.

Our Christian value this half-term is friendship. We have discussed what makes a good friend and sorted different scenarios into good and bad friend.  Last Friday, we made a class friendship tree. The children came up with lots of different words that remind them of friendship.

 F2 parents!
Your child will be starting their reading journey. Therefore, I will be posting a Reading and Phonics Presentation on Monday 05 October. The presentation will be on the Foundation Class News Page.
It will include key information about how we teach phonics in school and what you can do to help your child at home.  Your child should have received a letter today about the presentation.

Home-Link Challenge

Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to all the Foundation parents. It’s a strange time at the moment and I am so grateful for all your support and patience during these uncertain times. Please do come and chat to me if you have any concerns or questions about your child. I am always happy to have a little chat.

Have a lovely weekend!


Place value – representing numbers in different ways

Posted on Wednesday 30 September 2020 by Miss Harker

As part of our place value learning in maths, we have been using a range of models to represent numbers up to 20.

We use real life examples to demonstrate how 10s and 1s can be used. Here are 12 pens made up of one pack of 10 and two ones.

By seeing and making a range of representations, children are able to secure a deep understanding of numbers.

Most of the following representations focus on partitioning (splitting up a number into parts) a number into tens and ones.

The middle box on the bottom row shows 12 being made by cubes. The second picture in that box is to show how the cubes can be drawn. Children find it far quicker and easier to draw a long line to represent a ten than drawing a rectangle that is divided into ten squares.

Try using these at home to support your child’s learning.

Celebration certificates

Posted on Friday 25 September 2020 by Miss Harker

We’ve had another great week with lots of learning, being active and having fun with our friends.

As we can’t have our usual celebration assembly on a Friday at the moment, I will be posting the certificate winners on here each week.

For great learning…

Tia – for super work in phonics. Your blending knocked my socks off!

For sport and physical activity…

Emily – for amazing resilience learning how to skip.

For living and learning…

Jayden – for being a responsible learner and an excellent year 2 role model.