Class News

Social distancing: How wide is 2 metres?

Posted on Tuesday 23 June 2020 by Mr Roundtree

A group of us who are in school looked at how wide 2 metres was. In our investigations, we found that 2m was the same as the following:

2 Hana’s legs
7 yellow cones
1 ¾ Alfies
16 Emily’s phones
4 stools
42 board rubbers
7 i-pads
18 glue sticks
4 carpet tiles
20 maths blocks
6.4 rulers
10 Mr Stink books
7.8 of Mya’s water bottles
17 pink houses
0.8 football goals
24 sticks

How many other ways could you measure 2 metres?

Week commencing 22 June 2020: F1 Home Learning ‘The Runaway Train’

Posted on Monday 22 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

We hope that you all enjoyed the weekend.

Today’s story is called The Runaway Train and is all about Duffy Driver and his adventures on ‘The Little Red Train’.  It is one of a series of books written by Benedict Blathwayt.


We hope that you enjoyed listening to the story. Here are some things to talk about after you have listened together.

  • What did Duffy Driver forget to do at the beginning of the story?
  • Can you remember some of the different types of transport that he used to try and catch up with the train?
  • How did Duffy Driver manage to get back onto the train?

Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.

Role play

We love to build trains, boats and other vehicles at Nursery using a whole variety of resources. Can you make a train at home?  Have a look around and see what you can find to use. You might put your dining chairs in a line or make a row of cushions on the floor. If you have any cardboard boxes you could use those. Where will you go on the train? What can you see out of the window?

Do you need a ticket? Cut some small pieces of paper and use them as tickets.  The conductor could collect them and write on where each passenger is travelling to. Remember, writing for a purpose is great way to get children mark making in Nursery. Writing/mark making of all forms is valued – from lines and circles to zig zags and crosses.

 Small world

Do you have a train track at home?  Have a go at building a circle track together. Children can usually join pieces of track together, but they often find it difficult to work out how to make the track join together to form a loop. Have a go and send us a photograph of your completed track!


Have you ever noticed that different vehicles leave different tracks? If it’s a sunny day, drive your toy vehicle through some water and see if it leaves a track on the floor outside. Alternatively, put some paint on a plate and get some paper – the bigger the better! You could use the back of some old wallpaper or wrapping paper.  Dip your vehicle’s wheels into the paint and drive it along the paper. What tracks does it make?  Remember to wash your vehicles before the paint dries too much!

If you don’t want to get too messy, you could draw your own roads or train tracks. We often put a large cardboard box or piece of paper on the floor at Nursery and ask children to draw roads or track. We then add other details such as ponds and trees. Children love to create their own towns and roads/tracks to drive the trains and cars along.

If you don’t have any small vehicles at home, you could make your own simple train using shoe boxes!

Sing a long at home


  • Next time you go for a walk, have a look for the numbers that are all around you. Can you spot any numbers on the cars? Children are not expected to know the numbers yet, but they may begin to recognise numerals of personal significance such as 3 or 4 for their age.
  • How many red/blue/white cars can you count as you walk along the path?
  • Look at a selection of different vehicles including bikes, cars, buses and vans – How many wheels do they have?


Find out more about steam trains and different types of train with Catie and her amazing machines.

Get active

Duffy Driver tried to catch the train on a bicycle. Have you got a bike, scooter or ride on toy? Go outside and have a go at using the pedals or balancing.  Remember to be safe and wear your cycle helmet.

Wednesday activity

When we play outside at Nursery on a sunny day, one of the most popular activities is creating a car/bike wash. We put some soapy water in a bucket and add some cloths/sponges, washing up brushes and a few old spray bottles. Children love to clean the wheels on the trikes; this often develops into garage role play including fixing bikes and refuelling at the petrol station.

Foundation 2 Home Learning Posts

Posted on Friday 19 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Good Morning and Happy Friday Foundation Class!

We’ve now welcomed back to school all children in Foundation 2. As this is the case and the children will be accessing learning in their class bubbles, we’ll no longer be posting home-learning activities for F2.

We’ll continue to post weekly activities for Foundation 1 each Monday and a ‘Story time’ video to enjoy at home each Friday.  The class bubble teachers will also be posting pictures of the learning that is happening in school each week.

We encourage you, as always, to keep sending in pictures of activities at home to:

Have a fantastic weekend!

Story time! Daddy’s Sandwich

Posted on Friday 19 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

For today’s story, I have chosen Daddy’s Sandwich by Pip Jones and Laura Hughes. To listen to the story, click here

I have a little helper reading the story for me today!

Activity ideas

  1. In the story, the little girl is trying to add all of her Daddy’s favourite things to make one giant sandwich. If you were going to make a sandwich for someone special in your family, what things would be in their sandwich?

Perhaps you could draw a picture of your mega sandwich, including all  of their favourite things and label it. You could give it to them as a present.

2. This Sunday 21 June is Father’s Day.  It is a day when we celebrate and say thank you to someone we love. This could be your Daddy, Grandad or maybe even an uncle. have lots of craft ideas to make gifts and cards for the day (search ‘Father’s Day’)

I really like this book where you can write lots of things about your special person and add drawings. You can change the name by downloading the editable version.

Have a great weekend!



19 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 18 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


1.Sing the tricky word songs.

Phase 3: 

Phase 4:

Phonics Activity:

Can you spot any tricky words in this story? How many did you find?


Now that we have reached the number 20, we will be doing lots of revisiting and revising of the teen numbers. If you have powerpoint at home, have a go at these twinkl slides. There is also a worksheet for all to have a go at.

(Top Tip: Treat each flower pot as a tens frame. You can only have a maximum of 10 in each pot!)

Cherry’s Flowerpots Counting to 20 Powerpoint Cherry’s Fowerpots (Powerpoint slides)

Counting to 20   (Worksheet)


Book of the week: Monkey Puzzle


  1. It’s puppet show time! Use the puppets, setting and story maps you have made to retell the story Monkey Puzzle
  2. You could record your puppet show and email it to us at:

Here is an example video by Mrs Flynn at Scholes Primary School:

Click here

Have a fantastic weekend!

18 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 17 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


Here are a few fun outdoor activities you could try at home, to practise those phase 4 blends. As many of us can’t see friends at the moment, you could make an obstacle course for family  members  instead.  You  could  try  one  or  two  activities  over  a few  days. 


Mathematical graphics – Can you draw 20 in different ways? Can you tell a number story about your picture?

Things your child could draw to show 20:

  • 20 monkeys jumping on a trampoline
  • 20 stars in the sky
  • 20 rainbows
  • 20  hearts


Challenge: Use objects at home to solve the following problem. Is 20 an even or odd number? How do you know?


Book of the week: Monkey Puzzle


  1. Listen to the story of the week.
  2. What happens in the story? What are the events?
  3. Retell the story to a grown up or draw a story map of events.

17 June 2020: F2 Maths Lesson

Posted on Tuesday 16 June 2020 by Mrs Wood

Number 20!

Please use the following links to access today’s maths video:
Part 1
Part 2

Numberblock 20 Video

Parents: Please pause the videos at anytime if your child needs more time on things.
Here are the challenges for after the video…

Click on the link below to download to Twinkl sheet.
Number bonds to 20

 Have fun!

17 June 2020: F2 Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 16 June 2020 by Mrs Wood

Practise recognising and saying all the sounds.
Phase 2
Phase 3

Words to Read: drip, pram, plug, bank
Use your ‘phoneme fingers’ to help blend the words. How many sounds are in these words?
Words to Write: nest, lamp, felt, gulp
You could draw a phoneme frame in your exercise book to help you remember all the sounds.

Phonics Activity: Phonics play – dragons den – phase 4 – CVCC – Set 1-7 plus digraphs

Focus number 20!
Please see today’s home learning video.

Book of the week: The monkey puzzle 

  1. Listen to the story of the week.
  2. What is the setting? Where is the story set?
  3. Draw the setting of the story. This will be the background for your puppet show. Here is an example of a setting you could draw.




16 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 15 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


Tricky words lesson slides-

Today’s video lesson is led by one of our Sphere Federation teachers; Mrs Flynn. Click the link below to be taken to today’s video.

Click here

Your child will need a pencil and paper or whiteboard and pen for this lesson. 


  1. Watch the Numberblock 20 video.

  1. Can you do 20 hops, claps, jumps? Remember to count each movement and stop at number 20.
  2. Write the numbers 0-20 on the floor using chalk, paint or write on paper (make sure they are big enough to stand on).
  3. Can you find the answers to these problems?

Find and stand on the number that is one less than 20

Find and stand on the number that is double 7

Find and stand on an odd number

Find and stand on a number that is fewer than 8

Find and stand on a number that is more than 10

Find and stand on an even number

Find and stand on the number that is half of 12

Challenge: Parents/carers give your child some more problems to solve or can your child think of their own number problem?


Book of the week: Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson

  1. Listen to the story of the week.
  2. Who are the characters in the story? Who is in the story?

(Mum Monkey, Dad Monkey, Baby Monkey, Butterfly, Elephant, Snake, Parrot, Frog and Bat)

  1. Make puppets for some OR all of the characters. Here is an example of a puppet you could make. These puppets will be used for your puppet show on Friday.

You will need paper OR card, colouring pencils and sticks OR spoons.



Week commencing 15 June 2020: F1 Home Learning ‘What the Ladybird Heard’

Posted on Sunday 14 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

We’re sure that you’ll all be familiar with this story; you might even have a copy at home. It’s called What the Ladybird Heard and is written by Julia Donaldson. As you listen, why not join in with the animal sounds!:


Which part of the story did you enjoy the most?

How did the animals trick Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len?

Which is your favourite farm animal?

We think you’ll also enjoy this version where Julia Donaldson tells the same story through a song.

Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.


Can you make a farm yard? You could use Duplo or Lego to make a farm house or barn for your toy animals and tractors.  If you have a tray with sides or an empty (storage) box with low sides you could make your own farm small world area. In class, we often add Weetabix and other dry cereals to use as animal food. It can be a little bit messy but hoovers up easily at the end of the day!

You could make a little ladybird and use it re-tell the story as it flies from one animal to the next.

 Mark making

Can you draw some of the animals that they found on the farm? Maybe you could draw a map of the farm like Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len used. You could even draw a long wavy line to show where the ladybird flew.

Listening games

Listen closely to the story. What does the ladybird hear? There is a ladybird on every page and he/she hears all the goings on in the farmyard and story. Play your own game, listening to the world around you. Say the phrase “I hear with my little ear something that sounds like…” Describe that you can hear around you.

Here’s a game we sometimes we play at Nursery. Get your listening ears ready… What animal can you hear?  One of the cats purring is a little bit tricky!   


Find out more about ladybirds 

Here’s a short video all about ladybirds. Can you spot any ladybirds in your garden or on a walk?


1) One of the mathematical concepts that children sometimes find difficult is knowing that they can split a group of objects in different ways, but that the total is still the same.  Here is an activity that may help with this.

Draw a ladybird outline and cut out 4-6 spots. Start with 4 spots and count them together with your child. Ask them to put the spots on the ladybird’s wings. How many are there? Talk about how many spots there are on each wing, but that there are still 4 spots altogether. Repeat, splitting the spots in a different way (Eg 2 spots on each wing, or 3 spots on 1 wing and 1 spot on the other). Each time you move the spots, count how many there are on each wing and how many there are altogether. That’s right, there are still 4!

If you return to play again another day, repeat the activity using a different number of spots between 2-6.

2) If you fancy painting, draw some basic ladybird outlines and ask your child to paint or fingerprint a given number (e.g 1-5) of spots on each wing. How many spots are there on both wings? Which ladybird as the fewest/most spots?

 Can you spot the difference?

Click here (activity)