Class News

15 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 14 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


Practise recognising and saying all the sounds.

Phase 2 –

Phase 3 –

Words to read:

Phonics Activity:

Phonics play – buried treasure – phase 4


  1. Watch the video and count backwards from 20 to 0.


Today you will need:

  • colouring pencils and paper or chalk and some outdoor space
  • 0-20 number flash cards
  1. Parents/carers hold up and say a number. Children can you draw that many spots either on paper or on the ground?
  2. Look at how you can draw x amount of spots in different ways. E.g. you could draw 6 spots by drawing 2 at a time or by drawing 3 spots and then 3 more.
  3. Parents/carers ask the children some questions about each number as you go along e.g. what is 1 more/less, what is double… or half…?


Book of the week: Monkey puzzle



  1. Listen to the story of the week.

This week we are going to be looking at the characters, setting and events in the story. This will then help us retell the story using homemade props.

  1. What do we mean when we say character? Setting? Events?

To join in with this week’s creative activities, you will need the following items. Hopefully, these are items you will find in your home.

  • Paper OR card and colouring pencils
  • Sticks from outside OR a collection of spoons (they can be re-used afterwards)
  • Sticky tape

Perhaps if you are going outside for your daily exercise today you could collect some sticks.


Character = Who is in the story. The people/animals in the story.

Setting = Where the story is set.

Events = What happens in the story.

Home Learning Heroes!

Posted on Saturday 13 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Let’s see what our home learning heroes have been up to over the past few weeks…

Did you manage to watch this week’s story time? It was a poem called Nuts about Nuts. One of the challenges was to add your own rhyme or mini-poem about your favourite food.

Well done to Willow, who came up with this fantastic poem:

I like tuna pasta,
I like it when it’s hot,
I like tuna pasta,
I like it when it’s not,
I like tuna pasta,
I like it in a dish,
I like tuna pasta,
Even though it’s fish!


Remember to send us your home learning pictures:

Home learning help

Posted on Friday 12 June 2020 by Mrs Latham

The teachers at school have been talking to some families who are continuing to learn from home this week. There was a common topic of conversation : this is all dragging on and becoming quite tricky at times!

It has been a long time since we have all been back at school with our classes and we understand that home learning is challenging. Here are a few links that might help if you are wanting more activities to engage your child.

This is great for working on all number facts and you can try to improve your own score. We use this in school on iPads but can also be played on laptops :

Passwords for Numbots or Times Table Rockstars are the same : or Email your teacher if you have lost it.

Loads of resources on here including reading :

For reading and phonics games :

Maths teaching videos and other resources :

Variety of lessons, recorded by teachers :

We love Go Noodle for a sing and dance :

Or Cosmic Yoga Kids for a more relaxing workout :

Please ring school or email your child’s teacher if you need support and we will try to help.

Carry on learning

Posted on Friday 12 June 2020 by Miss Harker

It has been lovely to welcome a few more members of 1/2 back into school this week. However, I’m missing each and every one of you who can’t join us right now. Thank you to the children who have continued to send me emails and photographs of your home learning. It really helps me feel like I’m still your teacher!


Art work

Posted on Friday 12 June 2020 by Miss Beatson

This week, some children have been following this link to learn how to draw different characters, animals and objects.


Story Time! Nuts about Nuts

Posted on Friday 12 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Today’s story is a poetry book by Michael Rosen. As you listen to the poem, I wonder if you notice any of these things…

  • Rhyming words
  • The change in rhythm (is there a pattern to the changes?)
  • Any funny / nonsense ideas
  • Repetition

Click here to watch Mrs Allen-Kelly read the poem.

Can you think of a rhyme to go with your favourite foods? You could be doing ‘Flips for Chips’, ‘want to stare at a pear’ or even be a ‘winner for roast dinner’! Let us know what you come up with:


12 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 11 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


Circle that word! You can use these sheets on screen,  to look at each picture and point the the correct phase 4 word…

CVCC and CCVC Words Worksheet, Circle That Word!


Have a go at these 2d shape challenges from tts:


Today, we are going to write the instructions on how to make/do your activity.

What happened first, next, after that, finally?

Use the template or create your own.

Remember to think, say, count, write and check your writing.

Email your instructional writing to and we will share them with your friends!

I can sing a rainbow…

Posted on Thursday 11 June 2020 by Miss Harker

We had a go at making our own rainbow art. The children finger painted rainbows and used coloured lollipop sticks to create temporary works of art.



11 June 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 10 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


Download the phase 4 sheet and fill in the missing words!

Phase 4 picture fill

(*Shh, Parents* There is an answer sheet on the second page for some of the more ambiguous answers!)



  1. Watch the Numberblock ‘unlucky’ 13 video.
  2. Collect some objects (stones, sticks, leaves ect) from outside.
  3. Can you count how many objects you have collected?

Today we are going to have a go at estimating. Estimating is when we roughly count the number of objects we can see.

  1. Parents/carers can you put some of the objects out in front of your child (you may want to use a towel to cover them up until you are ready to reveal the objects). Give your child a few seconds to look at the objects and ask them to estimate how many they can see.
  2. Take turns and continue to do this a few times changing the amount of objects each time.
  3. Ask questions e.g. is it more or less than last time? How do you know?



Today, we are going to draw a picture and write a list of the resources you need to do your activity.

Remember to think, say, count, write and check your writing.

Maths lesson at home: 19

Posted on Wednesday 10 June 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Today’s number is 19 and the warm up / challenge focus is subitising.

You can watch today’s lesson video by clicking here

You can access the ice-cream matching challenge below. If you do not have access to a printer, please ask an adult to draw out one of the ice-cream cones with a teen number and add your own ice-cream, with the correct number of dots on top!:

Ice cream match