10 June 2020: Home Learning
- Tricky words
Practise reading all of the tricky words.
You could also have a go at spelling the phase 2 and 3 tricky words using the look, cover and write method.
2.Words to Read:
Use your ‘phoneme fingers’ or point to the sound buttons to help. How many sounds are in these words?
3.Phonics Activity: Play ‘Musical Blending’
Write these words on separate scrap pieces of paper.
feet | queen | spin | chip | string | pink | rain | train |
Spread them out on the floor. Play some groovy tunes and dance away!
When the music stops jump on a word and blend it. Keep going until you have read all of the words.
Home learning Video – Focus number 19.
We are going to continue thinking about our instructions for our activity.
Can you remember how to do your activity from yesterday?
What do you need?
What happened first, next, after that, finally?
Can you verbally give the instructions to a family member?
Can they follow your instructions? Do they make sense?
Story time
So, here is the final installment of The Chicken Gave It To Me by Anne Fine. I hope you have enjoyed listening to it. Let me know your opinion of the book.
9 June 2020: Home Learning
ear, air, ure sound revist…
Use the link above to find the video for each of the trigraphs in phase 3. Watch the video and press the arrows to answer the questions.
Tens Frame Number Problems
You will need objects to use for counting, two ten frames (print or you can make/draw one)
Can you solve these number problems?
Indie has 12 pieces of chocolate, she gives 2 pieces to Elizabeth. How many pieces of chocolate does she have left?
Thea has 7 pom poms and Georgia has 6 pom poms. How many pom poms do they have altogether?
Charlie has 4 cars, Grayson has 2 cars and Joshua has 3 cars. How many do they have altogether?
Challenge: Iris has 6 oranges. She gives 2 oranges to Francesca and 2 oranges to Dylan. How many oranges do they each have?
Yesterday, you watched Mrs Palmer pot a plant. Now it’s your turn. Can you think of something to do/make that you will be able to write some instructions for? This could be making a model, making a smoothie, baking a cake, drawing a picture, washing your hands.
Once you have an idea, talk about what you need to do/make your activity?
Have a go at doing/making your activity.
Whilst you are doing your activity think about what happened first, next, after that, finally?
Last week in school
Last week, we opened our school up to some of our pupils. Here are some of the fun activities the KS2 children have been doing.
Story time
Here is the link to the penultimate chapters (15, 16, 17) of The Chicken Gave It To Me by Anne Fine.
8 June 2020: Home Learning
1.Sing the ‘jolly phonics songs’
2.Read the words below.
Parents: you could write them in your child’s home learning book if your child cannot read them on your device.
chip |
queen | rain |
look |
3.Answer the yes/no questions.
Challenge: there are more questions here. For a challenge, read the green cards.
- Watch the Numberblock 19 video.
2. Can you do 19 hops, claps, jumps? Remember to count each movement and stop at number 19.
3. Write the numbers 0-20 on the floor using chalk, paint or write on paper (make sure they are big enough to stand on).
4. Can you find the answers to these problems?
Find and stand on the number that is 1 more than 19
Find and stand on the number that is double 4
Find and stand on an odd number
Find and stand on a number that is fewer than 5
Find and stand on a number that is more than 7
Find and stand on an even number
Find and stand on the number that is half of 10
Challenge: Parents/carers give your child some more problems to solve. Can your child think of their own number problem?
This week we will be looking at instructional writing.
Please watch the video below of Mrs Palmer (a teacher at Scholes Primary school- One of our Sphere Federation schools):
What did Mrs Palmer need to do her activity?
Can you put the following instructions in order?
- Print and cut out the instructions
- Read the instructions
- Talk about what happened first, next, after that, finally
- Put them into the right order
(Parents/carers – you can read the instructions out loud or print/write them for your child to read and order).
Title: How to pot a plant
Water the plant.
Lift the plant and put it in the soil.
Add some more soil to fill the pot.
Scoop the soil into the plant pot.
Week commencing 8 June 2020: F1 Home Learning ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’
You can listen to the author, Eric Carle, reading this weeks focus Story;
The Very Hungry Caterpillar below:
Did you join in with the story? There are lots of parts of this story that you can join in with.
- Can you help to count the fruit and name each food that the caterpillar eats?
- Can you say the days of the week?
- Can you remember the words that are repeated in the story? But he was still hungry!
Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.
Watch – We love this animated version of the story. There are some other great animated stories by the same author; we like watching ‘The Very Quiet Cricket’.
Creative – printing
Potato printing is good fun. Carefully cut a potato in half and put some paint on a plate. Have a go at printing a caterpillar’s body using the potato. How long will you make it? Can you make a longer/shorter caterpillar? Give your caterpillar some legs using a paintbrush and add two eyes.
How many legs does your caterpillar have?
You could make butterfly prints; Fold a piece of paper in half and cut out a butterfly shape. Keep the paper folded in half (it helps to stop your child painting on both sides!) and ask your child to paint a pattern (spots, lines, zigzags) to one side. When it’s finished, open the paper out and then fold it over the opposite way and press down carefully so that the paint transfers. Open it out and you should have printed the same pattern onto the opposite side so that you now have a butterfly with symmetrical wings.
Fiddly Fingers
Cut out a paper leaf shape. Can you use a hole punch to munch around the edge of a paper leaf? Children love to use hole punchers and it’s a great way to strengthen their finger muscles for writing too.
Mark Making
Have a go at drawing your own caterpillars or some of the food that he ate. There are lots of printable colouring sheets online if you have a printer. Some colouring pages are available towards the end of this booklet, mixed in with a few activities for older children.
Understanding the World
Can you find any caterpillars hiding in your garden? They might be quite tricky to find. Have a look at these caterpillars that Jess found on a minibeast adventure.
What words could you use to describe the caterpillars?
Talk about what happens to the caterpillar at the different stages in its lifecycle. There’s a game to play here if you have access to a computer.
Music & movement
Listen carefully to the music clip that Melody plays. What did the music make you think of? Did it remind you of a butterfly fluttering its wings? Did you notice the music getting quicker and slower?
Have a go at moving like a butterfly, flying quickly and slowly and flapping your wings high and low.
If you enjoyed this, here’s a butterfly dance to join in.
If you have the story book at home, count the fruit on each page. You could have a go at counting the fruit in your fruit bowl or use toy food if you have a play kitchen. Ask your child to count out some food for The Very Hungry Caterpillar to eat. For example, can you get the caterpillar 4 apples to eat? The Caterpillar wants to eat 3 pizza slices.
If you’d like to play a game, there’s a simple picture matching game that introduces symmetry on Topmarks. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/symmetry/symmetry-matching
Wednesday activity
Cosmic yoga –
Or song – https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z3ncd2p
We love to sing this song at Nursery and join in with the actions. We have an extra verse too; it’s all about eating the leaves.
He will eat the leaves around him ‘til he’s full.
Munch, munch
He will eat the leaves around him ‘til he’s full.
Munch, munch
He will eat the leaves around him, eat the leaves around him,
eat the leaves around him ‘til he’s full.
Munch, munch
A week at St James’
I am back in school so I also have some learning from school to share. I am still enjoying seeing what everyone is doing at home. Please keep sending me messages and photos.
Story time! The Snail and the Whale
Click the link below to watch today’s story, read by Miss Feldman
Who were the main characters in the story today?
What was your favourite part of the story?
Can you make a list of the different things that the snail and the whale see on their journey?
How did the snail save the day, at the end of the story?
This story really got us thinking about all creatures that live in the sea. Perhaps you would like to use some of these activities, to explore more about sealife:
Story time!
Here is the link to the next chapters (12, 13 and 14) of The Chicken Gave It To Me by Anne Fine. I hope you are enjoying listening to it as much as I’m enjoying reading it to you!
Don’t forget, if you want to tell us what you’ve been getting up to, please send us an email. It’s always great to hear from you! kerensawelsby@spherefederation.org and beckyrowley@spherefederation.org