Class News

Phonics Fun

Posted on Friday 07 June 2019 by

As you will be aware, year 1 pupils will be taking the Phonics Screening Check. Here is a website that can be used to help practise for the check.

Please click here.

Living and Learning: I know honesty is important.

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2019 by

We have been thinking about our Christian value of honesty. After discussing what we think honesty means we talked about whether it always makes people happy.  We talked about why it is important to be honest and about what happens if we are not. We then made an acrostic poem about honesty. 

Living and Learning:I can make choices about my money.

Posted on Friday 24 May 2019 by

This week we have been discussing all of the things we could do with our money. As a school we have decided to bring all of our 1p and 2p coins from home so that we can create a penny trail. We will donate all of the money that we collected to the Dogs Trust charity. We also made a tubes to represent the collection of our class. We have chosen to give our money to an organisation for a good cause. Take a look!

Craft Club- Jewellery

Posted on Thursday 23 May 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

This week in Craft Club, we looked at jewellery artists and their work before creating our own gold and silver threaded masterpieces!

We created necklaces, bracelets and even a fancy modern ring. Some of us even found time to create a jewellery box at the end.

We are pleased to announce that Craft Club will return next half term. Watch this space for more creations!

Money Matters

Posted on Thursday 23 May 2019 by Miss Beatson

As part of Money Matters week, Year 5 have been getting creative and making piggy banks using paper mache. I’m looking forward to seeing the finished product!


Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by Mr Mills

Last week, we were set a piece of creative homework that followed up on our work in class or recognising the features of volcanoes and how they erupt.

All the class produced stunning pieces of work at home with your support. We had: posters, poems, quizzes, rock displays and of course model volcanoes.

Of course, it wouldn’t be an accurate model if it didn’t erupt. Thanks to some extensive research, some children had found out which substances to mix to make the models erupt.

But don’t worry. No children or classrooms were harmed in the making!

Living and Learning: I recognise the importance of money.

Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by Mr Mills

This week, the class explored what it would have been like before money when trades people traded their goods with each other. They became a trades people and used their bargaining and persuasion skills to make trades with each other. We discussed how some things – such as a cow – were worth more than others. For instance, a bag of wheat. The children identified problems with this method and recognised how having money makes buying what you need both simpler and fairer.

Art that POPS!

Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by

In craft club this week, we have been looking at Pop art. Our favourite art was by Roy Litchtenstein who used dots to create a cartoon look. Take look at our superb creations.

Living and Learning:I know money is important.

Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by

We have been thinking about what we may need money for. Wediscussed why we use money and we talked about ways that people can earn or save their money. Take a look at some of our ideas.

Welcome to the world…

Posted on Wednesday 15 May 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

The long wait is over… this morning our first fluffy friend was born, followed by another after school (A nice surprise for the morning- we will keep our fingers crossed for even more!)

Foundation were in awe of our first little chick, making some lovely observations and watching it closely.

We have been talking about what the chicks will need to help them grow and took votes on what we should name them….

Introducing Chickee and Shimmer 🙂