Class News

19 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 18 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Practise recognising and saying all the sounds.
Phase 2 –

Phase 3 –


Phonics Activity:

Read the sentences. Can you spot ‘cl’ or ‘fl’ in any words?


Literacy Activity – Story Time.

Book of the week: Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson

1.    Listen to the story of the week.

2.      Pass the shell.

·      Find a shell or other object and ask your family to join you in a circle.

·      Pass the object around your family – when you are holding the shell each family member has a chance to say why they are important? What are they good at?  “I “I am important because…I am good at…”

·      Look at the person next to you and tell them why you would miss them if you didn’t see them for a day. “I would miss…because…”


Maths Activity-  

1.Watch the Numberjacks episode about sharing:

2. After watching the episode can you tell your grown up what it means to share fairly?

3. Explore sharing out different quantities within 10. Which amounts can be shared fairly / equally?

18 May 2020: Phonics lesson

Posted on Monday 18 May 2020 by Mrs Wood

Please click here to be taken to this week’s phonics video lesson.

Phonics Activity – sentence substitution

  1. Read the sentence.
  2. Choose one word to change.
  3. Choose a word from the options next to the sentence.
  4. Write your new sentence.
  5. Check your sentence makes sense.
  6. Repeat for the other sentences.



Week Commencing 18 May 2020: Home Learning ‘Barry The Fish With Fingers’

Posted on Monday 18 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

This week’s story is Barry the fish with fingers by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet.

Watch it on the link below or if you have it at home read it together.


Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.

Health and self-care – Can you practice putting on your gloves? We do this in nursery when we are going outside. Remember to wiggle your fingers into each finger space. There are 5 on each hand. Can you count them?

 Creative – Finger painting – If you have paint at home you can practice some finger painting. Cut out the shape of a fish and fill it with a colourful finger paint patterns. How many colours will you use?

Sing together – The fish in the ocean.


Mathematics – Draw around your own hand or your child’s and cut it out. How many fingers can you see ? Fold down the fingers one at a time and ask your child to count how many now. Use more than one hand to extend to 10.

Under the sea counting game – You will get onto the website home page. Select Early Years and there are lots of interactive counting activities to play.

Get active – Join in with the finger song and get active. Follow the link below.

Watch – Do you like fishcakes ? Have you ever wondered how fish cakes are made. What do you think the ingredients are ? Maddie finds out on the link below.

We are enjoying seeing your photos, but just an email would be great too.  Our email address is:

We would love to hear about what you have been doing. Also we are happy to answer any of your questions too.

Have fun!












18 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 17 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Please see today’s Phonics video lesson.


Literacy Activity – Story Time.
Book of the week: Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson

1.    Listen to the story of the week.


2.    Tell a grown up what you think the crab and anemone learnt in the story?  


1.Count backwards from 20 using the song.

Oh no! The song seems to have forgotten the number 0! We talk lots about the number 0 being nothing but still being a number. Try to add the number 0 when singing the song.

2.Mathematical graphics – Can you draw this weeks focus number 17 in different ways?

Things your child could draw to show 17:

–       17 candles on a birthday cake

–       17 circles

–       Numberblock 17

–       17 yellow ducks

Challenge: Can you draw 17 in groups of different objects to represent the ‘parts’?  For example, 7 apples, 7  bananas and 3 oranges.

Letters to Captain Tom Moore

Posted on Sunday 17 May 2020 by Miss Beatson

Here are two great examples of letters to Captain Tom Moore written by Sofia and Mya- well done.

Mya’s letter

Sofia’s letter

Home Learning Heroes- Week 5-6!

Posted on Saturday 16 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Take a look at what our home-learning heroes have been up to over the past couple of weeks…

If you would like to share some photos of your home-learning activities, please send them to:

Home Learning

Posted on Friday 15 May 2020 by Miss Harker

I have seen some great learning this week all about quarter turns and much more:

Story Time! The Ugly Duckling

Posted on Friday 15 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

It’s that time of the week again! This week’s story is The Ugly Duckling. There are many versions of this story but today we are reading the story by Mara Alperin and Sue Eastland.

Please click here to watch this week’s story video:

Questions about The Ugly Duckling

  • How do you think The Ugly Duckling felt when the other animals teased him and didn’t want to play with him?
  • F2- When the ducklings are born, what adjectives (describing words) are used to describe them? What adjectives are used to describe The Ugly Duckling?
  • Does the Mother duck seem worried that The Ugly Duckling looks different to her other ducklings?
  • How do you think we should treat people who look or act different to ourselves?
  • How did The Ugly Duckling feel at the end of the story when he realised he was a beautiful swan and had finally made a friend?


  • In the story, the ducks “Fly South” for the Winter. The Ugly Duckling sleeps through the Winter, in a tree trunk.  What is it called when animals ‘go to sleep’ through Winter? You could use the internet (with a grown-up) or search in a book to find the answer.
  • You could draw a picture of The Ugly Duckling before or after his transformation into a swan.
  • Did you know… There is a song about The Ugly Duckling story. Perhaps you would like to learn a part of the song? See the video below to have a listen / watch.


15 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Thursday 14 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Super Science! Exploring water…

Pouring, measuring, floating and sinking

Choose from the following activities:

·      Find a bowl and selection of containers suitable for using in water pouring activities. These might include pans, jugs, empty milk containers, plastic mugs, etc. Ensure the water is at a safe temperature. Empty and fill containers with the water. Which container holds the most? How many cups of water go into the pan? How many does it take to fill an egg cup? By using a washing up bowl, or a large mixing bowl you will be able to keep the quantity of water down to a minimum to avoid wastage. Scoop the water from the bowl into the receptacles.

·      Try some floating and sinking activities. This doesn’t just have to be objects. You could see if sprinkled pepper floats on the surface, or salt, shampoo, vinegar, flour, etc. Then you could try coins, a Lego brick, a lolly stick, a key, etc. You might even build a little boat, or improvise with an empty butter tub and see how much cargo it can hold until it sinks. Can you count the items?

Important vocabulary:

Literacy Activity – Letter formation

Use the laminated letter formation sheet handed out at parent’s evening and your whiteboard pen to practise writing each letter of the alphabet.

Let’s Go Shopping!-

Maths, Communication and Literacy Links!


·      Before you go shopping, you need to make a shopping list! Use your phonics to write down the items you need to buy today.

·      Role play visiting your shop with your grown-ups- how do you greet each other? How does the shop assistant know what you need? Do you need to ask for a bag? How will you end the conversation?

·      Write your own price labels and keep count of how much your shopping will cost in total (you might want to record it on a piece of paper to keep count) If you have coins (or if you have made your own), pay for your items by giving the correct amount.

The science and maths link activities today, were both taken from the Exciting Learning Opportunities Early Years pack by TTS. The link to this document was shared in yesterday’s home learning post.

14 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Wednesday 13 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


Words to Read:

Words to Write/ Phonics activity:

Play ‘I spy’ using the picture attached- how many objects can you spot? Write the words to match write?

Click here to view the picture.

Literacy Activity – A map making treasure hunt!

Make a map of a room, the inside of your house, or your garden. Write the names next to the different objects and areas on your map so that people can see where to go- you might even want to write sentences as clues for example; ‘On top of the desk’. You might want to add x marks and hide your favourite toys or other items for your grown-ups to find! Your map might look a little something like this…

Maths Activity- Comparing Size

Choose from the following activities- (you might even want to try a few over the next few weeks!):

• Find your dolls, teddies, play figures etc. Line them up from the tallest to the shortest.

•Use a spoon as a measuring device. Go around and see if things are the same size, shorter or longer than the spoon.

• Why not make a paper chain. Talk about this getting, longer, the more you add. You could measure it. You could also count the links together?

• Who is the tallest in your house? Who is the shortest and who is in the middle?

• Can you make a list or a collection of teeny, tiny things? What other words describe small?

• Which things are larger than e.g. a cow? Could it be a bus, a whale, a house, a car etc? Make a list or draw things.

• Make long and short play dough worms and snakes.

Important vocabulary:

Long, longer, shorter, short, wide, narrow, big, little, huge, immense, giant, minute, tiny, teeny, same, taller…. Can you think of any more size words?

Did you enjoy these challenge ideas?

They were taken from another excellent, free ‘Learning at home’ pack by TTS. Click here to download your own copy!