Class News

Get caught in a super book!

Posted on Wednesday 13 May 2020 by Miss Harker

The Boy who Cried Wolf

It was lovely to receive this video showing a child reading. By the end of key stage 1, children must be able to read at a rate of 90 words per minute. Reading for pleasure improves well-being, develops empathy and teaches children about the world around them. Please keep reading any chance you get!

13 May 2020: Maths Lesson

Posted on Wednesday 13 May 2020 by Mrs Wood

Numberblocks 16 song. Please watch the video either before or after the maths lesson.

Please use the following links to access today’s maths video:
Part 1 
Part 2
Parents: Please pause the videos at anytime if your child needs more time on things.

Here are the challenges for after the video…

We are working well at home!

Posted on Tuesday 12 May 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi all,

It’s great to hear how you are getting on with your home learning. Here are a couple of pieces of work that have been sent to us. The shape work is by Leah and I know Evie is really enjoying the writing tasks. Keep up the good work!



13 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Tuesday 12 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Practise recognising and saying all the sounds.
Phase 2 – 3 –

Words to Read:

Use your ‘phoneme fingers’ or point to the sound buttons to help. How many sounds are in these words?

Words to Write: just, gulp, felt, land

You could draw a phoneme frame in your exercise book to help you remember all the sounds.

Phonics Activity: Yes or No?
Write yes and no on two separate pieces of paper and put them at either side of the room.
Read one question at a time and run to either yes or no.
Encourage your child to point to the words when reading. Some children may not need to blend each word.

Literacy Activity – Story Time.
Tell a story together using the ‘my turn, your turn’ method.
You – Once upon a time there was
You – Who lived in
You – One day, he/she decided to
Have fun and be creative!
Please email us your stories – we would love to hear them!
**Challenge** Draw a story map of your story using pictures and labels.


Please see today’s Maths lesson video (posted separately)

12 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Monday 11 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Practise reading all of the tricky words. You could also have a go at spelling the phase 2 and 3 tricky words using the look, cover and write method.

Words to Read:

Use your ‘phoneme fingers’ or point to the sound buttons to help. How many sounds are in these words?

Words to Write: twist, brand, plump, stamp

You could draw a phoneme frame in your exercise book to help you remember all the sounds.

Phonics Activity: Play ‘Musical Blending’
Write these words on separate scrap pieces of paper.

flag blank spin think crept grunt crust scrap string twin
Spread them out on the floor. Play some groovy tunes and dance away. When the music stops jump on a word and blend it. Keep going until you have read all of the words.

Literacy Activity – Role Play
Ask your child to take your lunchtime order – try make it really extravagant!
They can use their exercise book or a piece of paper to write it down in a list using their phonic knowledge.
E.g. I would like…
a hotdog with ketchup,
some crisps,
an ice cream… and more.

Expect to see phonetically plausible words such as sum crisps, an ighs creem.
Swap over so they can have a go at telling you their order.

You can count just about anything! Have a go at counting different actions. Have a go at these…

10 star jumps
5 claps
3 shoulder shrugs
6 clicks
Can you think of anymore?

Write out the numbers 0-20 on some paper or card, cut them up and then ask a grownup to mix the numbers up – don’t peek! Then, see how quickly you can put them into the correct order. You could ask someone to time you and then see if you can get faster when you try again.


Phonics lesson at home: Out / What

Posted on Monday 11 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Please click here to be taken to this week’s phonics video lesson.

11 May 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Sunday 10 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly


Please see today’s phonics lesson video.


Literacy Activity – Letter Writing
Write a letter to a family member or friend you are unable to see at the moment. You could tell them about the learning you have been doing and what other activities you’ve been up to. Remember to include: finger spaces, capital letters, full stops and to check your writing!

You could then put it in an envelope and go on a walk to post it in a post box.


Maths Activity- Number Story

Use toys at home to make a number story.

E.g. “First there were 6 teddies having a picnic. Then 3 more teddies came along to join them. Now there are 9 teddies altogether. Use the template below to record your learning.


Can you do a number story for subtraction?
E.g. “First there were 10 people on the bus. Then 2 people got off at the next stop. Now there are 8 people on the bus.”

Week Commencing 11 May 2020: F1 Home Learning ‘Zog’

Posted on Sunday 10 May 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

This week we will be thinking about the story Zog by Julia Donaldson. You might have this story at home but if not we have posted a link to it on YouTube. Julia Donaldson is one of our favourite authors and we really enjoy looking for the rhyme in her stories.

– Zog

Read or listen to the story with your child – before you start the book ask your child a few questions. What do you think dragons look like? What do you think they sound like? The teacher in the story teaches the dragons “…all they needed to know”, what do you think dragons need to know? Read the story to your child and talk about the pictures.

Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.

Can you draw a dragon? Perhaps draw the basic outline of a dragon. Can your child add the spikes to its back and the fire from its mouth? What colours would you use for the fire?

Small world play – Build a castle with any bricks or children’s building materials that you have at home. If you don’t have bricks use food boxes to make a castle. You can decorate this and add any toy figures that you may have.

Get creative– Make a crown or a wand, using bits and pieces from around your home. Send us a photo into the email address.

Watch – Here is an action video to watch and join in with your child. Let’s get active, even if we are inside!

– Fly like a dragon

Get active – Take part in a scavenger Hunt outside or around your home. See page below. This is linked to our senses. Talk to your child about their senses.

Let us know how you get on by replying to the email address:

We would love to hear about what you have been doing. Also we are happy to answer any of your questions too.

Have fun!

Story Time!

Posted on Friday 08 May 2020 by Mrs Wood

Hello Foundation!
Today, Mrs Marsden is going to read, ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ written by Eric Carle. The story is about a small caterpillar who emerges from an egg and begins eating everything in sight! I wonder what the caterpillar will turn into at the end?
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin…

Video – The Very Hungry Caterpillar 

Here are a few questions and things to talk about after you’ve listened to the story.

  • What did the caterpillar eat first?
  • What did the caterpillar build around himself?
  • When did the caterpillar eat the oranges?
  • When did the caterpillar come out of the cocoon (chrysalis)?
  • How many plums did the caterpillar eat?
  • How did the caterpillar get out of the cocoon?
  • Why did the caterpillar get a stomach ache?
  • Have you seen a caterpillar? Held one? What did it look or feel like?

Did you enjoy listening to the story?
Have a go at making up your own version of the story. You could change the main character, for example, The Very Hungry Slug.
You could also change the food, for example, ‘One Monday he ate through one banana. But he was still hungry. On Tuesday he ate through two melons…’

See you next Friday for another story!

VE Day Activities

Posted on Thursday 07 May 2020 by Mrs Wood

It is VE Day (Victory for Europe Day) today!

We are celebrating this day because 75 years ago the Second World War came to an end.
We have attached some fun activities you could do to help you celebrate this day.
These activities are optional!

VE day activities

We hope you all have a wonderful day celebrating with your families.
Don’t forget to send us some pictures!