W/C 04 May 2020: F1 Home Learning
This week we will be thinking about the story Supertato by Sue Henndra.
Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.
How many different ways do we eat potato?
Talk about this with your child eg mashed potato, chips, jacket potato, crisps.
Make your own Supertato or super vegetable – Draw on the eyes with a marker and add a paper cape with sellotape. Send us a picture via the email we would love to see your creations.
Have a try at vegetable printing or drawing your favourite vegetable.
What colour is it? What shape is it?
Sorting carrots –Which are long, which are short? Can you put them in order from shortest to longest? Use the words long, longest, short and shortest with your child. How many carrots have you got? Count carefully pointing to each carrot as you go.
Evil Pea – If you have frozen peas in your freezer have a look at them in their frozen state. Feel them, what do they feel like? Watch them defrost. How long does it take? Does it defrost more quickly in different places around your house? Use the words “frozen” and “melting” with your child.
Make a sign – tell evil pea to stop being unkind. Ask your child what they want it to say and write this for them. They can add pictures of evil pea and maybe a STOP sign.
Let us know how you get on, by replying to the email address stjameseyfs@spherefederation.org
We would love to hear about what you have been doing and are happy to answer any of your questions too.
Have fun!
Home Learning
Well done to Hannah, who I think beat Mr Mills at the shoe lace challenge last week!
Hannah also gave me feedback from the music task. This is what she said about her favourite song:
“My favourite song is Roar by Katie Perry. I like this because if anyone is mean I remember it and I feel better immediately. It also helps me learn, so I can keep going.”
Home Learning Heroes! – Week 4
Take a look at what our home learning heroes have been up to this week:
A big thank you to the children who sent in photos of their completed focus number challenges, taken from the number 14 lesson video this week…
You are all superstars!
Have a fantastic, sunny weekend!
It’s Friday!
It’s Friday again and another week of home learning is completed. Well done! I hope that you’re all remaining happy and healthy at home.
We hope you are enjoying the new home learning videos. You are all doing so well! We love reading the emails and seeing what you’ve been up to.
Teddy Diary Continued
Miss Marsden is trying to do a lot more cooking during ‘lockdown’. She has bought two new cooking books. On Tuesday, she made a pasta dish. She definitely added too many chilli flakes – it was too spicy! On Wednesday, we had chicken fajitas – they were delicious! Here I am helping Miss Marsden with the cooking! Cooking is a great maths activity. Why not help your adult cook tea at home.
We made some wobbly strawberry jelly!
This week, Miss Marsden has been doing lots of exercise. She goes running every other day and does hula hooping sessions. They hula hooping sessions are great fun!
Tonight, we are having a movie night. Look at all of my popcorn!
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
Pride and Presentation
It’s great to see pictures of the home learning you’re doing at home. Here is some Y6 maths learning Mya has been doing. I’m so impressed that Mya hasn’t let her standards slip with her pride and presentation- well done!
01 May 2020 : Friday extra maths challenges
BBC Bitesize and White Rose Maths have teamed up to create some challenges that will be published every Friday.
Here are today’s :
Year 1 : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zhmbrj6
Year 2 : https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zh23gwx
Story Time!
Hello Foundation! It’s Mrs Marsden again. Today I am going to read, ‘Room on the Broom’ written by Julia Donaldson. Can you think of any other Julia Donaldson books?
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin…
Here are a few questions and things to talk about after you’ve listened to the story.
- What made the witch wail and the cat spit?
- Why does the witch need more room on her broom?
- Why did the broom break?
- How did the witch feel when the dragon appeared?
- What objects did the animals through into the cauldron?
Did you enjoy listening to the story?
Design a new broom for the witch and the animals.
See you next Friday for another story!
Happy Friday!
I am ending the week with a huge smile on my face thanks to the fantastic home learning that has been happening:
Ralph has completed some work for Beavers. He walked 2000 steps for his ‘Hike to the Moon’ badge by going up and down the stairs 72 times!
Jacob is beginning to join his letters in preparation for year two. Keep up the good work!
The maths learning has been all about money. Playing shops is a fun way to learn about this – great work, Lucas and Jacob!
1 May 2020: Home Learning
- Practise your letter formation- you can use the laminated sheet handed out at parent’s evening.
- Quickwrite! Write the following digraphs.
Parents: Please read the digraphs to your child. They can then write them their home learning book. For help with pronunciation please see the phase 3 video proviously posted by Mrs Allen-Kelly.
Time to talk!
How to play:
- Dance to the music:
2. When the music stops find a partner.
3. Talk to your partner about some news you’d like to share.
Remember: to be a good talking partner your eyes should be looking and your ears should be listening AND hearing.
4. Now it’s time to write! Practise saying your news in a sentence. Count the words in your sentence. Now write your news in a sentence. Don’t forget to check your writing! You can draw a picture too.
Challenge: Can you write your news using a narrative e.g. First, then, after that, finally.
Maths- Sharing
- Sing the number bonds song below.
(in the tune to twinkle, twinkle little star)
5 and 4 add up to 10
6 and 4 make 10 again
7 and 3 will also do
Look carefully, so will 8 and 2
9 and 1
0 and 10 completes the way of making 10.
- Solve 3 number problems from the card below.
Parents: if needed, your child could use objects at home to help when counting.
Challenge: Can you solve all of the number problems?
30 April 2020: Home Learning
- Sing the ‘jolly phonics songs
Please note: a couple of the representations for the sounds are different in this video. In phase 3 we use:
ow instead of ou
igh instead of ie
We do not meet ue until phase 5.
- Read the words below.
Parents: you could write them in your child’s home learning book if your child cannot read them on your device.
3. Answer the yes/no questions.
Book of the week: The tiger who came to tea
- An alternative story. Can you think change the story to make it your own? For example, it might not be a tiger who came to tea! It may be a different animal.
- Draw a story map for your alternative story and retell it to somebody at home.
Challenge: Write your story using narrative language e.g. One day, then, after that, suddenly, finally.
Maths- Halving
- Listen to the halving story.
- Solve 3 number problems from the card below.
Parents: if needed, your child could use objects at home to help when counting.
Challenge: Can you solve all of the number problems?