Class News

Leeds Playhouse Workshop

Posted on Monday 11 February 2019 by

This afternoon, we had an exciting visit from Leeds Playhouse. The workshop was based on our class novel – Katie and the Dinosaurs. Using our creative minds we put ourselves into the shoes of our story characters. We walked through a magical door to the land of the dinosaurs. 

Survival skills were essential in preparation for our journey with the dinosaurs. 

Our senses helped us to become immersed in the magnificent jungle where the dinosaurs roamed.

This was a brilliant experience that will help us to add more excitement to our writing.

Class Novel

Posted on Sunday 10 February 2019 by Miss Beatson

In years 5 and 6, we are thoroughly enjoying our class novel: The forest of doom.

We have battled and escaped many creatures in the forest and we have written non-chronological reports about our own Fighting Fantasy creatures.

In order to battle, we had to roll two dice to create a stamina, skill and luck score. Fortunately, our stamina score was high and it has helped us throughout our adventures.

In PE, we have been working on our own stamina! We hope to see our stamina improve over the next half term by practising the same skills each week.

In Art, we have developed our drawing skills to create our own creature, which we are going to build into a sculpture using Modroc.

We’ve looked at well-known sculptures and shown our own appreciation of art by researching, discussing and writing about them.

Staying Safe: Wetherby Fire Station

Posted on Friday 08 February 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

It was 2 pm on a regular Friday afternoon in Foundation, when what should we see slowly making its way past the school fence on Hallfield Lane but a big, red, shiny…. “Fire engine!” (shouted the children)

We were so excited to explore it! The children were able to climb into the cab and look at the special protective clothing, the camera that can see through smoke, the breathing equipment and more.

Around the back of the engine, the children were fascinated by the large hoses, axes and other tools that help the firefighters do their job.

When we got back into the classroom, we were super impressed with all of the facts that Foundation could remember.

Ask your child if they can tell you about one piece of equipment they saw on the fire engine.

The children described the experience today as “Amazing” and “Awesome”.



Living and Learning: I can make safe choices.

Posted on Friday 08 February 2019 by

Our Living and Learning statement this week is about being safe. In our living and learning lesson we talked about strangers – most are nice but some are not.
We discussed how to identify ‘safer strangers’ so that children are able to make a safe choice about who to approach if they find themselves needing help.The class agreed that ‘safer strangers ‘wear a uniform and an identity badge. We looked at some examples; Police officers, Doctors, Nurses, Paramedics and shop assistants.
After looking at some pictures of safe situations and unsafe situations, the children sorted their pictures according to whether they thought the situation on the picture was safe or not.  Some of the things we looked at were safety in the kitchen, safety with plug sockets, safety in the playground and scissor safety. The children were very good at identifying which situations were safe.

Safety week

Posted on Friday 08 February 2019 by

We have had lots of exciting visitors this week. Our focus was how to make safe choices and look after ourselves.

We learnt about staying safe around strangers as well as safety at home and in school. Road Safety was also covered by a workshop that explained how we should behave on the road.

The NSPCC brought buddy in to see us and we found out about or right to speak out. We also learnt the Childline number song.

Dogs Trust came into our class with Peg. We found out about dogs and how to read their behaviours.

D-side taught us all about our own bodies and what we need to do in order to look after them. We talked about a healthy diet as well as how sleep can affect our leaning.

This has been a very informative week and we will continue to think out making safe choices.


Staying Safe: PCSOs visit and D:Side Workshop

Posted on Thursday 07 February 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

PCSO visit

Yesterday, Foundation were visited by two local PCSOs who spoke to them about the dangers of strangers and how to respond should a stranger approach them. They also spoke to the children about what they should do if they became lost. Ask your child the important facts that they can remember from the visit.

After the talk, the children were excited to try on mini police uniforms!


Today, the children had another important workshop led by D:Side. The workshop covered staying safe around medicines (and who is safe to give them) understanding our emotions ; how we respond to our feelings and hygiene practises. They also spoke about the importance or getting a good night’s sleep, to keep our bodies fit and healthy.

Staying Safe: Dog’s Trust

Posted on Wednesday 06 February 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This afternoon, a visit from the Dog’s Trust meant that we learned loads about how to stay safe around dogs.

We talked about what we should do if there was a dog we wanted to stroke. It’s important to always ask the owner permission to stroke their dog and to stroke the dog gently – we practised this with Peg the dog. Thankfully, Peg was only a cuddly toy – Mrs Valentine is super scared of dogs!

In addition, we were told what to do if a dog came up to us who was over-excited. We had to stand with our arms across our chest, looking up to the sky – this makes us really boring and the over excited dog will soon get bored of us!

Be sure to ask your child about how we can stay safe around dogs!

Lilly, Tia and Ralph showed superb listening skills during our talk with The Dog’s Trust – nice one!

Staying Safe: Road Safety

Posted on Monday 04 February 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This morning, the road safety team from Leeds City Council came to visit us to tell us all about crossing roads safely and how important it is to always wear a seat belt.

It was great to see that so many of the children already knew lots of ways to stay safe on the roads – nice one, Foundation and Y1 & 2!

We thought about the different vehicles that use a road.
We talked about the importance of crossing a road at a safe place and always with an adult. Noah said it was a good idea to hold hands with the adult you were crossing the road with – great advice!



Posted on Sunday 03 February 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Image result for easy peasyIt’s great to see so many parents engaging with the activities with Easy Peasy.  Mrs Beesley, Mrs Allen-Kelly and I monitor the use of this so it’s lovely to see the learning that goes on at home!

If you’re unsure about how best to access Easy Peasy, please do come in and ask or be ready with your questions at your child’s upcoming parents’ evening appointment.

The Hundred Decker Bus

Posted on Sunday 03 February 2019 by Mr Roundtree

Check out our own ‘Hundred Decker Bus’ we made this week!

As part of our topic on Transport, we were inspired by Mike Smith’s The Hundred Decker Bus so we decided to create our own.

OK – it doesn’t quite have one hundred decks (18 to be precise) but there is one deck for each member of Foundation! Be sure to come into our classroom to have a closer look so that you can quiz your child about their deck of the bus. We had some fab ideas: a deck with a swimming pool, a deck with a burger bar and a deck with rainbow!

Next week is sure to be a very busy one as we join the rest of the school in Safety Week. We’ll be learning about road safety with the NSPCC, how to approach dogs with a visit from the Dog’s Trust and all about fire safety when Wetherby Fire Station come to visit on Friday afternoon.