Home Learning Heroes! – Week 3
Take a look at the super home-learning this week!
Leo made a special card for Captain Tom for his 100th birthday! He posted it to him. He has also been very busy with his home-learning challenges.
W has been learning about capacity. She also sent in a lovely picture from her in-school learning at our federation school, Scholes.
L had a lovely Easter half term. She has been very busy exercising lots , baking and finding Easter eggs! She also sent in pictures of her home-learning challenge workbook from this week.
Teddy Diary – Well Done!
We have loved seeing what you’ve been getting up to with your teddy bears this week. We are looking forward to seeing what you get up to next week!
Here I am with Miss Marsden ready for our quiz night. We are wearing a blue wig and a rainbow headband to support the NHS.
Keep up your amazing work Foundation!
Have a lovely weekend in the sunshine!
Story Time!
Hello Foundation! It’s Mrs Marsden again. Today I am going to read, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ written by Michael Rosen. Make sure you join in with the actions when listening.
Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin…
Video – We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Here are a few questions and things to talk about after you’ve listened to the story.
- The first obstacle encountered by the family is grass – long, wavy grass. What noise do they make?
The fifth obstacle encountered by the family is a snowstorm – a swirling, whirling snowstorm. What noise do they make? - The family see, ‘One shiny wet nose! Two big furry ears! Two big goggly eyes!’ What did they find?
- Where are the family at the end of the book?
Did you enjoy listening to the story?
Choose a bear and act out the story with your family. Ask your adult to hide it somewhere in the house – no peeking! Can you remember all of the obstacles?
See you next Friday for another story!
Hi all,
How did you get on with Monday’s poetry task? I had a go at recording myself reciting one of my favourite poems, Eletelephony by Laura Elizabeth Richard. It’s my first go at recording myself, so I’m quite proud of it, even if I do look a bit silly! Evie sent us a poem that she wrote, which is awesome. Have you any poems that you have recited and/or written? If so, send them in!
There once was a bear
Who was friends with a hare
He went to his house
But only found a mouse
He went to the lake
But only found a cake
He went to the shop
But only found a lollipop
He went to see the mayor
And there he found the hare by Evie
24 April 2020: F2 Home Learning
Day 5: Phonics/Literacy – writing focus
1. Practise your letter formation in your home learning book. You could be practise your letter formation using sand, shaving foam or flour.
2. Quickwrite! Practise writing the digraphs and trigraphs.
Parents: Please read the digraphs and trigraphs to your child. They can then write them their home learning book.
3. Time to Talk!
How to play:
1. Dance to Dance Monkey.
2. When the music stops find a partner.
3. Talk to your partner about some news you’d like to share.
Remember: to be a good talking partner your eyes should be looking and your ears should be listening AND hearing.
4. Now it’s time to write! Practise saying your news in a sentence. Count the words in your sentence. Now write your news in a sentence. Don’t forget to check your writing! You can draw a picture too.
Challenge: Can you write your news using a narrative e.g. First, then, after that, finally.
Day 5: Maths – Shape, space and measure
Parents: Fill 3-5 cups with water – each cup filled different.
1. Order the cups from the fullest – emptiest.
Parents: encourage your child to use words to describe why they have ordered it the way they have. For example, least, most, full, empty, half, quarter.
Challenge: Can you record your learning?
Extra Learning – Teddy Diary
Don’t forget to keep adding to your teddy diary!
Have a good weekend Foundation!
Art at home
Caitlin has emailed me some of her art work that she has been doing at home- take a look!
Thank you to everyone who has been sending me emails with pictures of your learning- it’s lovely to see what you are all doing at home.
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Chloe!
We hope you have a fantastic day.
Love From
Miss Marsden, Mrs Allen-Kelly and Miss Feldman
23 April 2020: F2 Home Learning
Day 4: Phonics – reading focus
Parents: In response to the ongoing situation, PhonicsPlay is free to use during this period. To access their resources all you need to do is log on using the following details.
Username: march20
Password: home
1. Say the ‘phase 3’ phonemes before the 2 minute timer ends!
Challenge: Can you do it before the 1 minute timer?
Parents: Click ‘PhonicsPlay’ > Resources > Flashcards Time Challenge > Start > Phase 2&3
2. Read the words below.
Parents: you could write them in your child’s home learning book if your child cannot read them on your device.
Parents: If these are too challenging perhaps try reading these words instead.
3. Read the ‘sh’ sentences.
Parents: Click ‘PhonicsPlay’ > Resources > Phase 3 > Sentences > Start > Select ‘week 4 -> sh’
Challenge: Choose another phoneme and read those sentences.
Day 4: Literacy
Book of the week: The smartest giant in town
Draw a character in the story and write a speech bubble.
For example, you might draw the goat in the boat and write “You are such a good giant!”.
Day 4: Maths – subtraction
1. Count backwards from 20 using the song.
Oh no! The song seems to have forgotten the number 0! We talk lots about the number 0 being nothing but still being a number. Try to add the number 0 when singing the song.
2. Solve the number problems.
Parents: Your child could use objects at home to help when counting.
Challenge: Can you come up with your own addition or subtraction number problems?
Extra Learning – Teddy Diary
Don’t forget to keep adding to your teddy diary!
We look forward to seeing what you and your teddy have been up to.
Please keep sending in lots of pictures!
Maths lesson at home: Week 1- 13
Please use the following link to access this week’s maths video:
22 April 2020: F2 Home Learning
Day 3: Phonics – tricky word focus
Parents: In response to the ongoing situation, PhonicsPlay is free to use during this period. To access their resources all you need to do is log on using the following details.
Username: march20
Password: home
- Sing the phase 2 and 3 tricky word songs.
- Write the following tricky wordsParents: Please read the words to your child. They can then write them their home learning book.
Challenge: Can you write these tricky words too?
3. Play the Tricky Word Truck game.
Parents: Click ‘PhonicsPlay’ > Resources > Tricky Word Trucks > Start > Phase 2, 3 or 4
Day 3: Literacy
Book of the week:
Use your story map to retell the story to somebody at home.
You can use the Talk For Writing actions by Pie Corbett below to help you.
Day 3: Maths – addition
- Count to 20 using the song.
Oh no! The song seems to have forgotten the number 0! We talk lots about the number 0 being nothing but still being a number. Try to add the number 0 when singing the song.
2. Solve the number problems.
Parents: Your child could use objects at home to help when counting.
Challenge: Can you do some more number problems?
Extra Learning – Teddy Diary
Don’t forget to keep adding to your teddy diary!
We look forward to seeing what you and your teddy have been up to.
If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.