Class News

Five Star Sports LIVE sessions

Posted on Friday 17 April 2020 by Mrs Latham

Five Star Sports regularly come into school to deliver fabulous sporty sessions. They are running some LIVE sessions on Facebook for you to join in with. There is a Monday session for younger children and Saturday morning football sessions. Join in and keep active with them.

A little quiz answers

Posted on Wednesday 15 April 2020 by Mr Roundtree

How did you get on with the quiz?

Some of them took me a while to get. Here are the answers for you.

  1. Goldilocks and the Three Bears
  2. The Snail and the Whale
  3. The Hungry Caterpillar
  4. The Tiger who came to tea
  5. Paddington Bear
  6. Rainbow Fish
  7. Room of the Broom
  8. We’re going on a bear hunt
  9. The Gruffalo
  10. Emler
  11. Little Red Riding Hood
  12. Aliens love underpants
  13. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  14. Cat in the Hat
  15. Matilda
  16. Harry Potter
  17. Gangsta Granny
  18. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  19. James and the Giant Peach
  20. The BFG

A little quiz…

Posted on Tuesday 14 April 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi children,

We hope you’ve had a lovely Easter break. Isn’t the sunshine just fab?

Maddie enjoyed her first Easter egg hunt and has definitely got her love of chocolate from me.

Whilst you’re enjoying your break, why not have a go at this little quiz? Can you work out the titles of the 20 famous children’s books? I’ll post the answers tomorrow.


Mrs Rowley

Happy Easter!

Posted on Saturday 11 April 2020 by Mr Roundtree

So, how are the Easter holidays going? How are you getting on with the Easter challenge activities? What were you up to last week? What will you be doing this week? Helping with the cooking? Practising a sport? Completing a jigsaw ? I’m trying to do the  Joe Wicks workouts every day. Mrs Rowley is getting better at piano. Send us some pictures of all the fun things that you are doing – we love seeing what you’re up to! Here are some we’ve already received.


Posted on Thursday 09 April 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Hi children

How are you finding the Easter holidays? Have you completed any of the Easter home learning? The den building looks fab – I can’t wait till Maddie is older and we can build lots of dens!

We’ve spent lots of time in the garden playing in her sandpit, reading books, colouring in our picnic blanket and even playing in her water tray in the lovely sunshine!

We have loved receiving your emails about all the things you are doing at home – both learning and fun things! Have a look at Evie making pizzas and Ellie kickboxing with her dad. Please do keep sending us emails – its fab to see what you’ve been up to and you might even appear here on the website!

( / )

We hope you have a lovely Easter weekend.


Mrs Rowley

Easter Holiday Ideas….

Posted on Monday 06 April 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Happy Easter! We know that it’s the Easter break, but in these unprecedented times we thought that we’d continue to post some ideas of activities that you can do at home, if you choose to do so. Some of these are Easter related and others are ideas that you can continue after the Easter break.

This will be the only post for the two week Easter holidays. During this time, you can still email your child’s class teacher, although they may not respond as quickly as they have been doing.

The most important message this Easter is to have fun as a family. Read together, play outside, bake, garden, watch a movie, sing and dance. Make the most of this time together.

Easter Holiday ideas

Here are some links to a cbeebies programme called “Let’s celebrate” it show children celebrating Easter along with a child friendly reference to the Eater Story. – preparing for Easter – celebrating Easter. – The Easter Story

Watch the Cbeebies Easter programmes -Talk about what you watch with your child. Have you done any of the things that Toby has done to prepare for Easter? Have you seen any baby animals, see if your child can remember the names of the young animals from two weeks ago? Have you seen any spring flowers in the garden? Talk about their names and colours. Can the children remember painting the daffodils for their Mother’s Day cards?

Here are some activities that you may like to try over the Easter holidays.

Make an Easter egg picture? Cut out some egg shapes from paper and ask your child to decorate it. The patterns we use in Nursery for mark making are zigzag patterns, wave patterns, horizontal lines, vertical lines and circles.

Easter egg hunt – Can you child help you to think of some clues for the Easter egg hunt? Can you write their instructions for the rest of the family?

Decorate an egg – Make a hard-boiled egg and allow it to cool down. Ask your child to decorate it using coloured pens. Use a slide or create a ramp with a large box propped against a chair. Whose egg rolls the furthest?

Counting eggs – Sing the song together. Count the eggs as they hatch. Count carefully counting to each egg as it pops. – Hickety Pickety my red hen.

Counting ducks – We enjoy singing this song at Nursery. Each time a duck is lost count how many are left. Use each finger to represent a duck. – 5 little ducks

As always stay safe and have fun. Let’s hope that the sunshine returns!

To download the Easter Menu, please click here








Home Learning Heroes- Week 2!

Posted on Friday 03 April 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Take a look at this special video of L’s past two weeks. He has been looking after butterflies. He saw a butterfly emerge from its chrysalis, helped look after them and released them into the wild. I wonder if your child can tell you what happens before a butterfly makes its chrysalis? What is it before it is a butterfly? What is it at the very start?

If you would like to make it onto the ‘Home Learning Heroes’ wall next week, please keep sending in your pictures, questions and comments:


Posted on Friday 03 April 2020 by Miss Beatson

Mya has written her own poem all about ambition. It was a home learning task this week and it was a writing challenge set by Leeds United! If you didn’t get chance, then you can take another look at what the challenge involves here. 

3 April 2020: Home Learning

Posted on Friday 03 April 2020 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Music Time!

Learn a new song about Spring.

Add your own actions to the song.

Music time!

Did your child make their own actions to the new spring song? Can your child see any signs of spring in their garden?

Literacy Activity

Use the laminated letter formation sheet handed out at parent’s evening and your whiteboard pen to practise writing each letter of the alphabet.

Letter formation

Letters that are often difficult are s,b,d,e and a. Encourage your child to practise these!

Maths Activity Doubling

Use the butterflies to double each number. Remember when we double we add the same amount to the other side!



Doubling! When teaching your children to double we talk about adding the same amount again. Here is a fun doubles song your child may enjoy singing.

If you have any questions we are here to help and will respond to emails in school hours.

Enjoy family time this weekend! Don’t forget to send pictures of any activities you have enjoyed together.

Have you learnt something n

Posted on Friday 03 April 2020 by Mr Roundtree

Happy Friday – you’ve made it to the end of another week of home learning.

How have you found it? What have you found the hardest and which has been your favourite part?

We’ve loved receiving emails from your grownups and seeing all the things you’ve been doing.

Before we finished a few weeks ago, Miss Beatson gave the staff the challenge to learn something new. A long time ago, I started to learn the piano but I definitely haven’t practised in a long, long time!

So my challenge to myself is to learn to play the piano better – this was day one of me practising and this is day two – hopefully getting better! Now, it didn’t just take two videos to improve… there were lots of videos and lots of practise in between…

Don’t forget to email us with the things you have been doing and learning – we love receiving them. /