Fiddly Fingers Stay and Play
What a wonderful Stay and Play we had after school. So lovely to see families playing and learning together. Thank you to our parent partners who came today.
Check out all of the fine motor skills we have used this evening…
This half term, year 1 and 2 are keeping healthy by learning a routine alongside a Leeds Rhinos dance coach. The children are working hard to remember the sequence of movements.
Living and Learning: Body Image
At the end of last year, the pupils in Year 5 and 6 completed a My School My Health survey and one of the findings from the survey was how many of us have negative feelings around our own body image. This week, we had a Dove workshop all about self-esteem and body image. With many unrealistic images in the media and on social media, it’s important to explore our feelings and thoughts around this issue.
This is what some of the children had to say after the workshop:
“I will remind my friends not to say “I want to be like them,” but I will tell them to be themselves.”
“I will look at pictures and see how much editing/work they have done to this image. I need to say to myself that they are fake and don’t change yourself.”
“I pledge to think about myself in a better way and not compare myself to others.”
“I will remind people that we need to respect ourselves and others. I will disagree to negative comments on social media. “
This week in Foundation…
Our first week back in Foundation has been packed full of learning! It’s great to see that the children have come back ready to learn with fantastic attitudes. The children have loved exploring the new role play baskets in the home corner. We’ve seen hairdressers, doctors, vets and firemen!
This week our focus story has been Dear Zoo.
All the children in Foundation are able to retell the story using our amazing ‘Talk for Writing’ actions! F2 children changed some of the animals to create their own versions. Some children even changed the title to ‘Dear Farm.’ Take a look in their writing books to see their fabulous story maps!
F2 children have now learnt all Phase 2 phonics sounds and are moving on to Phase 3. It’s really important that children pronounce ‘pure sounds’ when practising and using their phonics in reading and writing.
This week the children did so well at getting changed for PE -independently!
All children in Foundation need a PE kit in school for PE on Mondays.
Don’t forget!
Fiddly Fingers stay and play at 3:15pm on Wednesday 13 November.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Home-Link Challenge
Remembrance Sunday
On Monday, during carpet time we will be talking about the importance of this day.
Talk to your child about Remembrance Sunday.
You could even draw a picture or make a poppy for us to display in the classroom.
Living and Learning
In pairs, we created posters to show our 8Rs for learning. We will remember and use these 8Rs to help us learn throughout the year.
Living and Learning: democracy
On the last day of half term, the school councillors for this year were elected. The children read aloud and listened to speeches in their own class. Then the children went into the hall to vote for their class representatives; this was a very fair and democratic process. Congratulations to all the children who will be school council representatives for 2019-2020.
Congratulations to all of the children in Foundation for a great first half-term. We have worked hard, explored, made friends and shown some fabulous learning.
Thank you to the parents who joined us for parent’s evenings and drop-in sessions. It was great to catch up and share all of the wonderful things we have been doing.
Have a lovely break over the next week and we look forward to welcoming you back in on Monday 4th November.
Half-term Home Link Challenge
The children have told us they would like to learn about animals when we return to school. If you have a pet, we would love to have a picture for the wall. We would also like you to talk to your child about their favourite animal and to research one fact that they can share about the animal in class. Perhaps your child would like to draw or paint their favourite animal too. If your child is in F2, encourage them to record the sounds that they know in any words and labels.
British values – Democracy
This morning, year 1 and 2 took part in an election for our new school councillors. The children voted at a polling station with Mr Mills. We really enjoyed listening to everyone’s speeches being read aloud.
Living and Learning
This weeks Living and Learning statement is I can take part in democratic decisions. In our circle time this week, we discussed the word democracy and why it is important to make our own decisions. Linking to the statement, we have set up a voting station in the classroom. Encourage your child to vote for the book they would like at story time.
Fabulous Foundation
Movement Monday!
Monday was our first movement PE session for all Foundation children. We had such a good time travelling around the hall in a range of ways, such as slithering, crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping, sliding and hopping. The children particularly enjoyed throwing and catching chiffon scarves. This is a simple activity to try at home. Take a look at their fantastic concentration faces.
A little reminder that ALL Foundation children will need their PE kit, with all items named and in school, by Monday 04 November.
Worm Wednesday!
The children collected 14 different worms from around the outdoor area. They compared lengths, counted them, showed fascination and used magnifying glasses to look closely. This led into discussions on environments they like to live in and how we should treat them.
In maths, we have started to use stem sentences to support understanding and reasoning.
Home-Link Challenge
As we come to the end of our first half term, ask your child what their favourite thing has been so far at school. Ask them to draw a picture of this and grown-ups record what they say about their picture in your child’s own words.