Class News

Odd one out

Posted on Wednesday 24 October 2018 by Mr Mills

As you may have seen from previous homework and news posts, the majority of our learning this half term has been about place value and the number system. We have represented, compared and ordered numbers to 1000 in may different ways.

As such, this morning we played a game called ‘Odd one out’. The objective of the game was to spot the odd one out in a series of pictures which depicted a number from 1-1000 using various representations.

Once we had answered questions in our books, we all made them for each other and also a whole class problem on the board for all of you to try at home.

Don’t send in your answers – it’s just for fun!

Living and Learning: I can take part in democratic decisions

Posted on Wednesday 24 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week, our living and learning focus is I can take part in democratic decisions. Democracy is a British value. We use democratic decisions a lot in our class and the children understand that this makes whole class decisions fairer.

This week, the class were introduced to a new friend: a bear. The bear needed a name and Leah suggested that it would be a good idea to have a class vote to decide his name.

The children suggested five names between them: Bob, Skye, Oli, Builder and Rosie. The children closed their eyes and put up their hand to show their choice of name.

Bob was the most popular choice with seven votes so we named the bear ‘Bob’. Bob will be joining us for some of our living and learning lessons.

Creative poem

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Miss Beatson

Well done to Olivia who decided to write a poem for her creative homework, to show what life was like in the Stone Age through to the Iron Age.

Homework superstars

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Mr Mills

Last week, we were asked to create games or quizzes all about our learning on place value in maths.

The time and effort that went into these was astonishing! We have been playing some of the games today and not only are they well thought out and fun, but they actually help with learning too!

Take a look at some of our stand-out stars below!

Living and Learning: I understand with rights come responsibilities.

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Mrs Ellison

This week, we expanded our understanding about the rights we have as children.
Building on from our previous discussions, we looked closely at the responsibility that comes with each right:

I have the right to an education so I have the responsibility to make the most of school and be ‘ready to learn’. – Harvey

Several of us mentioned having the right to ‘be myself’. We talked about how these protected characteristics make us who we are, and it is our responsibility not to judge or bully others for being themselves and the choices they make.

We considered how each right fits together with a responsibility, a bit like putting 2 pieces of a jigsaw together. We thought about how our behaviours towards others and the environment can affect everyone:

“I have the right to be warm but it’s my responsibility not to waste energy”. – Lukne
“I have the right to live in a clean environment so it’s my responsibility not to drop litter”. – Jessica

Green radioactive water

Posted on Thursday 18 October 2018 by Mr Mills

Earlier in the week, we were working on measuring capacity using bright green, radioactive water – just kidding… it was only food colouring!

We had to apply our knowledge of place value to count in steps of 10 or 50 on different scales. We also had to make sure we were very accurate in our measuring and not just guessing where the water line was.

Maybe at home you’d like to try measuring out different amounts of liquid. Don’t use bright green, radioactive water though!

Parent Partnership

Posted on Wednesday 17 October 2018 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Thank you to those parents who were able to stay at the end of the school day for our Parent Partnership meeting. We hope that you found the session informative and we look forward to hearing more about those learning and ‘wow’ moments at home.

If you were unable to make the session today, please do come and have a chat with us about the ways you can share your child’s learning from home.

Thank you for your support.

Parent reminder

The Yorkshire Evening Post will be delivering copies of the special newspaper edition (new school starters), featuring the class photo of Foundation 2 this Monday 22nd October 2018. If you have not yet ordered a copy, they will be available to buy from the school office at the special discounted  rate of 62p.

Living and Learning: I understand rights come with responsibilities

Posted on Wednesday 17 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

This week in our Living and Learning session, we discussed how, as children, we have rights. For example, some of the rights we have are:

  • the right to an education
  • the right to medical care
  • the right to have the freedom of thoughts
  • the right to be loved and respected
  • the right to be heard
  • the right to relax and have fun

Whilst the children understood that these were the rights (amongst other rights) that they had, they also thought about how these rights come with responsibilities.

Here are some of our ideas.

Sewing Superstars!

Posted on Tuesday 16 October 2018 by Miss Beatson

We’ve been finishing our sewing that we started at our harvest experience in Church. We have been resilient and risk-taking in order to complete our church creations!

Living and Learning: I use the 8 Rs to help me learn

Posted on Tuesday 16 October 2018 by Mrs Ellison

We used several of the 8 Rs straight away during our Living and Learning session as we both Remembered and Reflected on the discussions we have had about the 8 Rs.

In small groups we took one of the 8 Rs and then recalled the ways in which we use it to help us learn both in and out of school. It was fantastic to hear comments such as:

“I keep on reflecting about the neatness of my handwriting…you don’t just reflect once”. DJ
“I show I’m ready to learn by being an ‘active listener'”. Jessica

People began to challenge the opinions of others in a positive way. Someone made the comment you should ‘put your hand up a lot if you know it’. A classmate responded that even if you’re not sure of the answer take a safe risk and try to answer anyway. What’s the worst that can happen? We get something wrong and learn from the experience!

Can you remember the 8 Rs? Talk about them frequently at home and challenge yourself to remember all 8.