Class News

Living and Learning:I know money is important.

Posted on Thursday 16 May 2019 by

We have been thinking about what we may need money for. Wediscussed why we use money and we talked about ways that people can earn or save their money. Take a look at some of our ideas.

Welcome to the world…

Posted on Wednesday 15 May 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

The long wait is over… this morning our first fluffy friend was born, followed by another after school (A nice surprise for the morning- we will keep our fingers crossed for even more!)

Foundation were in awe of our first little chick, making some lovely observations and watching it closely.

We have been talking about what the chicks will need to help them grow and took votes on what we should name them….

Introducing Chickee and Shimmer 🙂

How does light travel?

Posted on Thursday 09 May 2019 by Miss Beatson

Today, we predicted how we think light travels. Everybody recorded what they thought: curved lines, zig-zag lines and straight lines.

Then, we used torches and card with holes in to help us found out. When the holes were in an uneven line, the light stopped and couldn’t travel through the holes. When the holes were arranged in a straight line the light could travel through. This showed us that light travels in straight lines.


Craft Club- Self Portraits

Posted on Thursday 09 May 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

This week in Craft Club, we looked at the self-portraits of Pablo Picasso. We compared his earlier realistic self-portraits with the later abstract images.

The crafters then chose how they wanted to represent their own self-portraits. We selected from felt tips, colouring pencils and oil pastels. We used mirrors to make sure we captured all of our features.

When we had finished, we turned the self portraits into stick puppets!

We then presented our self-portraits in a mini puppet show; telling the audience whether we had chosen a realistic or abstract style. We also shared something that we like or enjoy.

Next week, Miss Pyart will continue our self-portrait work, with a focus on Pop-Art.

Well done Crafters 🙂


Living and Learning: I can describe and use ways to calm down.

Posted on Thursday 09 May 2019 by

This week we have been thinking about how we can keep ourselves calm and relaxed. We discussed reasons why we my feel stressed or frustrated.  As a class, we shared the strategies that we use to keep ourselves calm. Willow suggested that we should try to use them at play times if we have fall outs. After that, we created posters to show our top ways to keep calm.

Living and Learning: I know and can use ways to calm down.

Posted on Thursday 09 May 2019 by Mr Mills

This week in Living and Learning, the class worked together to list lots of ways we can calm down down when feeling upset, angry or anxious. They created a long list of strategies including: breathing techniques, counting to 10, talking to a friend, relaxing in your bedroom and exercising. Everyone then created their own poster with their favourite calming down strategies. There were some great ones!

Have a go at using some of these when you feel angry, upset, frustrated or anxious. They definitely work.

Craft Club- Art in Nature!

Posted on Thursday 02 May 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

This week in Craft Club, we have continued our Andy Goldsworthy inspired art in nature.

We made our own ‘paintbrushes’ using natural objects we collected outside. We then used our paintbrushes to paint some self-portraits using mud as our paint!

Afterwards, the children worked together in a team to create a picture using natural objects- they decided on a ‘sea’ scene and had some fab ideas to include. We had starfish, mermaids, clams with pearls, seaweed, fish and coral! Great work crafters! 🙂



Funky Phonics!

Posted on Wednesday 01 May 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Thank you to the parents who attended our second ‘Funky Phonics’ session of the year this evening.

I had a lovely time catching up with each of you individually, to talk about your child’s reading and writing.

We really appreciate our parent partners here at St. James’. Thank you for encouraging your children in their learning, by enjoying time in the classroom with them 🙂

Living and Learning: I recognise mental health is important.

Posted on Wednesday 01 May 2019 by

Today we talked about mental health and why it is important. Ellie said that we must keep our minds healthy too-even though we can’t see it. In this session, we had a go at drawing what a healthy mind looks like.

Masters of Mathematics

Posted on Wednesday 01 May 2019 by

We are working hard on fundamental maths skills in year 1/2.

Here are a few links to some games that you may want to practise at home.

  • Mathsframe speedy timetables (Adjust the difficulty to x2, x5 and x10).
  • Jetpack Mathematics (Select year 1 or year 2).
  • Hit the button (Try number bonds, doubles, halves or times tables).