Class News

Craft club creations

Posted on Thursday 28 March 2019 by

This week in craft club we have been making Mother’s Day cards. Look at our lovely designs.

Snack time progress…

Posted on Thursday 28 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

At St James’, we’re all about progress and the Foundation class is no different.

Each day, during snack time, a Tally Master records our choices. We then can use the tally chart to see which snack is the most popular or least popular.

Maths is a huge part of your child’s learning at St James’ and it’s important to practise recording and interpreting information. Try challenging your child to create a tally chart of their own at home! 

Check out how the children have taken ownership and improved recording the class choices:

Not only is it great to see the children using their maths, writing and thinking skills but for the children to make their choice independently – keep up the fab learning, Foundation!

Thank you Parent Partners….

Posted on Wednesday 27 March 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Mrs Allen-Kelly and Mrs Valentine were so pleased with the turn-out at our Parents as Partners workshop after school today! We hope you have taken away some ideas of how to share your child’s learning experiences at home with us.

Thank you again to the parents who shared their observations from home, that have been emailed or sent in so far this year. We really appreciate you allowing us to show others your great examples 🙂

It was lovely to catch up with many of you after the session to talk about how your child is doing and to see you enjoy sharing the learning journey folders together.

Don’t forget… ‘Wow Sheets’, ‘Learning at home sheets’ and email address slips are available at any time in the classroom, for you to collect and fill in.

We look forward to seeing all the wonderful things you will email or hand in very very soon!

Living and Learning: I know the difference between being proud and showing off

Posted on Wednesday 27 March 2019 by Mr Mills

This week, the children thought about what they are proud of and why.  We talked about how it can be difficult to say what we are proud of sometimes and how it takes confidence.  Everyone has lots to be proud of!  During circle time, the class took turns to say what they were proud of and also what they think other children in the class are good at so giving each other a boost!  The class then wrote thought bubbles to share what they are proud of. Comments on these thought bubbles included: “I’m proud of my football skills because it makes me unique” and, “I am proud of my dancing because I practise a lot and even though I’m not the best and dancing, I am still proud of what I can do so far”.  Some really thoughtful and reflective comments from Year 3 and 4. Well done – you have lots to be proud of!

The ten best ways to live.

Posted on Tuesday 26 March 2019 by

We had some special visitors in school today. A charity called Hand to Mouth came in to talk to us about an exciting story. We learnt about God’s ten best ways to live which are also called the Ten Commandments.  Take a look at a few photographs from our session.

This week in Foundation…

Posted on Saturday 23 March 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

On Monday, a new mystery unfolded in the classroom… someone (or something) had been through our roof and stolen our spare pants! They must have left in a hurry, as some were left dangling from the ceiling. F2 wrote down their ideas based on the clues that we had been left, before discovering later in the week that we had been visited by those cheeky aliens from the story Aliens Love Underpants!

We were pleased to see the sunshine make an appearance this week, making our outdoor learning extra fun! The children have loved using the mud kitchen as a ‘potting’ area. We were also able to enjoy PE outside on Thursday.

This week’s ball skill was catching. We made sure we were throwing ‘chest passes’ and ensuring we made it easy for our partner to catch. We also worked on having ‘ready hands’ that grab the ball rather than pushing it away from us.


In maths, as well as continuing our work on our focus number 10, F2 have been thinking about time through the Seasons of the year.

We loved watching the amazing talents in Friday’s show. Well done to Jayden who represented Foundation with his super-cool dance moves!

Home-Link Challenge- F1 and F2

Thank you to those who have brought in or emailed photos of their family and/or home. Please continue to bring these in if you have not done so already.

Thursday saw the first full day of Spring! As part of our discussions on the Seasons, we would like you to take a photo of something you see on your walk to or from school, which is a first sign of Spring. Perhaps you have spotted the shoots of new flowers, bird’s nests or blossom on the trees? Please bring in your photos or email them to  us;

Parents as Partners

You are invited to a ‘Parents as Partners’ talk on Wednesday 27th March 3.15-3.45 in the Foundation classroom. This is for both F1 and F2 parents/carers and is a repeat of a workshop we held earlier in the school year, to give tips on how you can share your child’s learning at home with us. You will also have an opportunity to talk to the class teachers and look at your child’s learning journey folder.

Our Door Decoration Competition Prize

We have decided to have a ‘cinema experience’ treat afternoon in Foundation, to celebrate winning the decorative door competition for World Book Day. This will take place on Wednesday afternoon. We will start the week by decorating our popcorn holders and creating tickets inviting our friend’s to our very special cinema.

After School Club Places

Mrs Walton has three spaces available for the after school Lego Club, that she would like to make available to our Foundation 2 children.Mrs Allen-Kelly and Miss Pyart currently have one space available for craft club.Both clubs take place after school on Thursdays, 3.15-4.15pm.Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. Please visit Mrs Walshaw at the school office if you would like to book your Foundation 2 child onto either of the clubs.

Thank you.

Fabulous homework

Posted on Friday 22 March 2019 by

We had some brilliant homework projects this week, but there was one that stood out. One of our pupils created a masterpiece to  express his talents.

He loves to play football and he likes to make models.

The attention to detail in this model was brilliant. Very well done!

Arrays and factor pairs

Posted on Thursday 21 March 2019 by Mr Mills

Today, we had a very hands on practical lesson learning about factor pairs. A factor pair is two numbers that when multiplied together give a particular product. For example, the number 24 has factor pairs of: 2 and 12; 1 and 24; 3 and 8; and 4 and 6.

We used multilink cubes to make arrays that allowed us to spot the factor pairs for numbers we were given.


‘Using multilink helped me see the numbers easily’

‘I always like using apparatus to help me’

Spectacular Sculptures!

Posted on Friday 15 March 2019 by Miss Beatson

We have been very busy working on our sculptures this week. Some of us have now painted and finished them; some of us are still creating the shape using Modroc.

Living and Learning: I can pay and receive compliments

Posted on Friday 15 March 2019 by Miss Beatson

This week, we’ve been paying and receiving compliments as part of our Living and Learning lesson. It made us feel really happy inside when our friends gave us a compliment.