Class News

Leeds Art Gallery

Posted on Friday 15 March 2019 by

Year 1 and 2 have had a super exciting day today. We visited Leeds Art Gallery and we saw lots of different kinds of art. There were many artists who had a variety of skills. Leonardo Da Vinci created some amazing pieces.

  • Ava shared that she loved the way he had used shading.
  • Dexter explained that Leonardo’s art showing the anatomy of a human looked so realistic that it made him feel shocked.
  • Mikey liked the way in which Leonardo used his maths skills when measuring up the length of a horse’s leg.

Living and Learning: I can pay and receive compliments in a sensible way.

Posted on Thursday 14 March 2019 by Mr Mills

We started our Living and Learning session this week by paying ourselves some compliments!

The children reflected on what they were good at, both in and out of school. Following this, they wrote down three compliments for themselves. We then gave each other some compliments, which the children enjoyed receiving, saying they made them feel: ‘happy, ‘warm inside’ and ‘proud’. The children wrote some lovely comments for each other and also thanked each other for their compliments.

We love colours!

Posted on Tuesday 12 March 2019 by

Look at our amazing colour mixing skills. We’ve been learning all about primary colours and the processes we can go through to make new colours. Take a look!

Are your passwords safe and secure?

Posted on Monday 11 March 2019 by Miss Beatson

As part of our learning on e-safety, we’ve been thinking about when we use passwords and how we can make them as strong and secure as possible. We ordered passwords from the strongest to the weakest and discussed why it isn’t a good idea to use names and dates of birth. We did agree that using lower and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols are a good way of making our passwords safe and secure.

Foundation’s Starry snack time…

Posted on Monday 11 March 2019 by Mr Roundtree

This morning, our speaking focus during our snack time has been all about stars: Vincent Van Gogh’s Starry Night to be exact.

The children were asked to think carefully about what they could see and several suggestions were listened to in our group: a castle, buildings, cars, the moon and lots of stars.

It was great to see the children thinking carefully about their ideas, speaking clearly when sharing our ideas and listening attentively when it was someone else’s turn to speak.

Levi, Summer, Evie and Liam showed fantastic speaking and listening skills – nice one!

Our book this week is Oliver Jeffer’s How to Catch A Star so be sure to come into our classroom and how a look at our star learning!

Image result for how to catch a star

Pancake Day

Posted on Saturday 09 March 2019 by Miss Beatson

On Tuesday, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday by making pancakes.

They were delicious!

Living and Learning: I can say something good about myself.

Posted on Friday 08 March 2019 by

The Living and Learning statement this week is ” I can say something good about myself”. During circle time the class took turns to tell Bob the Bear something good about themselves. Below are some of the things that some of the children said.

Kara shared that she tries to help people when they need help and Eliza described herself as helpful. Leah tries to help people even if they are not her friend. Mikey told us that he is nice to his sister. Daisy feels that she is good at knowing what to use to help her learn.

World Book Day

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Mr Mills

Today was that time of year again, the best day of the year – World Book Day. The costumes were simply amazing and we all looked brilliant. It was also great to see some Roald Dahl Characters: Veruca Salt, The BFG and Mr Willy Wonka.

We spent part of the morning making our ‘book door’ for the whole school competition. We based it on a Wonka Bar and surrounded it with our very own Golden Tickets.

Skipping Festival

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Mr Mills

Earlier this week, we finally got the chance to show off our skipping skills at the skipping festival at Wetherby High School. We started by competing in the skills showdown. In pairs we demonstrated: speed bouncing, side swings and crossover skips. Even though only 1 minute long, each competitor was exhausted from the effort they put in.

Then we moved onto our skip dance routine. We’ve worked really hard on this over the last few weeks. It wasn’t only about showing our skipping skills; we had to count beats, watch other children move for cues and be looking where we were standing.

We came away with a haul of certificates for our efforts as well as first place in the crossover and butterfly skills.

Well done, 3/4.

World Book Day

Posted on Thursday 07 March 2019 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

What a wowzer World Book Day we’ve had: such FANTASTIC costumes and thoughtful choices of favourite books that really got the children talking and sharing in the pleasure of reading.

Thank you to those parents who started the day with us in our Relax and Read session and especially for sharing reading with not only your own children but their friends too. It was a very special time that the children really enjoyed.

Thank you to year 5/6, who came down later in the school day to share books with Foundation. You were great role models!

We were also very busy today, working on our Whatever Next #decorateyourdoor competition items; writing, paintings and collages. The competition was judged this afternoon by our local librarian from Wetherby Library, who liked our ‘3d aspect’ and decided that Foundation were the winners! We’re so proud of the children’s hard work. Watch this space for details of our exciting prize!