Class News

Living and Learning

Posted on Friday 28 September 2018 by Miss Beatson

We’ve been thinking about what it means to be resourceful and resilient this week. We set ourselves some goals that we would like to achieve by the end of the year (or maybe sooner) by being resourceful and resilient. We’re aiming high!

Year 1 and 2 Super Stars!

Posted on Thursday 27 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

In Year 1 and 2, we have a marble jar that we try to fill as a class. We can earn marbles for lining up quietly, following instructions and working together as a team.

We were very excited to have filled our marble jar today so we voted on our treat – democracy in action! The children chose to have extra playtime where they were allowed to have the equipment out, play football and play on the slide.

Here are some pictures of us enjoying our treat.


Living and Learning: I am resourceful and I am resilient.

Posted on Wednesday 26 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

In our Living and Learning session, we talked about being resourceful and resilient.

Willow told us it would be resourceful to use a dictionary or to search for the word on the internet if you were reading and didn’t know what a word meant. Mikey said that if you needed a glue stick and didn’t have one you could use sticky tape or double-sided tape. Ellie pointed out that if you didn’t have any pink paint you could mix red and white. Leah said that if you are reading and you can’t read a word you can use your phonics to help you.

We then thought about resilience. We talked about how you might feel if you were learning something new. Emilija said you might be anxious because you might not know what to do. Daisy said that if you can’t do something straight away, you need to think about it. Mikey told us that he struggled to learn to count to 100 but he kept practising and felt happy when he could do it. We listened to the saying:

“Try to keep going, try to keep smiling, even when things get bad.

Try to keep going, try to keep smiling, then you won’t feel so sad.”

Reflection Time; Friendship

Posted on Sunday 23 September 2018 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Friday afternoons are a special time in Foundation. Although we reflect on our values and share our thoughts throughout the school week, we set aside a quiet time on a Friday afternoon to have circle time in our school Reflection Area. Recently, we’ve been thinking about Friendship. 

We ensure that we are respecting our friends as they talk by using our talking hedgehog. We take turns: the person holding the hedgehog is the speaker and we listen as they share their thoughts and ideas.

We’ve thought about what it is to be a good friend and reflected on the qualities our friends have. We have spoken about why our friends are special to us. During reflection time, we have made dough representations of our friends and  in the classroom we have created a display of our friends through paper doll portraits.

Fostering friendships is so vital at school. Friendships can boost confidence, help children feel safe and secure and even support learning through co-operative play. It has been wonderful to see continued and new friendships blossoming during these first few weeks at school – friendships that will enhance the children’s enjoyment of their time at school this year and in the years to come.

Where in the world?

Posted on Friday 21 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

For the past three weeks, we have had a mini topic of “Where in the world?”.

The children have been learning all about the world around them: which town they live in, which country their town is in and the names and locations of the continents and oceans.

They have enjoyed listening to a song about the continents to help learn their names and a song about the oceans, too. Today, we put all of that knowledge together and labelled both the continents and the oceans.

This lesson linked in with our homework – “I know some Where in the World facts”. Here are some facts that we knew.

  • Eliza – ‘I learnt how to say hello in Spanish “Ola”.’
  • Ellie – ‘I learnt the 5 oceans – the Pacific, the Atlantic, the Indian, the Southern and the Artic.’
  • Jack – ‘I learnt how to say good afternoon in different languages – Buenas tardes (Spanish) boa tarde (Portuguese) bonne après-midi (French) guten nachmittag (German).’
  • Daisy and Emilija – ‘We learnt the names of the different continents – Asia, Africa, Europe, Australia, Antarctica, North America and South America.’

Living and Learning: I take a safe risk. I take responsibility for my own learning

Posted on Friday 21 September 2018 by Mrs Quirk

There were some excellent contributions this week during our ‘Living and Learning’ session. We explored both this week’s ‘Rs for learning’ with maturity and insight.

Firstly we asked, what do the statements actually mean? One group concluded that taking a ‘safe risk’ is ‘when you do something that might be a bit scary but you’ve thought about the worst that can happen and it’s not that bad-like putting your hand up even when you’re not sure it’s the right answer.’

When we strive to get better at something we often have to come out of our comfort zone and challenge ourselves. We talked about how we can better prepare ourselves for taking ‘safe risks’ by making sure we’re ready to learn and by knowing the specific areas we need to work on.

Being in charge of and responsible for our own learning led on brilliantly from last week’s discussion about being ready to learn. We talked about the word ‘independent’ and how it is up to us (not an adult at home) to make sure we have the things we need for school!

Everyone agreed children have a right to a good education. We thought about how our ‘rights’ link to our responsibilities. As Lily commented, “It’s my responsibility to make sure I’ve got my reading book and PE kit”.

We used the trigger statement ‘It’s my responsibility to…’ and wrote our responses on post-it notes. We then came to the front of class (taking a ‘safe risk’ if we were slightly nervous) and shared our ideas.

  • “It’s my responsibility not to lose my reading book so I can get better at reading.” Jessica
  • “I take responsibility for my learning, for pride and presentation in my work.” Emily
  • “We have a right to the equipment on the table so it’s my responsibility to look after school equipment.” Amber

Several people noticed how the 8 Rs often link together, meaning we need to remember the discussions we have had in previous sessions.

I’m looking forward to another lively discussion next week. Well done, Year 3/4.

Our apple harvest

Posted on Thursday 20 September 2018 by Mr Mills

You may remember all the apples that we collected last week and did lots of maths around. Well, this week it has continued and we’ve been very hands-on making food and using some interesting machines.

We were lucky enough to have an apple press brought in by Mrs Richardson and we used it to make apple juice. The press was quite tricky to use but we all enjoyed using it and seeing how it worked.

The apple juice we made didn’t look that nice. However, after trying it, a lot of the children couldn’t get enough of it.

After this, we made the the leftover apples into a crumble whilst learning about where different foods came from around the world.

Grid references

Posted on Thursday 20 September 2018 by Miss Beatson

We’ve been mixing up our maths and topic work by using 4 and 6 figure grid references to locate places quickly in an atlas.

Baking Bread

Posted on Thursday 20 September 2018 by Miss Beatson

Today, we’ve been busy baking bread.

  • “It tasted delicious and it had a very soft texture.”
  • “Mine was a bit salty, I think I added too much!”
  • “I gave it a 7/10. It needed less salt.”


Living and Learning: I can take a safe risk and be responsible

Posted on Wednesday 19 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

In our Living and Learning session, we talked about taking safe risks and taking responsibility for your own learning. We discussed what responsibility is and decided that when you are responsible for something it is up to you to make sure it happens.
Jack told us that it is the children’s own responsibility to make sure that they take their things to school, not their mum’s responsibility.  Louie told us that each child is responsible for their writing – we discussed this and decided that children are responsible for making their writing neat and making sure they write enough. Leah told us each child is responsible for bringing their PE Kit. When asked about homework, Ava said when the teacher asks you to do it you have to do it. We decided together that when the teacher gives you homework it is your responsibility to make sure you do it.
We talked about risks and what kind of risks are safe and what kind of risks are not safe. We decided as a class that it is safe to put your hand up in class and have a go at answering a question. We also decided it is safe to try new activities and to try to read a book that looks tricky. Talking about doing work you are not sure you can do Willow told us, “If you don’t know how to do it, you can try it and take a risk.”