Apple pressing
We are so lucky to have delicious apples growing in our very own playground. This week, we’ve used the fallen apples to make our very own apple juice using a fruit press. We also looked at the variety of apples that grow around the world to link with our topic.
Making Moves!
Here in Foundation, one of the prime areas of learning is physical development.
The learning in this area focuses on a child’s independence with regards to their own health and safety and has important links to other areas of learning. Here are just a few of the lovely examples from this week of how physical development is supported and enjoyed in our classroom and outdoor area:

Well done, Foundation- another busy week with great examples of independent learning.
Fantastic Creative Homework
This week, year 1 and 2 were given the creative homework task: I can show what I know about a country. They could choose any country they wished and present this in any way. Here are a few of our creative homework with a wide variety of countries represented.
Living and Learning: to be ready and to respond
This week our living and learning statement is “I can I am ready to learn and I can respond to feedback“.
We talked about how we can show we are ready to learn.
Jack said, “We need to look at the teacher, have your book out and get a pencil ready.”
Dexter said, “We follow instructions.”
Willow said, “We are ready by listening, looking at the teacher and doing whatever they ask you to do.”
We talked about feedback and how we use it to know what we did well and how to improve. The things that help us improve are our next steps in our books.
14 September 2018
We’ve had yet another busy week in Year 3/4. We’re still continuing our work on place value and representing number in maths. We’ve also been brushing up on our skills of using verbs and adverbs in English – both of which are going well.
However, the thing that has most excited the children this week was our first brass instruments music lessons. Yes, it was noisy! Yes, it was exciting – and yes, everybody loved it! The lesson will take place all term and we’ll hopefully be able to bring you all a performance of some sort.
We also noticed that the tree outside our classroom had produced a huge windfall of apples. So, we’ve collected the good ones and we’ll be making some apple-based recipes next week. Then we’ll look what food other countries around the world produce for us to enjoy.
Fantastic homework!
Well done everybody for producing some very creative, imaginative and interesting pieces of creative homework this week. Here are some highlights…
Start of the ‘Great Wetherby Bake Off’
Today, we tasted various breads from around the world. We tasted and evaluated naan, tortilla, fruit bread, brioche and many more. This is in preparation for our Great Wetherby Bake Off, next week.
Library Visit
Today, your child has brought home a book from our school library.
Each week, we will visit the library and the children have an opportunity to take home a book each week. Books will be changed each week at school – this will usually be on a Tuesday.
Have a look at our excited faces at being able to take a book of our choice home!
Our first week
The first week in year 3/4 flew by in the blink of an eye. Even so, we still had time to cram in a great deal of learning and all the children made a brilliant start to their school years.
Our new topic is entitled ‘Where in the world?’ and will see us studying major facts about the world: continents, oceans, capital cities and other facts to do with world geography. We have already begun by labelling up a large map and finding unusual capital cities like Lima and Bogata!
If you’d like to help at home, you could simply use the maps app on your smartphone and explore countries of the world. Don’t forget to have a look at famous landmarks from those countries as well.
We also got straight into our maths work on representing numbers in different ways. We’ve been using base 10 equipment (the blocks) and place value counters. It has been really impressive to see just how confident children were at representing the same number in different ways. They certainly haven’t lost any knowledge over the summer break.
Keep it up year 3/4!
Fabulous Foundation!
This week we’ve welcomed back our returners moving from F1 into F2 and made some new friends! We’ve made a fabulous start to the year with happy faces, smart uniforms and busy learning. Our little learners jumped straight back into their favourite activities, as well as exploring the new areas we have on offer this year.
The story shed has been a new addition to our outside area; a cosy new space to read books and magazines, tell stories and make-marks.
We also have a new water station next to our mud kitchen, to make all sorts of wonderful potions and mixtures, which has been very popular during our first few sessions.
It makes us so proud to see how settled and content the children are in the classroom, both returners and new pupils.
Please remember that although your children have settled well, we welcome you into the classroom each morning to share some learning with your child and explore the activities on offer in the classroom. This year we have some new additions in the classroom, just for you parents and carers;
Join your child at the ‘Learn with me’ activity in the classroom- a teacher-free zone! A new activity will be placed here each week, for you to complete alongside your child. Our ‘Parents as partners’ board in the classroom is for you to share great examples of learning at home. You can also email us photos and descriptions of your child’s learning at home. Please send these to:
This half term we’ll be theming our learning around ‘Becoming a story-teller’, using traditional tales as a basis for learning across the classroom. As always, we will also use the children’s interests and ideas to tailor our activities.
We look forward to sharing this year of learning with you.