Healthy Cooking
It’s health week, so we decided to cook and eat lots of vegetables. We made a delicious stir-fry with onions, beansprouts, peas, courgettes, cabbage and much more.
“It tasted gorgeous; I had sticky plum sauce with it.”
“I thought I didn’t like the sauce but when I tasted it, it tasted really nice.”
Next Week- Staying Healthy Week
Next week, Foundation will be taking part in
Staying Healthy Week
Activities will include:
Monday (AM)- Tutti Frutti Production.
Tuesday (AM)- Dance Workshop.
Wednesday (PM)- F2 Sports Day.
Thursday (AM)- Healthy Cooking (Tortilla Pizzas)
Friday (PM)- Lacrosse Workshop.
We will have ‘healthy lifestyle’ themed activities and challenges in the classroom. Children can wear sports clothes all week.
During Sports Day on Wednesday afternoon, F1 children will be meeting their new class mates for September at our Stay and Play.
Looking forward to a happy, healthy and active week ahead! 🙂
The day the classroom quit!
This fortnight, we have been reading The Day the Crayons Quit.
In this story, Duncan comes into the classroom and discovers his crayons have quit for various reasons. Red Crayon is tired of colouring strawberries, Santas and fire engines; Orange Crayon and Yellow Crayon are fighting over who is the true colour of the sun; Blue Crayon is used too much so it short and stubby and Grey Crayon is fed up of colour such big animals like Hippos and Whales.
This week, we have written our own stories pretending to be different items from the classroom that quit. The children came up with some really imaginative ideas as to why each item might quit. Here is a few examples of our letters to Duncan.
Living and Learning: I tell the truth and say sorry if I need to.
Year 5 taster day
On Friday, Year 5 went to Wetherby High School for a taster day, to experience what it’s like to be in secondary school. They cooked, made key-rings, played basketball and much more.
Role-play- I can show, what I know!
Our new role play area is up and running this week and wow do we have some enthusiastic little travel agents, tourists, customers and ice-cream sellers!
The children have been working together, using their prior experiences to create scenarios in the ‘Travel Agents’ and ‘Ice-cream parlour’. They have shown great communication, sharing their ideas and listening to the ideas of others.
The ‘Travel Agents’ features real-life holiday pictures of the children to inspire their role-play and the wonderful writing that F2 have worked so hard on this week.
Come and take a look at their postcards, or browse their travel brochure. Anyone fancy visit to “Unicorn Land”, “Starry Seaside”, or “Magic Town” this Summer? 🙂
Fabulous Library Visit!
Yesterday afternoon, Year 1 and 2 visited Wetherby Library. Have a look at some of the comments the children made and the pictures of them using the library. They were much more confident in how to use the library this time and more focussed on choosing books that suited/interested them.
Ellie – The library trip was great. I got one of my favourite books called ‘I’ll never let you go’.
Lilly – It was fun walking down the library and getting a Harry Hill’s book.
Jack – I like going to the library because I saw a book that I liked about Kart Racing and Mr Wicks liked it too
Harley – It was really fun and I picked a book about fires, police and bees.
Joe – I like going to the library because there are so many books that I would like to get from there.
Daisy-Mae – I liked going to the library because I found some Beast Quest books and I got to get a Molly Broomstick book. I saw a book about a clown but there were no words in it so I think it would be a good book to make up my own words for the story.
Living and Learning – I can share and include others
This week’s living and learning statement is “I can share and include others”. We talked about what sharing means and how we can include others, both in the classroom and at home.
Have a look at some of our ideas for how we can share and include others.
Christian Value- Honesty
Our Christian Value this half term is honesty. Last week for homework the children were tasked with writing acrostic poems using the word honesty.
It was great to see the work everyone did and all the poems were very different and clearly showed how each child perceived what honesty meant to them. We also had some poems that were not acrostics, but spoke about honesty in other ways – very creative. Have a look at some of them below.
Well done 3/4
This week in foundation…
We’ve read the story of The Very Busy Spider, continuing our ‘Minibeast’ theme.
We’ve been making character lists and using our imaginations to write our own versions of the story. We’ve had ‘The very fluffy rabbit’, ‘The really fast lion’ and ‘The very cute ladybird’ to name just a few!
F2 have also been using ‘spider legs’ to practise their doubling skills and they are just brilliant at it!
Ask your F2 child to tell you the doubling number facts they know.
All of Foundation enjoyed their first gymnastics session on Tuesday. We look forward to seeing their gym skills develop over the next few weeks. F2 children are also continuing with their ball skills in PE. This week we have been working on rolling the ball in different directions and chasing it.
We welcomed in the 2018 World Cup with a new small world interest table. The children have chosen a team in a ‘lucky dip’ draw and the child with the winning team will get to take home their very own World Cup medal, when the tournament has finished.
F2 children have been reading the ‘World Atlas Encyclopedia’ with Mrs Allen-Kelly, to find out facts about their World Cup country. They have used their phonics skills to record the facts.
Ask your F2 child if they can remember the special name we give to an information book.
Next week, we have a seaside theme as we look more at holidays and the Summer season.