Peter Rabbit’s adventures!
This week, Year 1 and 2 have been writing new adventures that Peter Rabbit goes on. The children have written some fantastic stories. Here is a snippet of the stories from our class.
Moments taken from the Brownlee Triathlon!
The Greatest Fairy Tale
This week, we went to Scholes to watch a production called The Greatest Fairy Tale. Have a look at some of the recounts the children wrote about the trip.
What a splendid trip I’ve had! Yesterday, I went to Scholes Primary School to watch a show. Year 2 were all partners with reception and year 1 were partners with each other. The hole of school except F.1 went to watch the show. I was partners with Lucas. We went into the hall and a man was trying to read the story but two pigs kept interrupting him. In the story there were only three characters but the main characters were stupid pig, simple pig and clever pig. The story was about The evil queen was changing the fairy tales around. For instance, Jack and the Beanstalk. you should know the tale. It’s about a boy called Jack and his mum were very poor so one day. This was different Jack’s mother’s foot fitted into Cinderella’s slipper so the prince had to take her to his castle.
What awesome day I had! We went on the coach and I sat next to Louie. When we got there we played tig in the small playground. Then, we went inside the play. The play was about the fairy tales all muddled up. They only had until midnight to fix it. The evil queen wanted to marry Prince Charming but so did Jack’s mother. The big bad wolf ate Little Red Riding Hood, Red’s granny and stupid pig. Then, suddenly snow white heard a knock on the door and it was the 8th dwarf.
What an amazing trip I had! On Tuesday, we went to Scholes Primary School. We travelled on a coach. It took 15 minutes to get there. I was partners with Dexter. When we got there we played in the playground. We played tig with Daisy, Fleur, Jemima, Evie and Jessica and it was fun. Then we went into the hall to watch a show. It was 3 characters playing all of the fairy tales. It was funny When the man put the show on Mrs Rowley and when he said do you have any cell phones. Jacks mum marries the prince because the shoe fits but the price was supposed to marry Cinderella.
Wetherby Library
Wow! What an exciting afternoon F2 have had at Wetherby Library today.
We were treated to a story time of The Great Pet Sale and A Busy Day For Birds. The children got to hold many animals, both cute and cuddly and small and spiky, in an experience hosted by Lion Learners.
We held rabbits, a bearded dragon, a tarantula, guinea pigs, a snake and giant snails!
As a special treat to celebrate the launch of National Bookstart Week 2018 , the children were sent home with their very own copy of A Busy Day For Birds.
The children were all exceptionally brave and brilliantly behaved, both during our careful walk from school to the library and throughout the session. They were a real credit to our school and should feel very proud of themselves, as we are of them.
Take a look at our fun-filled video of our visit below:
On Thursday, Foundation successfully launched three little lives into the world. Watch them go!
We watched our caterpillars grow, saw them spin their chrysalis and had their beautiful butterfly transformation with us for two days, before setting them free. We’ve had so much to talk and write about. Our focus story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, has been a great link to our learning.
In other ‘growing’ news, our plants are doing brilliantly thanks to the children’s vigilant care of them. We’ve been talking lots about not over-watering and discussing the changes we can see.
- Ask your child what they have learnt during our ‘growing’ topic.
- Which has been their favourite life-cycle?
- Which living things have they enjoyed observing the most?
A letter was sent home with the children on Friday about our upcoming topic. We will be looking at the Summer season, holidays and different countries across the world. Please bring in your holiday photos (this can be either at home or abroad) on the first day back or email them to the address found in our last class news post.
Have a wonderful (and hopefully sunny) half-term, Foundation. We can’t wait to hear what you have been up to!
Bridge Designers Extraordinaires
This term, we have been looking at ‘Inventions that changed our world’. We’ve looked at how the telephone was invented and, this week, we moved onto how Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s designs changed the world we live in.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel is famous for designing radical bridges and pushing the boundaries in shipbuilding and tunnel building. We used some of his designs to influence our own bridge building.
The task: To create a bridge 50cm wide and strong enough to hold a toy car.
Materials: cups, paper straws, cellotape, glue, scissors and paper clips.
Here are some of our designs.
We created our own design then worked together as a group to decide on the best design. Then, we set about building our creations.
Here are our finished results. This week, we shall be evaluating our bridges. What was the best thing about them? Did they work? What would we do better/differently next time?
The Royal Wedding
What a beautiful day for a royal wedding!
On Thursday, Foundation enjoyed celebrating the occasion by creating crowns, flags and wedding invitations. We had some beautiful brides and grooms at the dressing-up area! We also had a special snack time with napkins and jam scones.
The celebration opened up some lovely discussions about weddings and their traditions, our flags and the royal family. We took a look at the map to see how far Meghan and her family will travel from America to England.
What can your child tell you about today’s royal wedding?
If you’re going to any special events or taking part in any street parties to celebrate the wedding today, we’d love to see your photos so please do bring them in.
You can also email any photos and learning from home at any time! Send to:
Have a lovely, sunny weekend Foundation! 🙂
Peace and quiet in the library
This morning, we went to our different-looking library. All the books are now in alphabetical order so that we can find and put books back more easily and in the correct place.
Also, all the non-fiction books about history and animals etc now have coloured labels so we know where to look for books that might interest us.
In addition to this, we have also come up with rules for looking after the library:
- We put books with the spine facing towards us.
- We put books back the correct way up.
- We put books in the correct place.
- We must respect the library and the books.
- Make it a peaceful place to enjoy reading.
Funky Phonics
Thank you to the parents who were able to join us for our ‘Funky Phonics’ stay and play yesterday. The children made us very proud, showing their grown-ups how they use phonics skills in their reading and writing.
Supertato, Super Learning!
Supertato took over the classroom this week and the children have just loved exploring this story, written by Sue Hendra.
We’ve been re-telling using our veggie characters, creating story mountains, mini-books and ‘wanted’ posters to find the “Evil Pea” after he sneakily tied up our vegetable friends!
The children used some great adjectives to describe him and wrote descriptions of how Supertato was going to capture him. We were all relieved on Friday, when there was a happy ending (just like in the story); Evil Pea was captured in the jelly on our sensory table! Phew!
In Mathematics, F2 children have been focusing on numbers 10-20: recognising the numbers by sight, counting forwards and backwards from 1-20 and identifying ‘1 more’ and ‘1 less’ than a given number.
Please continue to work on these skills at home.
F2 children have enjoyed practising various PE skills by racing through an obstacle course- jumping, weaving, throwing to target and catching!
F1 children enjoyed their own mini PE session, too… Practising hula-hoop skills, throwing bean bags to target and working together in parachute games.
A reminder that our ‘Funky Phonics’ Stay and Play session is taking place for parents and carers of F2 children this Wednesday 16 May, 3.15-4.15pm. We look forward to seeing you there!