Class News

Squiggle while you wiggle!

Posted on Friday 13 October 2017 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

We’ve seen many examples of fantastic learning over the past few weeks. However, one thing the Foundation 2 children have shown lots of enthusiasm for is our weekly ‘Squiggle while you wiggle’ session. These sessions focus on gross motor movements that will develop strength in the muscles we use in our writing. Movements are made to exciting music or songs that we sing together. We then move on to using our fingers to ‘squiggle’. So far we’ve squiggled in shaving foam, with chalk on the playground, with pen and paper and with our paintbrushes. Can your child sing the movement song to you from this week’s session? (clue: dragon!)

All of Foundation have opportunities to work on their physical skills all day, every day. We have outdoor and sensory exploration alongside daily ‘dough disco’. We also have our ‘fiddly fingers’ table, which has a new activity on each week. These activities are designed to work on fine motor skills, specifically working on finger muscle strength.

We’d love to see any pictures you have of your child demonstrating their physical skills at home. This could be gross motor movements (for example: running, jumping, hopping, skipping, kicking a ball, catching) or fine motor movements (for example: using scissors, writing/ drawing, threading, using tweezers). These will be used on our movement play display board, to show all their friends some great examples of how to get our bodies moving!


Posted on Wednesday 11 October 2017 by Mr Mills

Disaster has struck

The good ship, Shamrock, was shipwrecked in a freak storm this week. All our supplies and equipment were scattered far and wide.

Luckily, we had locator beacons on them so we knew where our supplies were; we just had to find their co-ordinates and then search for them.

The children quickly found the co-ordinates of our supplies and were off into the school grounds to find them all.

I’m happy to report, all the supplies were recovered intact and we are safely back on our way.

Stay tuned for more adventures.

Remarkable readers!

Posted on Friday 06 October 2017 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

Our fabulous Foundation class have been looking at a new author and book this week- Julia Donaldson‘s The GruffaloThey have all shown lots of interest in reading with adults, on their own and in groups which is marvellous to see. We’re looking forward to sharing each child’s favourite book from home with them over the next two weeks, when they’ll take a seat in our ‘magical’ story-teller’s chair!

Next week, we’ve lots of Gruffalo themed sensory activities planned; making ‘owl ice-cream’, ‘scrambled snake’ and ‘Gruffalo crumble’. We’ll also continue our Autumn theme linked to the story. Please continue to bring in any objects you find on your own nature walks at home.



Parents as partners

Posted on Friday 06 October 2017 by Mrs Beesley

Thanks for coming to the meeting this afternoon. It was great to see so many of you attending. If you missed it, read the presentation. If you’ve any questions, come in and ask a member of staff.

Seaside Adventures

Posted on Sunday 01 October 2017 by Mr Roundtree

What a super trip to Filey we had!

Last Tuesday, Year 1 and 2 visited Filey.

The day started on the beach by looking for physical and human features. The children took photos of the physical and human features that they found. They noticed lots more physical features in Filey than when they were looking in Wetherby!

The children enjoyed exploring the beach, building sandcastles, writing in the sand and, most of all, eating their ice-creams.

The children were well behaved all day and they were a credit to our school.


All aboard the good ship, Shamrock

Posted on Thursday 28 September 2017 by Mr Mills

Our topic of ‘Explorers’ has well and truly kicked off. Our good ship, Shamrock, will be travelling the world and exploring many varied and exotic locations.

However, we first had to learn to navigate in order to sail the seven seas. So, we’ve looked at world geography and where the continents and oceans are. Our navigator training will be continuing over the next few weeks with work on grid references and co-ordinates. As well as this, we’ll be recruiting new members of the crew along the way. Let’s hope we don’t get shipwrecked though!

This week we visited Patagonia, in South America – breathtaking and beautiful place full of mountains and glaciers. We all loved it so much we wrote a postcard home.

In coming weeks, we’ll journey to a fantasy world of knights, kings and samurai warriors when we study a series of books by Aaron Becker, known as the ‘Journey’ series.


Phonics Fun!

Posted on Thursday 28 September 2017 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

This week, F2 children have started phonics. We’ve had fun learning new sounds and writing letters in a range of different ways, such as salt writing with our pencils and mirror writing with our whiteboard pens!

Thank you to those of you who were able to attend the reading meeting this week. All F2 children are excited to bring their first reading book home with them tomorrow.

The F1 children have had a great week exploring natural objects on the sensory table, including seeds, leaves, conkers and pine cones. They have enjoyed making bubbles in the water tray and playing with the wild animals in the small world area. In their key worker time, they have been singing, listening to stories and thinking about the rules and routines of our classroom.

As always, this week’s planning is all based on the children’s interests so expect to see lots of Autumn, wildlife and bubbly fun on Monday morning!

Prime Number Rap

Posted on Tuesday 26 September 2017 by Miss Beatson

Today, the class have enjoyed listening and singing along to a Prime numbers song. Listen at home!

Settling in and making friends

Posted on Friday 22 September 2017 by Mrs Beesley

We’ve had a fantastic week in Foundation exploring our outside area in the sunshine. The children have been very interested in planting and digging so we’re going to prepare the garden for Spring next week by planting bulbs. We’ll be looking closely at a variety of seeds and cutting up fruit to find the seeds inside. If you have any packets of seeds that you can spare we’d love to use them at school.

Foundation 2 children had great fun in their first PE session this week. This term, we will be exploring using the space around us by playing various games. The children will need to bring a PE kit to school for our PE sessions after the half term holidays.

Please don’t forget our Early Reading meeting for Foundation 2 parents on Tuesday 26 September at 6pm. At this meeting, you’ll find out how we teach your child to read at school and how you can help at home.

We love to find out what interests your children at home so come in and tell us or jot it on our interest board. This helps us to plan meaningful activities for your child. If you’ve any questions about this, please speak to a member of the team.

Lots of exciting learning to look forward to!

Application to be a Peer Mediator

Posted on Wednesday 20 September 2017 by Miss Beatson

Some of our Year 5 and 6 pupils are writing away as I type, completing their application letter to become a Peer Mediator. A Peer Mediator’s role is incredibly important and they will be listening and supporting children on the playground to solve problems and play games with younger children to model taking turns and how to respond to each other appropriately.

The deadline for the application is Monday 25 September 2017. I hope to read some impressive applications!