Class News

Art in the style of Oliver Jeffers

Posted on Tuesday 19 September 2017 by Miss Beatson

This week, Years 5 and 6 have finished their art work. They sketched portraits in the style of Oliver Jeffers. They practised painting with water colours and they chose a page from their favourite books for a background. Here are the finished products!

Getting to know you

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2017 by Mrs Allen-Kelly

It’s been wonderful to see more smiling, happy faces as we welcomed our Foundation 1 children this week. Foundation 2 have been fabulous at lunchtimes and all of the class are settling well into school life. We are very proud of them.

We’ve been spending time talking about our favourite toys and activities both at school and at home, getting to know each other and continuing to explore our exciting classroom and outdoor space. The children have been adding their own artwork to the walls in the form of self-portraits and wowing us with their brilliant ideas and imaginations.

We now have a space on our Parent and carer notices board which gives a snapshot of the current week’s learning through photos and comments, so be sure to take a look at what your child has been up to!

Just a reminder that as the weather continues to trick us with sunshine mixed with heavy rain showers, it would be helpful if your child could bring in a pair of named wellies for the outside area (if they’ve not done so already). We go outside in all weathers and would like to look after those smart school shoes as best we can!

Swimming starting soon

Posted on Friday 08 September 2017 by Mr Mills


Swimming will be starting next Thursday, the 14th September, for all Year 4 children.

A full information letter will be sent out next week.


Hello and welcome

Posted on Thursday 07 September 2017 by Mr Mills

Welcome back everybody to the new school year.

Let’s first introduce ourselves as we are both brand new to school. Mrs Richardson will be teaching the class Monday to Wednesday and has come from a very successful Leeds school.

Mr Mills will be teaching the class on Thursday and Friday and has joined us from Scholes (Elmet) – one of our federated schools.

It’s been lovely to meet the children this week and they have shown themselves to be a bright and happy bunch, eager to get on and learn.

Just a few points of housekeeping to keep you updated.

  • Reading books will be changed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Try these activities with your child when you’re reading at home.
  • PE will be Mondays and Thursdays. Check out the uniform policy to ensure your child has the correct kit.
  • Homework will be given out every Friday to be completed by the following Thursday. Check out our updated homework guide for an explanation of homework this year.

Our class book at the moment is ‘Orion and the Dark’ written by Emma Yarlett. Her website is lovely and very child-friendly. Have a look with your child.

Check back weekly for more news and updates.

Mrs Richardson and Mr Mills

Welcome back to Foundation

Posted on Thursday 07 September 2017 by Mrs Beesley

It was lovely to welcome back all of our Foundation 2 children today. They all looked very smart in their new uniforms and greeted us with enormous smiles! We all had a very busy morning playing outdoors and exploring some of the new classroom areas.

We’d love to find out what your child is interested in. You can add your ideas to our new interests board, so that we can plan exciting learning experiences from these. We’re look forward to working with you to support your child’s learning journey this year.

First week back!

Posted on Thursday 07 September 2017 by Miss Beatson

We’ve had a fantastic first week back to school. The children are already immersed in their learning and they have particularly enjoyed finding out about Growth Mindsets and how this can help with their attitudes to learning. We have started to read and explore our class book ‘The Incredible Book Eating Boy’ and we have produced some sketches in the style of Oliver Jeffers.

Homework and spellings will be set tomorrow and must be handed in next Thursday.

Welcome to Year 1 and 2!

Posted on Thursday 07 September 2017 by Mr Roundtree

What a fantastic walk we had yesterday! Class 1,2 enjoyed walking around their local area and looking for the features they liked and disliked. This afternoon, they’ve looked at the physical and human features of Wetherby. Ask your child if they can point out to you a physical and human feature!

Don’t forget, PE is Monday and Friday. Also, look out for our first homework and spellings on the website tomorrow.

Christmas card competition

Posted on Tuesday 22 August 2017 by Mrs Quirk

The Lord Mayor of Leeds, Jane Dowson, is looking to have her Christmas card 2017 designed by a child from Leeds (aged up to 13 years). The card will be sent out by the Lord Mayor across the city and beyond. The theme is “Leeds at Christmas”.

The rules/details are on the attached poster and the closing date is 09 October. The winner will be presented with a copy of the card and a special gift by the Lord Mayor.

This is a really exciting and unique opportunity for children.

How to enter: Designs should be completed on A4 paper. Please write (in pencil) the child’s name and age on the reverse and a parent or guardian’s contact number. Crayons, felt tip, pen and paint can be used for the design, however items should not be stuck on to the paper as this will not replicate when the design is scanned. Entries should be sent to: Lord Mayor Christmas Card Competition, 8 Woodhouse Square, Leeds LS3 1AD by the closing date of Monday 09 October 2017.