Class News

DT: Making baby bears chair

Posted on Thursday 06 July 2023 by Mrs Palmer

Over the half term, we have been looking at what creates a stable structure. We found that a stable structure has a wide base, low height and a flat surface. First we tested 3 different shapes (cuboid, triangular prism and a cylinder). We found that the cylinder was the most stable and could hold the most weight. This is because it doesn’t have any corners. The children were set a challenge to plan and design a chair for Baby Bear from the story Goldilocks and the three bears.

Next, we made a plan by designing our chair thinking carefully about the chairs for baby bear will look like. How many legs will it have? What shape will the seat be? What will the back look like? What materials/resources will you need?

When we had made our chairs, we tested the stability by placing different weighted bears onto the chairs.

Well done Year 1 and 2. You worked well together to create your own chairs for baby bear.


Help at home:

What 3 things make a stable structure?

Would you do anything differently if you were to make the chair again?

Living and Learning: Body Image

Posted on Tuesday 04 July 2023 by Mrs Freeman

What is body image?

Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin, colour, and our appearance and attractiveness more broadly.

Thoughts about how we look are often influenced by things going on around us. It can be what we see every day on social media, what the characters we see on TV look like, or seeing adverts about ‘improving how you look’. All of this can contribute to how we feel about our body.

Other influences might be:

  • the media promoting one type of body as ‘fit and healthy’ with little to no representation of different bodies
  • comments from friends or family about your body
  • social media promoting what should be the ‘perfect body’ image
  • clothes limited to fit certain body types
  • adverts, health campaigns or lessons at school on what is a ‘ healthy body’

We are all different and therefore we all look different. – Ralph

It is what’s on the inside that really matters. – Lilly

Help at home
How can I help my child be body confident?

Body image can be an issue for many of us, but especially children. As they go through physical changes, they can become conscious of what their body is doing and what they look like. Avoid talking about other people’s appearance and their bodies. Instead, chat about more important things about a person, such as how kind, talented, or charitable they are or whether they have good manners or work hard.

Living and Learning – RSE

Posted on Tuesday 04 July 2023 by Jen Wilson

Over the last few weeks, Year 5 and 6 have been learning about RSE. It’s important to understand changes you might go through, both physically and emotionally.


“There are lots of different types of relationships like families, friends and  online,” said Willow. “If something is negative in a relationship you have, take some time away and tell a trusted adult.”

We’ve learnt about what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like and talked about how to build each other up, avoid peer pressure and improve the connections we have in our lives.


Brooklyn explained, “You might get taller, hair grows more and you will sweat more!”

“Your hair also gets greasier, too,” added Ellie.

We’ve learnt about the different changes we might go through and how to take care of our bodies as we get older. We discussed how every adult has already gone through it and most of the changes are actually shared by most people.

“Bath every day!” said Jewel.

“Use deoderant!” insisted Olivia.

“Wash your face every night and/or morning,” advised Siana.

However you’re feeling, it’s important to talk to a trusted adult if you’re unsure, especially if you’re feeling like your emotions are hard to manage.

Help at home by having a reflection on what your child has learnt in RSE over the last few weeks.

Football Coaching Fun

Posted on Monday 03 July 2023 by Miss Gledhill

We enjoyed joining together this afternoon for some football coaching.

Check out our brilliant ball skills!


Posted on Monday 03 July 2023 by Miss Kay

Throughout Year 2, we’ve been recording the temperature once a week.

Today, we put our data from the first six weeks in the Spring term into block diagrams using cubes!

Total Warrior

Posted on Monday 03 July 2023 by Miss Beatson

Year 6 had a brilliant time at Bramham Park where they took part in the Total Warrior Challenge. By the end, they were head to toe in mud but with huge smiles on their faces. Well done Year 6!

Forest School

Posted on Friday 30 June 2023 by Mrs Palmer

Today we celebrated mud week at Forest School. We could paint using mud, we could cook different food with it in the mud kitchen, we could squelch the mud with our hands. It was all very fun and messy. We also had a go at using a flint and steal to spark a fire.



Week 4 – Clean up!

Posted on Friday 30 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

Our focus book this week has been ‘Clean Up’ by Nathan Byron. This story helps us to understand why looking after our planet is so important and the impact pollution can have on our environment. The children have loved thinking of ways that they could help people to remember to take their rubbish home or put it in a bin.

Our book was set in Jamaica. We learnt more about where Jamaica was in the world and that it was an island. We recognised that we live on an island too! We then labelled the land and sea and made our own islands.

As there has been more rain this week, this made us think about rain coats and what materials are best to keep us dry. We decided to conduct an experiment to see which materials would be best to make a jacket for a polar bear.

We have learnt more about the sculpture Alexander Calder. We looked at some of his pieces of work and created our own inspired pieces using wire and polystyrene 3d shapes.

Our poem this week was all about peas! We hope you enjoy it!


Didn’t we have a lovely time …..

Posted on Thursday 29 June 2023 by Mrs Freeman

It was an absolute pleasure to take KS2 to Filey beach last week.

The children showed respect, followed instructions and represented our school admirably. Throughout the day, all of the adults were impressed with the social skills the pupils were using. We observed and overheard: cooperation, good manners, teamwork, listening to each other, patience, good communication, compliments and lots of encouragement for each other (especially in the sea!).

Many thanks to all of the adults who helped to make the day such an enjoyable one!

This has been one of the best trips I have ever had the pleasure to attend. The look on the children’s faces, when arriving on the beach, will be etched in my mind for a long time!   Mrs Freeman



Our trip to Cannon Hall Farm

Posted on Wednesday 28 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

We’ve had a fantastic time today on our trip to Cannon Hall Farm! All of the children behaved impeccably and were a credit to our school.

We saw so many animals on our tour: horses, pigs, goats, llamas, and much more. We had the chance to feed some animals too!
We ended the day by playing in the park. Have a look at the fun we had with our video montage below.
Help at home: ask your child if they have learned anything new today!