Class News

Construction Using Techcard

Posted on Wednesday 28 June 2023 by Miss Gledhill

During our D.T lesson, years 3 and 4 joined together to explore how to create models using Techcard. They did a fantastic job at using the resources to construct stable models.



Posted on Sunday 25 June 2023 by Miss Beatson

Key Stage 2 had a wonderful time in Filey. We built sandcastles, paddled in the sea, had a picnic and ice-cream on the beach and played lots of fun games. We didn’t want to leave!

Science: How do my teeth work?

Posted on Friday 23 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

We’ve been learning about teeth in our science lesson. After exploring our own teeth and how we can take great care of our teeth, we learned about the jobs of each type of teeth: incisor, canine, pre-molar and molar.

Help at home: Why not try timing your child’s teeth brushing – it’s recommended to be two minutes each morning and evening. Chat about the importance of taking care of our teeth and ways in which we can keep our mouths healthy. 

Science: animals including humans!

Posted on Friday 23 June 2023 by Miss Kay

This half term, in Year 1 and 2, we are biologists with Miss Kay on Fridays. This means we study living things.

Our current learning is all about ‘Animals including humans’. We’ve started this by thinking about what babies need to grow, and how we change through the life-cycle (from being a baby, to a toddler, to a child, teenager, adult and so on…).

This week, we’ve investigated the big question: do older children have bigger heads? We’ve measured the head size of children in each year group. This linked nicely to our Living and Learning statement this week by asking for permission to measure the head size of our peers.

A reception child might have a smaller head because they are younger.

A child in Year 6 will have a bigger head because they are tall.

We found out that older children definitely have bigger heads!

We took the opportunity to measure Mrs Valentine’s head. It was the same size as our friend in Year 6! We questioned does Mrs Valentine have the head size of a child, or does our Year 6 pupil have the head size of an adult?

Help at home: below are our key words for this topic – ask your child if they can tell you what they mean. Some will be covered in more detail as we progress through this topic.

Week 3 – Sharing a Shell

Posted on Friday 23 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

What a great week we have had in Reception. Our focus book this week is Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson. We recognised that this author has written lots of other stories and remembered some of our favourites.

We have been learning more about rockpools and creatures that live inside them. We used dough and construction to make our own ones.

We created our own ice-creams using puffy paint! We used shaving foam and glue to make our ice-creams come to life!

This week for poetry basket we learnt more about a song. We hope you like our version.


We hope you have a great weekend!


Our School Adventure

Posted on Thursday 22 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

We had such a fantastic day at Piglets Adventure Park on Tuesday. Even though the weather was a little rainy we had an amazing day. On the coach we saw what it is like to drive through a city. We saw different buildings and spoke about how the roads were busy.

We learnt more about what the animals need on a daily basis and the correct vocabulary for adults and their young.

The sand areas were great for us to discuss the beach and ways we can keep safe.

Thank you to everyone who made our trip possible.

Living and Learning: relationships

Posted on Thursday 22 June 2023 by Miss Kay

In Living and Learning recently, we’ve been thinking about happy and healthy relationships.

This week, we’ve been thinking about how we show care each day. We thought about all the different ways we can care for someone: helping a friend with their work, listening to your teacher, doing some jobs at home, give someone a hug if they want one, or asking someone how their day is to put a smile on their face.

We created some freeze frames to show different ways of caring for others.

Help at home: talk about how you can show care to someone over the weekend.

Let’s make a splash!

Posted on Friday 16 June 2023 by Miss Ward

We have had a very hot but busy week in Nursery. The children have done really well to keep themselves cool and hydrated. We talked a lot about sun safety and the importance of what this means. The children actively knew that when we were outside we needed to make sure we had our sun hats on, sun cream applied and we take some time out in the shade.

and of course a play in the paddling pool is also a bonus!

Our topic for this half term is focussed around the seaside. This week’s book has been… The snail and the whale by Julia Donaldson. In our maths learning we are exploring time. We talked about our morning and night time routines, here’s a few examples;

In the morning we wake up- Ella

I have a bath in the night and then put my pjs on and grandma reads a story- Gracie

I like to have a snack before bedtime- C

I like pancakes for my breakfast in the morning- Deacon

Here are some of the activities the children have been getting up to this week …

We made our own ocean exploring colour mixing with cornflour, water and powder paint. The children noticed how it can quickly change from a solid to a liquid.

We designed our own postcards from our favourite places.

The sea creatures were trapped so we needed to get our funky fingers working to untangle them. This process is supporting muscle development and fine motor control to supporting their writing.

We have also started our half term project, making our very own ice-cream parlour!


We hope you have a lovely rested weekend all ready in preparation for our school trip on Tuesday. We are so excited as I am sure you all are too!

Reminder- Tuesday 20 June (Piglets Adventure Farm)

Please make sure your child brings with them a small backpack that they are able to carry. This should include their packed lunch if they are bringing their own, a refillable water bottle, sun hat and some spare clothes just in case. I will be taking my own backpack full of emergency spares so please don’t worry if you forget something on the day.

Any last minute questions please feel free to catch me on the door or email me at:

Miss Ward



Food Technology: Fruit Bars

Posted on Friday 16 June 2023 by Mrs Palmer

This week, Year 1 and 2 have made some fruit bars. They had to follow the method in the right order and work carefully with their group.

Today, we evaluated the fruit bar by answering the following questions:

  1. What part of the method did you enjoy the most and why?
  2. If you were to make the fruit bars again what would you do differently?
  3. How did you keep safe when making the fruit bars?

Help at home: What would you do differently if you were to make them again? Have a go at making the fruit bars with any of the changes you suggested. How did they taste? Don’t forget to let us know how it goes.


Week 2 – Seaside Poems

Posted on Friday 16 June 2023 by Mr Roundtree

What a lovely sunny week we have had at school! This week our focus book is called ‘Seaside Poems’. We have loved reading and listening to the different poems. We had lots of fun spotting rhyming words and thinking about words we associate with the seaside.

We have really enjoyed learning with our new outdoor equipment. We have investigated how water can move in different ways and made our own beach. The ladder and climbing frame have helped us with our climbing and balancing skills.

We have been thinking about different ways we can travel when at the seaside. Boats are an important vehicle so we decided to create our own.

During circle time we discussed fruits that we like to eat. A member of our class said that they wanted to know where melons grow. We used an atlas to look at different countries and discussed why some things grow better in different places. We enjoyed a tasty snack of melon afterwards.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend.