Class News

Summer Term

Posted on Tuesday 16 April 2024 by Jamie Kilner

Greetings from Year 3 and Year 4. We hope you had a wonderful and restful Easter.

We have quickly settled back into school life and the children have enjoyed seeing their friends and getting back to the school routine. The children have made so much progress since September and we are really looking forward to this Summer Term.

A few updates and reminders:
– PE days continue to be Tuesday (Y4 – swimming) and Thursday.
– Home reading. Please encourage your child to read at home with an adult or older sibling. Reading is an important aspect of a child’s learning and supports their understanding across the curriculum. Please also encourage your child to complete a reading activity in their reading record books each week. Any questions about this, please feel free to see me after school.
– Library books. We are lucky to have access to lots of fantastic books in our school library. Our library day is Monday; if your child wishes to change their book, they can do so on this day. Please also return any school library books that have been read. Any questions about this, feel free to see me after school or ask your child to speak to a Reading Ambassador.
– Water bottles. Please ensure your child has their labelled water bottle in school every day. Bottles need to go home at the end of each day to be washed.

Rabbits Don’t Lay Eggs

Posted on Tuesday 02 April 2024 by Emma Kendrew

We ended the spring term with the focus book Rabbits Don’t Lay Eggs! by Paula Metcalf.

This is a very funny book, that definitely made the children chuckle! We were also very lucky to receive a visit from the Easter Bunny who kindly left us all a lovely Easter Egg! Thank you so much Easter Bunny and the PTA helpers!

When we come back after the Easter break our Summer term topic is Life on Earth and our First book will be The Bad Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle. 

We will be learning about bugs and will be going on lots of bug hunts. We will be learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and will hopefully set some free! We will be using some hand drills to build a bug hotel for our outdoor area.

Next half term we are also hoping to develop our outdoor space a bit more so if anyone has any old flags, plant pots, tree stumps or gardening skills we would would really appreciate any help. Please drop us an email at

Reminders and Notices

Forest School- We will be continuing to go to Forest School for the first two weeks after the holidays. Please send your child to school in their PE kits on Friday with waterproofs and wellies in a labelled plastic bag. Please can everyone check all clothes that have gone home after forest school, a few items have been misplaced. Thank you.

Waste Innovation- Please don’t forget to send in any donations for us to be creative.

Have a happy and healthy half-term break, and please don’t forget to email any pictures from home to thank you as always for all your support.

Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Mrs. Feldman



RE – Why does Easter matter to Christians?

Posted on Friday 29 March 2024 by Mrs Freeman

In RE lessons, we have been asking a BIG question!

“Why does Easter matter to Christians?

Easter is a very special time for Christians when they remember the last week in the life of Jesus and their most important belief—that he came alive again after his death.

Ask your child about this question. Can they tell you why Easter is such an important time of year for Christians? 

To complete this learning, we created an Easter Garden. The children named all of the religious symbols in the garden and could say what each one represented.

We would like to wish all of our children and their families a very happy and healthy Easter break.

Help at home by going on a walk and look for signs of Spring. Look out for blossom, buds, new leaves appearing. Talk about how these are all signs of new life.


He is alive!

Posted on Thursday 28 March 2024 by Miss Ward

This week the children have enjoyed learning about the Easter story.

We spoke about how the cross represents Jesus’ Crucifixion. The tomb in which he lay was covered by a rock in the shape of an egg and the rock cracking symbolises  how our Easter eggs crack. Easter brings new life such as chicks, lambs and birds.

Jesus- he is the son of God – Ella D

He was put on a cross with nails, it was really mean and made him sad- Charlie

( Jesus praying) He is talking to the sky – Evie

He comes back alive!- Elliott

During our forest school session this week, we made our own crosses using natural resources such as sticks, mud and leaves. We then placed some around the camp fire.

Help at home: What can you find in your garden or out on a walk to make your own cross? Send us a picture of what you create to our email address and we will share this with your friends.


We’re going on an Egg hunt!

The Easter bunny telephoned nursery to let the children know he needed some help collecting his eggs from around school ..

He left a surprise inside them for us to enjoy!

We also had some chocolaty faces this afternoon. The children enjoyed making their own Easter nests using melted chocolate, cornflakes and a mini chocolate egg to decorate. We loved hearing the crunch of the cornflakes mixing in the bowl and it tasted nice too!


This weeks sound is: ‘L’ for Lollipop

Rhyme of the week: Hot cross buns


We hope you have a happy, healthy and restful Easter!

See you all back on Monday 15 April

Miss Ward and Miss Harvey

Happy Easter!

Posted on Thursday 28 March 2024 by Miss Gledhill

On Wednesday, we went to church for our Easter service.

Reception and Key Stage 1 did a fantastic job of singing the Easter Chicken song we have been practising.

watch here 

Some of Year 2 also read beautifully as well.

We hope everyone has a lovely Easter break. 

Easter Church Service

Posted on Thursday 28 March 2024 by Jamie Kilner

Yesterday, the whole school attended church for our Easter service. Our Year 3 children performed Hot Cross Buns on the recorder. They did a fantastic job! A huge thank you must go to Mrs Bald who taught the children how to play.

Our Year 4 children talked about The Story of Easter and what each day means to them and how Christians remember. The children were able to talk about the things we have learnt in RE and used their oracy skills beautifully to relay this to the congregation.

Additionally, members of our class helped to tell the parable, ‘Road to Emmaus.’ Again, reading superbly well!

It was a wonderful service and all the children made the school proud. A big thank you to all the family and friends who attended too.

All of Year 3 and Year 4 would like to wish you a very Happy Easter.

Living and Learning

Posted on Wednesday 27 March 2024 by Mr Freeman

This half-term, years 5 and 6 have been learning lots around how we  treat ourselves and other people. Here are the living and learning statements that we’ve used on a weekly basis this half-term:

  • I recognise emotions in myself and others
  • I know that we’re all the same and that we’re all different
  • I recognise that friends and family are important
  • I can find solutions to different problems
  • I can give and receive compliments
  • I know how to cope with change

I’d like to share a few reflections on some of our statements. The children have been absolutely fantastic in discussing, offering advice and putting some actions into place to keep our school a happy and healthy place to achieve and believe.

I know that we’re all the same and all different

Each week, the children participate in our Philosophy Friday sessions. Here, we learn to think deeply about a particular aspect of life. The children have really excelled in: listening actively to others and responding appropriately; recognising that our opinions can be different and that’s ok; and building on others views, even if we don’t personally agree with them.

I can find solutions to different problems

Key stage 2 were fortunate to have a visit from our local PCSO, Louise. Louise spoke to the children in depth about potential problems and risks that we may come across in our lives, and how to deal with them appropriately. The children asked lots of fantastic, relevant questions and came away from the session with a better understanding of how to find solutions to tricky problems, both in person and online.

I know how to cope with change

It’s important to acknowledge that we all live very busy lives. For our year 6 pupils, there are lots of changes upcoming, such as preparing to move to high school. These changes can be accompanied with feelings of concern, upset, worry and anxiety. As a school, we make sure we have lots of ways that children can communicate any of these feelings. Here’s a list of a few:

  • Tell a trusted adult
  • Circle times
  • Living and learning/worry boxes
  • Through our Junior Leadership Team
  • Talking to peers
  • Childline (0800 11 11)

Through our yoga sessions, the children have had the opportunity to switch off their thoughts, even just for a moment. These sessions have given our pupils a chance to feel completely relaxed and to have an enjoyment of being in the moment. Years 5 and 6 will continue these sessions moving through the year.

Help at home:

Reflect with your child on our living and learning statements this half-term. Provide opportunity for your child to express their feelings and thoughts to you, and perhaps come up with some methods together on how to deal with these thoughts/problems that may arise. This way, all of our pupils will be better equipped to navigate through life successfully.

Oliver’s Fruit Salad

Posted on Friday 22 March 2024 by Miss Ward

This week we have continued to learn about healthy eating and what we can do to keep our bodies healthy. Here’s what we have been up to …

We enjoyed making our own fruit salad. The children practised their cutting skills, chopping them up and popping it into the bowl. We added orange juice to mix it up and the children enjoyed eating it afterwards. We talked about how its important to brush our teeth twice a day to keep them clean. We also know that we need to visit the dentist to get them checked.

Help at Home: Can you make your own fruit salad? What fruits did you chop up?

This week sound/s was: ‘B’ Bear and ‘F’ for Flamingo

Rhyme of the week: 5 little ducks

Have a super weekend!


Miss Ward and Miss Harvey



Posted on Thursday 21 March 2024 by Jamie Kilner


This week we listened to and performed dance routines to ‘Mas Que Nada’ by Sergio Mendes.

We talked about how the song makes us feel and how we could move to the music. We performed our routines to the class, focusing on pathways and how we could move around the hall.

Help at home – listen to song together and share your thoughts about the music. What emotions do you feel when you listen? Do you share the same emotions? Could you put together your own dance routine to the music?


Posted on Thursday 21 March 2024 by Jamie Kilner

Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday

We have been learning about the significance of these three days in the Christian calendar. We have learnt about the crosses Christians use and what they represent. Yesterday our learning was supported by our whole school collective worship where Mrs Obbard handed each child a palm cross.

We have answered some difficult questions, such as – Would Mary call the day Jesus died Good Friday?

Here are some of the children’s responses:

No because it was her son that died not somebody else. And she was a kind mother to her son – Harper.

Yes she would because He gave his life for us – Leo S.

No as Mary will feel upset because Jesus was her son and he was badly treated people in Jerusalem – Madeleine.

Yes. She knows He did it for mankind and for taking away our sins – Tommy.

No. That would be a sad day for Mary because it was her son – Isla.

We have also made links to our own lives by thinking about the things that bring us joy, sadness and hope.