A Trip Back in Time – Abbey House Museum
Last week, we had the privilege of spending the day at Abbey House Museum.
We spent the morning wandering through authentically recreated streets, exploring Victorian shops and houses. As we toured the museum, we considered how living standards have changed, particularly considering the similarities and differences in shopping then and now.
In the afternoon, the children learned about how household items have changed since the Victorian era. From personal hygiene and heating the home, to cleaning carpets and washing clothes – we were astounded by how much easier things are for us today!
Help at home by asking your child about our visit. How might life have been different as a child in the Victorian era?
Abbey House Museum
At Abbey House Museum, Year 1 stepped back in time and wandered through the enchanting streets, shops and houses to experience life as a Victorian in Leeds. The children compared the standards of living with those of today, and discovered how people lived, worked and were educated in Victorian England.
The children represented our school impeccably and we feel very proud of them all. During the workshop, the class learnt about what life was like for people 100 years ago and how household items have developed over time.
Help at home by chatting to your child about the visit.
- What can they remember?
- What did they learn?
- Which part of the museum was their favourite?
- Can they name some differences in the ways people lived 100 years ago compared to now?
- How did people wash their clothes and warm their homes?
- What were the differences between rich and poor households?
Living and Learning: “I know what a drug is and that some drugs can be harmful.”
In Living and Learning, we have been learning about things that can go into (and onto) our bodies and how they might help or harm us. The children have shown fantastic knowledge of when and how to use medicines safely.
“You shouldn’t take tablets if you don’t know what they are.”
“Follow the instructions on the packet. You could ask an adult to help if you’re not sure.”
“Make sure it’s the right medicine for the type of poorly you are.”
We sorted some picture cards into ‘helpful’ and ‘harmful’ and were surprised to see how many products would fit into both categories:
- Hand sanitiser is helpful for cleaning our hands but is very harmful to put into your body.
- Sweet treats can be enjoyable in moderation but can lead to tummy ache and tooth decay if consumed in excess.
- Sun cream protects your skin from the sun but contains poisonous ingredients that mustn’t be ingested.
Help at Home
Discuss these scenarios with your child. What could the characters do to prevent danger?
Happy New Year!
Welcome back everyone and a Happy New Year too you all!
We’ve been busy as usual in nursery over the last two weeks. we’ve welcomed some new friends who have all settled in really well! Our older children have been fantastic in helping our new friends around our nursery classroom, showing them where everything is and making them feel apart of our nursery family.
Over the last two weeks our focus stories have been based on traditional tales, The Gingerbread Man and Little Red Riding Hood. The children enjoyed exploring our themed tuff tray’s and have been retelling the story through simple pretend play using vocabulary and key phrases from the story.
Brrrrr it’s cold!
It’s also been very cold this week and lots of our resources got stuck in the ice. The children looked for ways to help get them out. The children used senses in hands on exploration and talked about the changes they noticed.
How to keep our bodies safe and healthy!
This week Dave came to visit school from D-side. He spoke to the children about different feelings we might experience in new situations. How to keep our bodies healthy and how to stay safe with medicine.
It’s OK because our parents are there and its not scary- Mia (Visiting the dentist)
Grandma helps me when I went to the hospital. She keeps it up high in the cupboard (medicine)- Ella M
Apples are healthy and milk – Immy
I like watermelon – Louie
We can drink water and juice as well, but not fizzy pop – Charlie
This week sound was: ‘D’ for Duck
Rhyme of the week: Grand old Duke of York
Help at Home: Here are the sounds we have looked at so far s,a,t,p,i,n,m,d: how many objects can you find around your house beginning with these sounds?
Just a gentle reminder to ensure your child has a warm coat, hat and gloves for outside. We go outside in all weathers! Please feel free to pack some extra layers for those exceptionally cold days! and please don’t forget to label everything with your child’s name as sometimes hats like to hide around school…
We hope you have a lovely weekend, as we will be stomping into the week ahead!
Miss Ward and Miss Harvey
Lost and Found
Happy New Year to everyone and a huge thank you for all the lovely cards and gifts we received before the holidays it was so kind of you, we hope you all had a restful Christmas and New Year.
Last week we started our learning in our new topic Fire and Ice, our first book is called Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers.
We used the globe to find where the South Pole is and found it is in Antarctica. We talked about how it is a very different place to England as nobody lives there because it is the coldest, driest and windiest place in the world. We made boats and tested them out in the water tray, we even added some ice to be like icebergs, it was very chilly work! We made snow dough and explored how it was like snow because it was fluffy and crunchy.
Our word of the week was: Iceberg, the children have really enjoyed using this word during the week in their learning.
“Look out your boat is getting too close to that huge iceberg!”
“This iceberg looks like a Elsa’s castle!”
Help at home: Tell your grown up at home about where you can find an iceberg.
This week we have started to learn the phase 3 phonemes. We have focused on the diagraphs ai, ee, oa and the trigraph igh. A trigraph is when three letters make one sound.
Help at home: Today, your child has come home with a new ‘learn at home’ phonics sheet. The sheets link to all the phonemes we have covered this half term. Please support your child by practising these at home.
Poetry Picnic
Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite the poem each day. By saying the poem out loud we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line.
This week our poem was Let’s Put on Our Mittens
Let’s put on our mittens and button up our coats.
Wrap our scarves snuggly around our throats.
Pull on our shoes and fasten the straps.
And tie on tightly our warm woollen hats.
Open the door, and out we go.
Out, into the soft and feathery snow.
Crunch, crunch, crunch.
In Maths we have been using our perceptual subitising skills (seeing the quantity without counting), moving from dots in a line and arrangements, to a focus on standard dice arrangements. For larger quantities, we have begun to use skills of conceptual subitising, beginning to quickly see the sub-groups within these larger numbers. We have played a game Feed the Penguin to help us.
“I can see a 3 and a 3 it makes 6”
“I can see a 2 and a 2 and a 1, it’s 5!”
“I see 2 and a 1”
Help at home: Play a dice game with your family and show them your subitising skills.
Next week we will continue to use the focus book Lost and Found to support our learning.
We will be doing PE on Monday, so please send your child to school wearing their PE kit and trainers. They will stay in this all day.
Stay and Learn Sessions
This is an opportunity for you to come into school to find out about the Early Years Curriculum and watch your child Learning in school.
Early Writing- 05.02.24 2.20pm-3.00pm
World Book Day 07.03.24 -8.50am-9.20am
Learning Journey Drop In’s
An opportunity to “drop into” school and share your child’ learning journal with them.
Times- 8.45am-9.15am and 3.15pm-3.45pm (Tuesday and Thursday)
Week beginning 25.03.24
Week beginning 08.07.24
Don’t forget to email your pictures from home stjameseyfs@spherefederation.org thank you!
Mrs. Kendrew, Mrs. Rippon and Miss. Feldman
Welcome Back
A Belated Happy New Year…
We hope you’ve all had a fantastic start to 2024. Year 2 have returned to school ready to impress; super learning attitudes have been in plentiful supply and everyone has achieved!
We started our year with a moment of reflection, celebrating success and considering what we’d like to change. The children impressed me with their maturity and have shown patience and ambition as we’ve established new routines.
Reading and Writing
We have been practising our inference skills! We decided together that inference is:
“using clues to make a sensible guess about something we don’t know”
We used some inspiring illustrations to stimulate our discussions and had great fun interviewing one another in character. I (Mr Nash) had a bit too much fun playing the part of a baby owl!
“How do you feel about taking your first flight?”
We have been adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers, using base ten to show what we know.
We are biologists! To start this term, we’re investigating whether plants grow healthier in light or dark. We’ve observed plants and labelled their parts, working like scientists by asking questions.
We braved the chilly conditions to see what we could observe. The children found an array of plants. Some had fur or spikes – others had flowers. We even found a tennis ball covered in moss!
Help at Home
Daily reading with your child is key to developing fluency and stamina. Your child’s e-book (including chapter books) will be assigned on a Friday – if there are any problems using the app, please let me know.
Encourage your child to engage with a variety of texts – perhaps a child-friendly news article will generate a spirited debate!
Continue to use NumBots to consolidate number fluency. We have set a (conservative) weekly target of 20 minutes to start the year but recommend a little and often approach. If there are any barriers to accessing this resource, we can provide an alternative.
Welcome back!
Years 5 and 6 have had a really positive start back at school in 2024.
With lots to look forward to, the children have flourished through opportunities to learn in different ways, such as through our fantastic forest school!
Linking to our Vikings topic, some children decided to build a Viking-inspired den outside in our woodland area! They used what they had learnt in their previous lesson to understand and make decisions on what their Viking home might’ve looked like back in 800AD.
Spellings for this half-term
Science: We are biologists!
animal | a living creature |
mammal | an animal with hair or fur on its body |
bird | an animal with feathers, wings and a beak |
fish | animals that live in water and have fins and gills |
amphibian | an animal that lives on land and water |
reptile | an animal with dry scales on its body |
carnivore | an animal that eats other animals |
herbivore | an animal that eats plants |
omnivore | an animal that eats other animals and plants |
- What is a mammal?
- Are all animals mammals?
- Is a fish a mammal?
Find out more
Do some research as a family about mammals. Your child could draw pictures or diagrams and label them, visit a farm and photograph the mammals or simply use books and the internet to find out more.
Encourage your child to bring their home learning in to school to share with the rest of the class.
- Do mammals give birth to live young?
- Are they warm or cold blooded?
- Can mammals breathe underwater?
- Are some pets mammals?
- Which farm animals are mammals?
- Are humans mammals?
- Finally, share this video clip together.
We have been fortunate enough to have a visit from Dave from d:side. He talked to us about smoking and the effects on the body, what is in a cigarette, E-cigarettes and why people smoke.
It was a very informative workshop and the children learnt how to say ‘no’ if pressured into smoking.
Help at home – Ask your child what chemicals are in a cigarette. What are the laws around smoking? Why do people start smoking? How can we say ‘no’?