Class News

Science Rocks!

Posted on Wednesday 04 January 2023 by Miss Gledhill

Science in Year 3 and 4 will quite literally rock this half term! Our new topic is rocks, soils and minerals.

In this week’s science lesson, we grouped (sorted) a variety of rocks based on their characteristics and physical properties. We have become familiar with using a Venn Diagram and this allowed us to identify different ways to sort the rocks.


Why not ask your child about their observations of rocks? It would also be great to ask them if they can recall any of our new science vocabulary for this term.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Posted on Friday 23 December 2022 by Mr Roundtree

What a busy final week of 2022 we have had in reception. We have loved all of the Christmas activities that linked in with our Nativity and the Christmas story.

We made our very own Christmas lunches at the creation table. Using our hands we created different food items and thought carefully about shapes and sizes. Our real Christmas lunch was amazing! we designed table coverings and crowns to make the lunch extra special.


In reception we love our daily poetry sessions. Here is our poem from this week. We hope you enjoy it.


I would like to say huge thank you for all of your support this term. The children are working so hard both in school and at home. It is lovely to see and hear all about home learning.

We hope you all have an amazing Christmas break and enjoy lots of family time together. Thank you to everyone for our lovely Christmas things.

Mrs Payne

Merry Christmas

Posted on Friday 16 December 2022 by Mrs Palmer

During your Christmas break we hope you can:

  1. Spend time with the people you care about.
  2. Do the things that you enjoy.
  3. Watch your favourite program.
  4. Make somebody laugh and smile.
  5. Do something nice for somebody else.
  6. Visit your favourite place.
  7. Play with your toys

and finally have a wonderful Christmas and see you all in 2023!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Posted on Friday 16 December 2022 by Miss Ward

Hello everyone!

What a wonderful first term we have had this year. You have all done such amazing learning and we are super proud of all your achievements! so a big well done to everyone. Here is a round up of the past few weeks as we have been very busy in Nursery.


A big thank you to all our grown-ups for coming to be a part of our Nativity this year. It was an amazing experience for everyone and so much fun!

This is our final message for 2022, Have a wonderful happy and healthy Christmas break and we will look forward to seeing you all in the New Year with some new friends too!

Merry Christmas!

Miss Ward and Miss Harvey

Merry Christmas

Posted on Friday 16 December 2022 by Miss Gledhill

Merry Christmas to my wonderful Year 3 class and their families.

We have our next class member on the Wall Of Stars as she earned the most raffle tickets this half term.


We have been enjoying all things festive at school and finished with a super Christmas party this week.

I can’t wait to see you all in the new year!


Merry Christmas

Posted on Friday 16 December 2022 by Miss Kay

Merry Christmas! Have a happy and healthy holiday. Thank you for all your hard work this term, both in school and at home.

Countries and continents

Posted on Thursday 15 December 2022 by Miss Kay

This afternoon, we completed a challenge that Mr Wilks has set us. The big question we had was which continent has the most countries at the World Cup? We used atlases to help us find out which continent each of the 32 countries are in.

Then, we worked as a class to create a bar chart.

Help at home by asking your child questions about our bar chart. Some ideas:

  • How many countries does Africa have at the World Cup?
  • Do any continents have the same number of countries at the World Cup?
  • Which continent has 1 country at the World Cup?

Living and Learning: I recognise mental health is important

Posted on Thursday 15 December 2022 by Mr Freeman

Over the last few weeks, Years 5 and 6 have been reflecting on our mental health and how to look after ourselves.

Mental health is about our feelings, our thinking, our emotions and our moods – things you can’t see, but that affect our lives in lots of ways.

In our Living and Learning sessions, we have discussed the types of things that might fall under the mental health category. Here’s what we came up with:

  • feelings
  • inside feelings
  • anxieties
  • emotions
  • actions
  • how our brain feels
  • what’s going on in our mind
  • mood swings

We also came up with a list of ways to help if we, or someone we know, is struggling from poor mental health:

  1. Talk to someone you trust. This could be a parent/carer, teacher, friends, other family members, a therapist or Childline (0800 11 11)
  2. Go to a safe space. This can help take your mind off things that are worrying you. Take some time in a place you feel safe/comfortable to reflect and relax.
  3. Write in your journal/diary. Sometimes, it’s difficult to express our feelings/concerns by talking. If you prefer, you could write down what you want to say.
  4. Go outside and exercise. As we all experienced lockdowns due to Covid over the last few years, we all agreed that physical activity outdoors is a great way to make yourself feel better. This can distract you from your mind for a while and give you chance to relax and enjoy the outdoors.

Help at home:

Give your child regular opportunities to talk about their feelings/worries. In our circle times, children have really benefitted from speaking out and asking others for help. Even if the worries seem small, it’s important that the children know we are all here to help, both at home and at school.

Active for Advent

Posted on Tuesday 13 December 2022 by Miss Kay

In our PE sessions this half term, we’ve been thinking about movement. We know that we can move at different speeds, heights, directions and that we can move in many different forms of travel. It seems that our favourite form of travel is jumping in Year 2!

More recently, we’ve been completing a series of movement challenges. Help at home by staying active over Christmas – use our Advent calendar!

Festive Fitness

Feeling festive!

Posted on Tuesday 13 December 2022 by Miss Kay

In Year 2 this week, we’ve completed some Christmas themed challenges. Have a look at what we’ve been getting up to!

Help at home by counting baubles together, finding the longest piece of tinsel or talking about your Christmas tree using adjectives. There’s lots of Christmas challenges that are fun and keep us learning!