Class News

Christmas events

Posted on Friday 02 December 2022 by Miss Beatson

It’s a busy time of year with so many things happening. Here is a reminder of the Christmas events taking place over the next two weeks:

Wednesday 7th December, 2pm: Christingle Service at St James’ Church

Thursday 8th December, 2.15pm: Early Years and KS1 Christmas play

Friday 9th December, 9.30am: Early Years and KS1 Christmas play

Tuesday 13th December: Christmas dinner

Wednesday 14th December: Early Years and KS1 parties (non-uniform)

Thursday 15th December: Ks2 parties (non-uniform)

During our productions, we will be raising money for our new school charity voted for by the Junior Leadership Team. This year we will be supporting Cancer Research UK. 


Author: Bethan Woollvin

Posted on Thursday 01 December 2022 by Miss Kay

Yesterday, in KS1, we were lucky enough to have a special meeting with popular author, Bethan Woollvin! Not only does she write stories for children, she illustrates them, too. She delivered a virtual workshop all about her book ‘Little Red’. Ask your child what happens in the story! We read the book together and were shown how to draw our own Little Red character. We had a fantastic morning and many of us feel inspired to become authors and illustrators.

Digital Artists

Posted on Wednesday 30 November 2022 by Mrs Freeman

Today, the children used photos they had taken previously to create some digital art. Using an app on the iPads, the class enhanced their photos. Some chose to add very vivid colours while others opted for black and white.

What’s that sound? Does sound get louder or quieter the further away it is?

Posted on Wednesday 30 November 2022 by Miss Gledhill

Year 3 investigated sound this week to see whether they could hear the same sound equally well the further away they moved from its source.

Mrs Neal blew her whistle and we moved further away from her down the path!

Sir Christopher Wren

Posted on Wednesday 30 November 2022 by Miss Gledhill

Year 3 and 4 have been learning about Architects in their Topic lessons.  This week Year 4 looked at Christopher Wren’s designs for St Paul’s Cathedral.  They looked closely at 3 designs and decided which one was used for the final building.

They designed their own Cathedral and then constructed it using Lego or cardboard boxes.  I hope you will agree they are really fantastic!

Zoom with the author and illustrator, Bethan Woolvin

Posted on Wednesday 30 November 2022 by Mrs Palmer

This morning, we had a zoom with an author and illustrator Bethan Woolvin. Over the past few weeks, we have been enjoying lots of her stories. She read her story Little Red to us. After, she showed us her studio and shared lots of her artwork. We had the chance to become illustrators too. Bethan showed us how to draw Little Red from her book. Have a look at our amazing artowork below.

Living and Learning: Mental Health

Posted on Monday 28 November 2022 by Mrs Freeman

We’ve started a three week block of Living and Learning lessons around mental health this week. Being able to identify and talk about our feelings and emotions is an important part of mental health. In our Living and Learning lesson today, we shared our feelings and emotions and discussed how these can change. The children considered different things we can do if we’re feeling angry, sad, worried, anxious.

When I feel angry I ….

listen to music

read a book

listen to the sound of birds

take time out

lie down

do some breathing techniques

do some mindfulness

The following emotions, stress and anxiety, came up a lot in our class discussion so we thought of strategies to help to ease these.

Reduce Stress and Anxiety

Using a fidget toys cannot prevent or eliminate these issues, but they can help to calm our strong emotions.  We have a selection of these in our room so we each took turns in touching them and describing how fidget toys may help to ease some of our emotions.

Finally, the children created some helping heroes. These advertised some self help techniques for others.

Maths: area

Posted on Monday 28 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

In maths, we’ve been learning about area – the space inside a 2D shape. We’ve used a range of skills when learning about area: estimating, comparing, counting and reading.

This is the kind of stuff we’ve been discussing in class – ask your child their opinion of this question…

Help at home: Why not check out this video to support your child’s maths learning at home!

Week 4 – How to catch a star

Posted on Friday 25 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

In our maths sessions this week we have been investigating the number 5. We have been using part whole models to explore different parts that come together to make a whole. We enjoyed creating 5 in different ways with linking cubes.

Following on from our learning around the Houses of Parliament we looked at some pieces of artwork by Monet. Monet created images of the Houses of Parliament at different points during the day. We really liked how all the colours blended together. We decided to use oil pastels to create our own pieces of inspired artwork.

Thank you to everyone who has brought their outfits in for the FS/KS1 Nativity. Please can all outfits be in school by Monday 28 November.

Mrs Payne

Week 3 – Nursery rhyme week

Posted on Friday 25 November 2022 by Mr Roundtree

We love nursery rhymes in Reception. This week our learning has linked to lots of different nursery rhymes. We used our measuring skills to make cups of tea for Polly. We built Humpty a new wall that was a little safer than his old one! We then compared the heights of our walls to see which one was the tallest and shortest. We sizzled sausages on our camp fire and even had wriggly teddy beds jumping out of the bed!

Have you ever drawn using charcoal? This week we used charcoal to create our observational drawings of an old suitcase. The suitcase didn’t look like any of our cases we have at home. We looked carefully at the different features and how we might include them in our drawings. We used smudging to add extra effects.

Thank you to everyone who helped us raise awareness of anti bullying week and Children in Need. We had lots of discussions around what bullying is and why it is so important to respect each other and celebrate our differences.

A big thank you to everyone who joined us for our Marvellous Maths session on Thursday. It was fantastic to share our learning with you all. We will be holding more stay and play sessions throughout the year and looking forward to welcoming everyone into Reception.